Chap.t. SeCt. 6. 1£-ooktng unto 'jtfu.s. Book VI. 53i [wallowed up all my natural affections . that I cannot but laugh at thy calamity, and jof in thy damnation; I 'gave thee a body, and God himfdf gave thee a Soul, but now let Devils have both,and torment themmHell; be gone! I !ball never tee thee again -or if the Child be the Saint, and the Parent the Reprobate, then !ball the Child fay, 0 unworthy Parent; unworthy of everlaftmg hfe I I had my natu• ral being from thee, but my Spiritual being was from the Lord; if I had followed thy fteps, I had been everlatlingly damned 1 did I not know thy ignorance, thy un• belief, thy worldlinefs, thy covetoufnefs, thy pnde, thy mahce, thy luft, thy lukc– warmnefs, thy impatiency, thy difcontentmcnt,thy vain-glory, thy felf-love; didft thou not thou often check me for my forwardnefs, and zeal. and holincfs in Religi– on? didft not thou ask roe, what art thou wifer then the reft of the neighbour-h\)od ~ are there not many g.ey hairs amongft us, whofe wifdom and experience thou haft pot yet attained ? and canft not thou walk on foberly towards heaven, and either do as the moft, or keep pace with the wifdl? what, have any of the Rulers; or of the Pharif<es believed on Chrift ? oh I !llall ever remember to the praife and glory of Chrift, what difcouragements I had, and yet how the Lord pluckt me as a fire•brand out of the fi!C ; and now hath the Lord fet me on the Throne lo judge thee accor~ ding to thy demerits; and therefore ljoyn with him, who is the Father of Spirits againft the Father of my fleLb; depart; go to the gods whom thou haft ferved,and fee ifthey will help thee in the day ol thy calamity. 3 . Betwixt Husb1nd and Wife; now if the Husband be the Saint, and the Wife the Reprob1te, then !ball the Husband fay ; Thou art !be whom I knew in the fle!b, whom I dearly affeGl:ed with my heart and Soul; whom i nouri!bed and cheriLbed as my own.body; thou art !be that was the wife of "'Y bofome, asnearanddeartomc as my heart in my bofome ; thou waft my companion, my yoke-fellow, and my ve– ry delight, bt~t oh! I could never rule thee, lead thee, guide thee in the way of life in the pa,th that Is called holy : many a time have I wooed, fued, and fought 1o gain thy foul to that blelfed Bridegroom, the Lord Jefus Chrift,-many a time have I prayed with thee, and for thee ; many a time have lllirred thee up to hear the word, to wait upon God in the ufe ol all means publick and private; and inftead . of imbraces, or yieldings to thefe blelfed motions, I hav~ ''"t with contentions andProv. •9· 13; jart, at acontim<al droppingin~ very rainy day; but death h•th diffolved that I<, not, 1 7• rs. fo tbll no"' I am no morethy husband ; thil il the d•y of fep•ration, and I JhaU no more •• nforl 11i1h tbu; •tthe RefurrefJion there il 110 uf• of marriagt, but 11ow I am talive M an Angelin Heaven; and becaufe thou wouldft not draw with me in Chrift's yoke; now therefore adieu for ever and ever; we !ball never more lye in one bed, or fit at Mark. 12, •s· one board, orwalkin one6eld, or grind at one mill; thou haft loft me, and tholl haft loll Jtf~s Chrift, two husbands in one day 1 go now and take thy choice in Hell ! rhou art free ftom us, but thou !bait be bound there with indiffoluble bonds to the Pevil and his Angels--Or if the Wife be the Saint, and the Husband the Re~ prob•te, t.hen lhall the Wife fay; Thou art he who I looked upon as my fecond•fclf; my head, my governour,my hel.per, my husband; for whom I was willing to forfake mynative home, fathers houfe, dear relations, of Father, Mother, Brother, j)ifter, and many comforts in that kind; and I expeGl:ed to have found new matter, and a continued influence of comfort, and delight in a marriage-llate; but oh the vexations of Spirit I hadll thou not almoft drawn me away from Jefus Chrift ~ was I not foreed through many provocations fometimcs to break out and fay, Surely a bloody husband art tbou to me~ many a time I cryed out, 0 my Husband when Exod. 4· •s; wiltthou fet up the rich and royal trade of grac'e in thy family? when wilt thou cxercife prayer, reading, catcchifing, conf"ence, days of humiliation, and other bouLbold holy duties1 oh for doing fmnething to alfure our Souls of meeting io~ gether hereafter in heaven! But alas! it would n'ot be; and now fee the elfeGl:; here I fiand like aQ!!.een, deckt and adorn'd with cloth of Gold, with rayment ofnec- 'cile-work with the white robe of Chrift's Righteoufne[s, fo that the King of Hea~ ven p;reat)y defircs my beauty, and my foul is rh is day marri·ed to Chrift ; I atknowledge hi!O, and no other husband in the world, and for thee who refufed tojoyn with me in the worfhip of God, now God hath refuled thee; farewell or fare ill forever. ' +· Betwixt MiniOer .and fome of his people at leaft: if the people be as fo many Saints, and the Miniller the Reprobate, then !hall the people fay : 0 thou ~rt the man