6o6 BookVI. Jloolttng unto jje(uS'. Chap. 1. Seer. 9 • V[e. Heb. ro. S• above the brightnefs of Chrit\'s humanity it felf; and in this refptCl: Chritl then fiull be fubjeCt, if not by a new fubjeCbon, yet certamly by a new declaration and mani· fellation of his fubjcction, fo as never was before. 0 rhe wonders of this day! 0 the admirable fhews in heaven, at Chrifi and his Saints firfi entrance into heaven! 0 my foul, where wilt thou tland? or what wilt thou fay, when Chnll fhall take thee by the hand, and brinl? thee into the prefence of hts glonous Father ? when he fh11l prefent thee, and prdt nt all his Commiffions which he recetved for thee, and prefent himfelf unto his Father with thee faying 0 my Father, here we are •!I btfore.thy glorious Go~head; thus far I hav~ carryed on the g~eat work of mans Salvation, and now all s done according to the Cove– nant betWIXt thee and me ; lo here all the S11nts whtch by decree thou gavefi me be– fore the world was made ; lo here all the Commiffions which I received from tcee in order to their Salvation; lo here the humanity which thou gavefi me when I came into the World ; fuch were the fins of my redeemed ones, and grown to fuch an height 1 that Sacrifice andoffering_thou wo~tldft not have, but a body thou preparedft for me, and la here I prefent all thde before thee; come, take thy Commtfiions and be thou all in all ; we praife thee Q G,d, we ac~uowledg thee to be the Lord. C~me wel– come me, and welcome mine, we all fiand here before thy glorious Throne and ex– pect every way as high an entertainment as Heaven, or the God of heaven :an afford us. 0 my foul, what joy will poifefs thee at this paifage? be fure now thy dan– ger is over, and thy arrival is fafe, neither fhall it ever be heard, friend how canuji thou hither ? for the Lord himfelf will run unto thee, he will hug thee and em· buce thee, mouth on thy mouth, eyes on thy eyes, and hands on rhy hands. and each hand fhall clap for joy, each harp fhall warble, each knee fitall bend and' bow, and each heart be merry and glad. 0 for the day! Oh when will the day come on, when Chrifi fiull deliver up the Kingdom to the Father I SEC T. IX. · Of Cbrift't fubjeflim t1 the Father, that God may be all in all. 9·FO R the end of Chrifi's fubjection to his Father that God may ~e all in ,//. r Cor. IS• 28 Surely this is the meaning: Chrifi therefore fubjdh himfelf unto his Father, that God himfelf might be •11 in all; that God may no more Reign by a Deputy, or by a Chrifi. but that immediately and perfectly he may reign by himfelf, fo that every one may fee him face to face. Here we enjoy God (as it were) by means as in the ufc of the Word, and Sacraments, and the like, but when that Kingdom(wha:e chefe Adminifirations are made ufe of) fhall be delivered up, then fhall God him– felf be all in all, without means, without defect, wi!hout end. · It is obfervable that Chrill in his mediatory Kingdom hath fame fuch things as bear an Analogy to the means and infiruments of governing in the Kingdo111es of men; As, r. He hath his Militia and his Laws 1 with threamings. and promifes, in the ordinances of his Word. 2.. He hath his grant>, and feals, with many privi– ledges ro confirm his people in the Ordinances of his Sacraments. 3. He hath his Officers and Embalfadours for the manageme<tt of fpiritual affairs in the Ordinan– ces of his Minifiry; but the cealing of Chrifi's Kingdom is the ceafing of all thefe; and he therefore ceafeth his Kingdom that God may immediately fucceed all thefc:; without any means, or without auy Mediatour at all he himfelf may be infiead of all; or all in all. In profecution of this, I (hall difcufs. r. The meaning, what it is for God to be all in all. 2. The puticulars, wherein more efpecially is God all i11 all. 1. For the meaning; it is a periphralis of ourcompleat enjoyment of God : that God may be all ill all, is as much as to fay, that we may enjoy God alone to all pnr· pofes, neither wanting nor willing any thing belides himfdf ; for a pcrfon to,bea/l in ~~~to me, it is to have an enjoyment of that perfon to all purpofes, fo that I nei– ther do, nor need 1 to enjoy any thing betide> himfelf; thus God is to rhe Saints iu glory, he is their exceeding great reward; they need nothing elfe bclideshimfelf, their very droughts of happioefs is taken in immediatly from the fountain , and they have as much of the fountain as their fouls in their widefi capacity can poffibly hold. : . for