i'ito Book VI. JLoofttng unto jleftt.S'. Chap.t.Secr. 1o. Aud then it was chat his· body was repleni!hed wirh as much glory as was proper· I! onable .unro the moll vafl cap<;_etty.ot ~ny creature; not only his foul, but h 1s body ts a glonous Creature; ; It 1S ""f"'TH< ,p,;,,, a b•dy of glory, that is a moll glorious body init felt: And <he (pring.of glory unto others, ought not Chtifl t • have fuffered twef~ thmgs; andfo to e1lltr J11tuhH~lory 'a IS calk~ hu glory, as if it were appropriated Luk.•4·' 6 •· unto h1m as the mollemmentfub), ct,. and prmclpll efficient of glory; as if he had the monopoly of glory: all the glory m heaven is iu fome fort hi< glory.Sure!yChrilrs manhood IS exalted unto an h1gher degree of glory.rhen the moll gloriousSaint or An· gel ever was, or null be; pnnc!pahms, powers, mights, and dominions fall !hort of his glory. But tome objdl:, that the mediatory office of Chrill £h1ll wholly cea[e and that the body and foul of Chrifl (h•ll then be aAnihilated. 1 Indeed this was the opinion of Eutichu, that the human nature of Chrill !hould be changtd or . converted into the divine; and thus he. interprets that Scripture, then 1 Cor. r). <a.fhal! the So11aljo hwifelf be firb;eU, that God may be all rn all, wha£ is this fubjelJion, Vt ip[amfub- (faith he) h11t a converfioil of the Creature.mto 1he verJ• [ubf!ance, or effe 11 ce of the Crc– jraionem com- atour hzmfeif? But we deny the tnt.crpretatJOn ; the Son as man !hall be fubject, and municationtm yet the 'i:nanhood ()( Chnll tlJa!l lldl remam : tt IS rrue that his Media<ory office !hall 6nonvcrfionrm wholly ceafc, but it follows not thac <herefore the manhood of Chrill £hill be~onvcr· crtdat f•<.uram ted or ~hanged into the Deity; there may be o<her reafons for the con<inu~<ion of his crtatur£m •P- h b lid I . fh' M d. ffi f"mfubfta•ltiam uman natu_re c 1 ts t 1e execut10? o ts e 1atory o ce; As, r. That the lullre of vel •Jfentiam h1s Dmy mtght lhme through hiS humamty, and th.r thereby our very bod tly ey•s creatoris.Aug. may come to fee God, as much as is poflible for any creature toftehim, I fhalt fe• ~~~~~~~;~~: him(faith (ob )n01. with o1her, but with thefefameeyet; 2. That the Saipts may fee how in loco. , the power cf an mfimte God can conve1gh the lullre of hts Detty mro a Creature; Joh.t9· 27. upon this aC<ount I verily bdieve, that. Angels aNd Men will be ~ontinually viewing of 2 Thel.r.IO. Jetus Chnll, he fha/1 come to be admzredof 1he Samts; he !hall be admired (as we have heard) at the Judgment-day ; nM is that all, bu£ <he Saintsin heaven !hall fee with <heir eyes fuch excellencies in Chrill,as that they !hall admire for ever; I fay for ever, as much as they did a£ the fi,ft moment when they faw him; here if we fee any thing exccllent,we admire at firll,but after a while we do not fo;but in heaven there will be fo much excellency inChrill, that we !halladmire as much to aliEternity,as we did at the very firfi moment; there will be no abatement in glory of our being taken with the fight of the glory in JcCus Chrift. 3· That Chrifi by his humanity may converfcmore freely, and familiarly with his brethren in his Fathers houk; ob the intimacy that will be <here betwixt Jefus Chrifi and his Chrifiian Saints! oh the mutual rejoycmg and delight that will be there betwixt Jefus Chrilt and his dearefi darlings I as Chrifi from E ternity rejoyeed in the h1bitable partef his Earth, fo will the Saints (his habitable Earth) toalf eternity rejoyce in Chrifl; the <ye of the Saints in glory can never be off Chrill as Mediator and God ; now the eye of the Sainu in glory !hall never be oil Chritl a1 God and Mediatour then. Thus far of his human glory. 2, For his Effential divine glory, it is chat glory which Chrifl hath as God: this he never !atd afide, but as the Sun in a dark glopmy day may not fend forth its beams, fo Chrill the Son of righ<eoufnefs in the time of his abode upon earth (ex"pt a liule glimps only in his tunsfigurarion) did not fend forth his glori0us beams ; but hcreaf· ter <he body or humanity of Chrill !hall not hinder the breaking forth of all his divine glory. No fooner the Son fubjetl:, and his Mediatory office difcharged, bu£ Chrill, as God, will mavifellly put forth his wore immediate glory to all his ~aints. Behold, 110111 1 John 3• 2 ' we aretheSon'! of God, and it dotb "'I yet appear, what wefhaU be, but we ~11ow when be fha/J appear rvt (haU belilze him,for wefhaUfee bim asiJt u, Mlfk it, whm he fhallappur, at, and after the Refurrection day, w<fhallfee him as he if, (i) we !hall fee the very dfcntial glory of Jefus Chri{l. But what is the dfential. glory ofChri(t ? I cannot.an- ~•/1. fwer, it is ~ quellion nut to be refolved by all the men 1n the World; we know hu.lc of the !;lory of Saints, how (hould we know any thmg of the effent1al glory of Chnll .Anfw. as God? The Scriptures fay that God j'pai(e to Mofes face 10 face, yet God tells him Exod. 33 . 1 I> thou ca11{r 11otjeemy f ace, aud he favours him fa fu as to tell him the reafon, for there oo. foal/ 110 ma1t fe e lr!J face a11d live, q. d. No man m dnsl!fe, he mufi firll dye, and be changed, and then he (hall have a peculiarrevelat)onof the dtvme Ma.Jelly ;. then he !hall fee him as he if ; but how <hat is, I cannot tell; come,let us queflwn th1s no fur· .Jher; furely it is a mercy that this infinite glory is not difcovcrcd tous; for as a weak eye