Chap.t. Sect. 8. JLooktng nnto jJefu.s. Book VI. 6o3 main or have a being; rho le houles wheuin we dwell, rhefc Temples wherein we meet, rh is Town, thiS Country, this 1!1\c, and the Seas and waters that furround it, !lull be all on lire, and confume to 110~hin~; the Sea ili1ll be no more, and time !lull be no mol<, or if we look higher, yond Sut., and Moon, and Star; llnll be no more; that glorious Heaven which wlls over our heads, fu1ll be rolled together M a fcrol, ~nd sO the hoaj! jhall faD down a1 a leaffaUetiJ from the Vi>", and aJa fal/i;zg Ffg rra. 34· 4· from tbe Fig tree: --the heaveuJ jhJU vanijh ""'"1 li~e [moak,.e (f.irh Jfaiab) commi-Ira 5'· 6 · nuentur in nibilum (as Hierome reads it) tbry fhall be battered into 11otbing. Alas! alas 1 what do we toy ling all the day (it may be all our life) for a little of this little, almoftnothing--earth l you that have an hundred, or two huudred,or a thoufand Acres, if every acre were a Kingdom, all will be at l>.fi burnt up; fo that none fhall fay here was Prtjlon, or here was Londo11, or here was England, or here was Europe, or here w1~ the Globe of Earth on which m_en troad : let others boafi as they will of rhm mhentances, bur Lord grve me an mhenrance above all rhefe VI· fibles. heaven (ball remain, wheu earth !hall vani01; that Empyre.l Heaven, thBfe fears ~f Saints, thofe manlions above, prepared by Jelus Chrifi fhalllleverend, but fnr my riches, lands, poffdlions moveables, goods, real or perfonal they will end in fmoak, in nothing~ what? wilt tbou Jet thine '1". upo11 a !hi11g tbat i< not? upon Prov. 2 •• rhis the pnmmve '-hnlhans too~ }oyfz<ily tbe Jpotlzng of tbezr goodt, 11 was but a lofs 3 S a little before the rime, and they i;.••w in themfilves that they had,in heaven a better, 8 nd a11 pzdnring[ubi!ance. 0 let this be our card here we have no abiding City, but 0 let's feek one to come, <Vm that one that will abide for ever and ever. Amen. SECT. VIII. Of Chrifl't Jurrwdring •ud deliveriug up tbe I{ingdo;, to God, evm the F;ther, S.FOr Chri!l's furrendring and d<livering up the Kingdom to God, even the Father, no fooncr is he in heaven bur thefe things f0llow.-- • 1 • He prefents the EleCI: unto his Father, of t~is the Apoillc fpeaks, you bath be reconcilediltthebody nf hi< fiefh through death, to prefent you h•ly and unblameable, andCol 1, 21 22 , 11 prove•bie ;,. hi< jlght; to this end Chrill dyed that he mi£?ht walh us and cleanfe • ' ' ws by his blood, and then that he might prefent us wJthout !pot umo his Father. We may imagme Chrifi "' going to his father with his bride in his hand, and faying rhus, 0 my Fathe.r, here is my<:hurch, my Spoufe, my ~een; here are the Saints concerning whom I covenanted with thee from Eterniry, concerning whom I went down from heaven, and dyed on earth, and afcending up I have interceded thde many hundred years; concerning whom I went down to Judge the World, and hav~ ing fentenced them t0life eternal, I now bring them in my hand to give them the poffdlion of thy fdf. Thefc are they whom thou gavell me in the beginning of the World, and now I rdlore them to thy [elf at the end of the World, for they are thine. Thus .heptLlents them to his Fath,r. Indeed we read that Chrifi prefents the Saints to hrmfelf, as well as to his Father, CIJrijl loved the Cbt<rch andgave him- Eph 5 2 s ,~ [elf forit,--that bemight prefent it to himfelf agloriout Chur<h, t:Ot having jjJOt or ' · ·· " wrinkje; but this I rake it was done before ; when fidl a Soul believes, it is conrraCI:cd to Chril\, wh<n the foul is fcntenced to glory, then IS the folemoity, and confummation of the Maniage, then doth Chnfl prtfent the £oul to himfelf; and I know not bur that the Mwilicrs of Chrifimay have apart in this matter, for I have efpoufed ynu ro one b~ttband .(faid Paul to his Corri,.hiaits) tbat I may prefmt you at 2 Cor.u.:. a cbaj/ Virgin to Chrifl. And after this when Corilrtakes t he bride home, brings her into Heaven, and leads her by the hanJ into his hthers prefence; then is ~is lalt prefcnrarion, then he prr. [en11 her faultlefJ before the prefence of bi< glory with exceeding joy. The word fignifies leaping, fpringing. ex1lring, j11y: 0 what fpringing, leaping. exalting is in heaven, when Cluill takes the hand of t1is Bride and gives her into the h1nd of his hthcr; q. d. 0 my ~·arher, fee wh.r a number I have brought home to thee ; thou knowell what I have doire, and what l have fulfered, and what offices I have gone through, to bring thefe hither; and now my Mediatouriliip is done, I refign all my'charge to thee again; fee what a goodly Troop, whac a noble Mmy I have T t t z brou1;ht