Book VI. 1Loolttttg unto 'jjtfuS'. Chap. 1. Sea. 6. man that uodertookefl that hrgh and_ migh~y calling of feed'mg fouls with the Word ot lrfe; but now are thy fms wnrten In thy fore-head, for either thou run'fl before thou waft fent, or bemg fcnt, thou hafl been exceeding neg. ligent in the gift that was m thee:. D•dfl not thou prophefie m liiaal, and ca.,fe God's people to cue ? didflthou n_ot fludwufly and mainly feek for the Fleece, not regard– ing refpedivdy the flock? dtdfl not thou flrength:n the hands ofevil-doers in Preach– ing peace, peace to wiCked R'leR? wall thou not prophane, and wicked, and Ioofe in thy life, 'and by that means led(l many thoufands to hell! 0 thou bloody Butcher of S~uls; hadfl thou been faithful in thy Minillry, well might thofe damned Compa– nions about thte have efcapcd the flames I but they are doomed to death, and now thou mayfl hear their cries, and grievous groanes, and complaints againil thee, this was the man fer over us to gtve us the bread of Life, but 0 Chrift, did he not fa'il us? did be not feed us with unprofitable matter, fables, conceits, airy fentences ra• iher then any thing tending to godly edifying, which is in faith? did notour tong~es, and the tongues of our chtldr.en !liCk to the roof of our mouthes in calling and crying for bread, !or the bread of hfe, and he would not ptty us ? we gave him the tenths which thou appointed, but he gave not us thy truth, which thou didft command · him; why Lord Chli!l, thou Judge ofall the World, did!l 1191 thou bid him feed feed, feed ? llidfl thou not bid him feed the flock committed to his charge ? didft 00 ; bid him preach the Word, be infiant in fe1fon, and out of feafon, reprove, rebuke ex– hort with alllong-fuffcring? and notwithflanding all thy commands, did he no; mi~ ferably Llarve u>? in/lead of feeding us to falvarion, hath he not ftarved many thou• fandsofus. to ourdeftrudion, 0 Chriil, thou that art the Judge of Nations, and the . revenger of blood! reward thou this man, as he hath rewarded us; lle led us in the ways of wickcdnefs, and (if it mul-l be fo) let him be our ring-!tader to Hell. and upon his foul once buried in hell, let this be the Epitaph, the price of blood, the price of blood; if thou didfl loear the blood of .Abel, being but one man, forget not the blood of many, now thou art judging the earth. Why thus do the damned cry about thine ears; and as for us, (fay the Saints) who were once thy people, but now thy Judges, we confent to their cry, and te our Saviours doom, go yo" cutfed into ever• ,• !ailing fire. Men, brethren, and fathers, I begin thus with the Miniflers doom, that you may fee I would deal impartially; and verily J believe it, if our cafe come to this, we of the Minillry !hall be in a thoufaud times worfe condition then any of you. for befides the honour due to the guilt of our own Souls, all the blood of thofe t~uls who have perifbed under our Miniflry,through our default, will be laid to our charge ; little do you know, or confider the burrhen that lies upon u• 1 a burthen able to make the lhoul– ders of the moll mighty Angel in heaven to fhrink under it. Chryfoftome was a glori· Hcb. , 3 , 17• ous Saint, yet calling his eye upon one only Text in the Bible, Qbey them that have~he Huju' commi- rul..v.r JBU, andfubmll your felvr~ ,for they watch for your fouls, ar thty tb~t m11jl gzve nttioni' urror account, He profef]eth that the terror of thi1Text made hi1 heart tremble. Surely it is animum mzhz enough to make our hearts tremble, if we ferioufly weigh our terrible doom, in cafe ~~'"tde that we fhould mifcarry. 'l · But now on themher fide, if the Minifier be the Elect, and fentenc'd to Salvati9n; and many oLhis people prove no better then ~eprobates, then fhall the Minifler fay, 0 mifnable ·Souls, now you feel the truth of thofe comminations, and curfes which we opened and unfolded, and difcoYered to you out of God's Word I we deal1 plaiuly r Co,.6.9. I O• with yo1e, that the unrigbtcosujhould>tot i11herit the Kingdom of God; we advifed Y'" 11. agaiJJand again, be not deceived, neitl1e1 For11ica1ors, nor JdotatorJ, nor Ad:eltereu, ngr effemiuate, nor abuftrs of themfelves with mankjnd, nor Theeves, nor Covetous, nor Drun– k,.ards, nor Revilers, nor Extortioners,jhaU inherit the Kingdom of God: and fuch were you, and notwith(tanding all our threats, warni11gs, intreatings, befeechings, thus ye lived, 'and rhus ye dyed; and·there is the ilfue, Chrift now hath doomed you to bell, :wd heream l fer on-a Throne to judge ylilur fouls, for the Saints fhall judge the World as well as Chriflhimfclf; oh whadhallldo? Omy bowels, my bowels ! here'> a cafe beyond all the former, each of them according to their relations judge anotl:ter; but here'sa multit~dc, not one, or two, or ten, or an hundred, but many hundreds, or thourands, according tot he number of fuch and fuch Congregations, where I have preJchcd. 1,1Chrifi's rcafonings with the wicked we have beard of his Cayings, and their an. fwcrs