Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

544 Book VI. 1lootttng unto ']Jdu.s. Chap.1. Seer. 6• Serva.nrs, Parents, and Children~ Husbands, and Wives, Minifrers and People, no queftton but m thefe very relations fame lh•ll Judge, and others be judged • our Sav iour teljs us, there (haU be nvomen ino11e bed, the one fhaU be taf<tn, the othe: fh• U I.ukc 17 , 34 , beleft ; two w•mw ffiaU beg"_"dmg ato ne MtU, the 01te fh•ll be tal(,en, •nd the other 35 , 36. left; two· men jiJJUbe together Ill Ollt Fteld, the one jhall be ta~en, and theother left . wherein the Lord fccms to !hew that God's EleClion dotb f.Xtend it [elf to all forts of perfons, and feparates the mofr. They !hall not be f•ved by Families as in N oah's time, but one friend Uull be taken by Chrift into Heaven, and another left for the Devil to<arry mto Hell. _Gtve. me leave but to ~nlarge on chafe reafoning•, or dif.. courf~s 1hat we may tmagme wtll be now betwtxt thefe fcvenl relations. As- · 1•· Betwixt Mafrer and Servant; if the Mafrcr be the S•int, and his Servant the Reprobate, rhcn !hall the Mafrer fay, 0 thou wicked Servant, how many a rime did 1 -.· ~~~ on thec;;o duty l how ofren have I told thee that I would have thee to beGod's colof. 3 ..•~.· Servant as ~ell as ~ine? ho~ ofren came that word to thy ears; Servants obey 23. 24 , 25. JDI<~a/l~rs Ill all thmgs accor~<~tg to the fiejh, not with ey..,fervice, as m<~t-plea{ert, b11~ 111.P"t,lenefs of heart, f earJUgGod l how often was that precious ·word laid dofr to thy confcience, he that doth wrong, fhall receive for the J~>rongwltich be dotb but ; 11 t/.•ing flrv,ice to me as to the Lord, thou fh o•ldft of the L ord receive the reward •f~he lit– heiitaHoc.f•r i11 fucb fervice thou didjr ferve the L ord CbriJr ? but thou wouldfi not ~w.Utt!ld,·and npw thcu art jufrly condemned; I .fay Amen to Chrift's Sentence . get theedpwn to Hell a_ud th(re ferve Satan, and receive his wages in lire and Brim~ ftol\C fQr ever.-Or afthe Servant be the S•ant, and his Mafter the Reprobate, then fhJU the Servant fay, 0 my quondam Mafter, how many a time haft thou tyran– uized it over me ? hqw didfr thou ufe me, or abufe me to fcrve thy owe lufts and <:Duuptioqs ? many a rime I have had ftrongdelires to wait upon God in theufeof publi'k attd private Ordinances; this morning, and that evening I would have fer· ved {'IY tlobJrer the Lord J efus Chrifr, but thou wouldft not fpare me one hour; time {or prayer, reading, meditation, &c. I was ever faithfulin thy fervi"• going tG Gen. 31- 4o,• l!ed l~te, and filing early ; the drought confumed me by day, andtbefroft by night, aml 42. my fk.ep, """Y 11 tiv~e departed from mine eyet ; furely God bath feen my affiillion, ani •h•labo!lr of . my haHds, aHd now he bath reb~</{.ed thee; daft thou not obferve rhe ad• mirable jlc\ftice and righteoufnefs of Chrift in the fentences paft on us b(lth? re~ 1 • mc!Jlbu that thou in thy life- rime received thy good things, and 1 received evil thingi, !>ut nOI¥ I am 'omforted, and thou muft be tormented. I now fcrve a bet· ter I>.{after after my weeks work with thee, I !hall keep a perpetual Sabbath wit'h God 1 but go thou with thy old companions from thy glorious Manfion to a loatfl. fatJK cluqgton ; from thy table of furfcit, ro a tableof vengeance; from thy faithM $errapts, tQ Jffiiel:ing Spirits; from thy bed or down, to a bed of lire ; from foft lillR~Il an4 lilken co~erings1 to wilh a rock for thy pillow, and a mountain for thr CO"o(C:rJ~t, J : . _ z. Betwixt puent and child ; if the parent be the Saint, and the child the Re~ probate; . then !hall the P4rcnt fay, 0 thou wicked, rebellious fonl or 0 tho11 wjcked, rebellious, and difobedient daughter I Iris I that begot thee,or that brought thee forth; that during thy Iafancy laid thee in my bofomc, and dandled thee on my ·knee, and carried thee in my arms, and fer thee as a fcal upon my heart ; t hat during thy minority fed thee, and apparrelled thee, and trained thee .up in manners, learning, .a particular calling, and cfpecially in the nurture and admonition of the Lord 1 and then when I fawthy untowardnefs of Spirit, and thy breakings out into ~ings forbidden by God and man, 0 the admonitions, reprchenfions; corrections! 0 the many thoufands of warnmgs thatlgave'theeof rhts day, and of the wrath ra come I and yet thou wcntefi on in thy fiubbornnefs, till thou becamefi m1ny anci many a time a grief of mind, a birternefs of fpirit unto me : and then how often did [mind thee of rhy duty. Children obey your Parents in all tbings. Honour CoJoC3. 20. thy Fa~/;er and M other, which is the firft commandTIIent "'ith promife. T!Jerytth•t ~phef. 2. 6 • mac~tb his F Jtber andde{pifeth to obty hif mother 1 tfieR4vensof theValleyjhall p,ici(. rov. 30 ' 27 " i t out, .ond the you;tg E•gles fhaU eot it. But alas, all thefe exprdlions made no fa. ving impreffion on rhy hardned heart, thy brow was brafs, and thy finew of Iron, · thou wall ever fi,lf.neckcd , and now thou art jufily damned; I cannot but approve of Chrifi's judgment upon thee ; though thou camefi aut of my bewels, yet now I hlVc no pity, no bowels of compallion towards thee; the glory of God hath fa [wallowed