Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

6oo BookVI. JLoolttng unto 'jjefus. Chap.r.Secr. 7. for other cavils, the Lord be judge betwixt you •.nd us; nay the Lord hath been Judge betwixt you and,us ; lo here we lland on the r1ght h~nd of Chrill, fo, here we fit on our Throne tQ judge you, and that world of wicked men and Angels; let Chril\ b-e Pfal. 109 , 17 , glorious, and let his fenren:e lland,and ~et that word of Judgment n~vcr be reverfed; 1 s, he tbJIIoveth curfing,let Jt corn'. uponbtm; and.he that cloathetb h•mfelfr.>zth curfing as with a garwent, let 1t come m to hw bowels ltk,.e water, a~:d like O)'l into bi< boms 1 no more, but adieu fouls, adieu Reprobates, adieu forever; you mull defcend, but we muflafcend, Go you to Hell, whiles we mount upwards to H:avett and Glory. At this lafi word, down they. go, the evil Angels falling like lightning, and evil men haled , and pulled down Wlth them f10m the prefence of God, and Chrifi, and Angels, and all tire bldfed ones ; even from their fathers, mothers,wives, husbands, children, Minifters, fervants, lovers, friends, acquaintance; who fhall then juftly and dcfervedly abandon thtm with all deteftation and derifion ; and forgetting all near– nefs,and dearefi obligations of nature, ntighbourhood,alliance, any thing, will rejoyce in the execution of divine ju!lice. Oh the fhrikes, acd horrid crys that now they make filling the air as they ~o I oh the wailings and wringing of hands! oh the def– perate roaring;! oh the hideous yellings,fil!iog heaven, and earth, and hell! But I fball follow them no further, no fooner do they fall into the bottollllc(s pit, but prefently it fhuts her mouth upon them, and there I mull leave them, Cant. 6.1o. S E C T. VII. Of Chrift and hit Saints goi11g "P imo heaven, •nd of the tnd of tbif World. 7·f0 R Chrift and his Saints going up into heavcn,and fo for the end of this world : no fooner are the Reprobates goce to their place, bur the Saints a(ccnd • now Chrift arifeth from his judgment·feat, and with all the glorious company of h~aven, he marches towards the heaven of heavens. Oh what a comely march is.this l what fangs of triumph are hear fung and warbled? Chrifi leads the way, the Cherubims attend, the Seraphims wait on, Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Patriar– ches, Prophets, Prie!ls, Evangelifis, Martyrs, Profdl'ors, and Confelfors of God's Law and Gofpel follo.wing, att~n~ the Judge .and King of Glory; finging .with melody, as, never car hath heard, Oumng wnh MaJefty as never eye hath feen, r<Joycing with– QUI meafure as never heart conceived. 0 ble1fed train of Soldiers! 0 goodly Troop of Captains I each one cloth bear a palme ef Victory in his hand, each one doth wear a Crown of Glory upon his head; the Church Militant is now Triumphant; with a final overthro\\! have they conquered Devils, Death, and HJl; and now mull they enjoy God, Life, and Heaven; fometimts I have with much wonder and admiration beheld fome Regiments paffing our fireers; but had I feen thofe Roman Armies when they returned Victors, and made thei~ folemn Triumphs in the ll.reers of Rome, oh then how thould I have then admired l never was tl!e like fight to this of Chrift and his Army in this World, 0 the comely march they make, through the ;ky,.and through the Orbs, and tl)rough all the Heavens, till they come to the ?eaven of Hea– vens! were ever fo many gliltering Suns togethe-r in ono day l was ever fo many glo– ries together on this fide the Kingdom ofglory? not to fpeak of Chrill,or his Angels, 0 who u jhe tbatlooketb forth M the morning, fair as the Moo11, clear as the Sun, and terrihl• a1 an Arnoy with Banners? are not in the head of thefe Regiments A dam, and A bel. and N oah, and Abr.bam, and Jfa.c, and 'jacob; and all the Potriarchs, and all the Prophets, and all the Apoftles? And (if thou art a Saint that reader! this)ut not thou one Sun appointed by Cod amongll the reft to (ollowChrill? here's enough to fill thy heart with joy before-hand; as fure as yond Sun now lhines in the Firmament fhalt thou that bclieveft pafs by that Sun in its very orb, and by reafon of thy glory it fhalllofe its fhine ; oh then what fpreading of beauty alld brightnefs will be in the heavens as all the S.ints go along I what lumps ofdarknefs fhall thofe glittering Stars appear to be,when all the Sainrs ofGod fhall enter into their feveral orbs and fpheres? and thusastbey march along higher, and higher, till they come to the highcfi, at !aft heaven opens unto them, and the S1ints enter mto their Mallers joy'I what is there done at their firft entrance, I lhall difcover another time; only for a while let us look behind us, and fee what becomes of this neather World. Nofooner Chrift and his company in the Empyreal heaven,but prcfcntly this whole •vorld Is fct on fir<; To this,prophane Authors fcem to affcat; As, 1 I •