j!.rol\ing unto 'jjt£u.s. Chap. t.Sett. to. 6o9 ----------------~ -------------- you, that you will never be happy till you ha~e.loll all, till you have no friends, nor BookVI. ellatcs, no enjoyment but God alone; when a.l1s done, when thiS ":'orId is nothing, when means !ball ceafe, l>oth for bod1es and fouls, and when Chnfl ilia\! ceafe his Mediators office, and the Son of man be fubjctt to his Father, then God !ball beaU i" ~~u, SECT. x. Of Chrifi; (notwithfianding tbil) beingall in all to hil blejfed,faved, rtdeemed Saintt to all Eterniry. 1 o.FO R Chrill's being aU i1~. aUto his.bldfed, faved, red~emed Sain-ts to all Eternity; we !ball d1late m t!m Settton. Some may obJcCt, if God ~e all in all, what then becomes of Chrill ? is not this d~rogatory to ] efus Chrill? I anfwer no, in no wife; for--- . 1 , It is not the Fatherperfon-ally and only, but the Deity dfentially and wholly that is our all in $ll, when we fay God is all in all, we do not exclude the Son, and holy Ghoil, for the whole Godhead is all in all to all the Saints, as well as the firll perfon , in the Trinity 1 the Father is all, and the Son i; all, and the holy Gholl is all; and in that Chrill is Gvd, and the Son of God, we may fay of Chnll, that he is all in all only the truth of thispofition is nol from the humane nature but from the divine nature of J efus Chrill. · 2 • It is not derogatory to Clui(l, but rather it doth exceedingly advance Chrill in the thoughts of all his Saint~; while it was f\ecdTary Chri£l veyled his Deity, and when his work of Medi•tion is tully finifued, Chrill then !hall reveal his Deity to his Saints more ihen ever btfore. In this refpctt rmghtl fay if any perfon'iti rhe Tri- , nity receives more honour then other, Chrill fuould h3ve mofi; every Creature which Rev. 5;t3• u in heaven brard I [ay, hleffin~, honour, glory, and power be unto h:m that ftttetb •n the -- · '{brone, antlunto the Lamb for ever &nd ever; not only unto God, but parti·cularly to the ·' Lambfor •vere and ever. 1t is uue, that God only,and God fully,and God immediate• ly is all in all, but doth that hin,Ier .that Jefus Chrill is not alfo only, tully, and im– mediately all in alP fee how the Scnpture JOynsthem together, which plainly argues that they may confifi, I faw 110 Temple iit the City, for the LordGod .Almighty, andRcv. 21 .22> 2 3 the Lamb are the 1empleof it, and tbe City bad ueed of the Sun,neither of tbt Moon to jhine in it, for the glory of Goddoes light fit it, and the Latpb if the light thereof. Now then os I h•ve fpoken of God, fo that I may fpeak of Chri£l, a-nd conclude all with Chril\, 1affert this poctrin, that the glory of Chriftwhicb the Saints ]hall behold in Chrifi to all etmlity is their all ·i, all. In the difcuffion of which I !hall open thefe particulm, I• What is the glmy of Chrjfi? z, How the Saints !ball behold his !',lory. 3· Whexetn IS the comprchenfivencls of thiS expreffion, that the beholding of Chri(l 1> our ail in all. x. What is the glory of Chri(l ? I anfwer,that the glory ofChrill is either humane, or divine. x. There is an humane glory, whit)l in t'tme wa1 more efpeci•lly tonferred upon his manhood. · 2 , There is an df,ntial or divine glory, whith before time and after time, even frem everla(\ing to everla£ling iffueth ·from the Godhead; I !hall fpeakto both thefe, that we may rather takt a view of Chrift in thofe glories (as we are able) wherein ho will appear to his S•ints as their all in all to all Eternity. 1 . For his humane glory, that is'either in regard of his Soul, or body; for his Soul, Chri!\ was from the firll infia.,t of his<:oncept)on full of glory, becaufe even then he received grace, not by roeafurc, as we do, but as comprehenfor, ke had the clear vili~· on ot God, even as the Angels of heaven, which arofe from that hypollatical union ot two·natures at his firll 'onception. It is true, that by the fpecial difpenfltionof God, the fullnels of joy accompanying that glory was with-held from Chrill in the time of his paffion, and the redundancy of glory from his foul unto his body was to· rally deferred until the exaltation of Chril\; but Chri!\ no fooner exalted, and fet on the right hand of God, but immcdiatly the i~tetruption of joy in his foul; and the interception of glory from his foul to his body, was altogether retlloved. Then it was that his foul .was filled with all joy, fol,acc 1 pleafure, which could potlibly floW' from the fight of an object fo infinitely plea!ing, as is the effenoe,majelly,and glory of God. Uuu A~