~·ft. Anfw. Book VI. rLootttng unto jjtfus. Chap.1. Secr. 1o. in tbt body,or oHt ofthebody ,whether alive or dead,hedtd not know; certainly the fight of t_he glory of the other world would amaze, ~t(\rad:, and ddlroy us, if we hod 3 &ght of tt as now we are; but m heaven the eye !hat! have great pleafure in btholding the brighteR light,becaufe it !hall be advanced t<> th~ highell pitch offirength that may be, 2. As the eye {hall be glonfied, fa tl !hall ad: m a glorified body, and this will make the fight of the glory of Chrifi in Head of hurting us, to leave upon us, a more fweet, enlivening,and powerfultmprdlion · By thts means all the impediments that hinder the , conveyal)ce of divine influences from that heavenly objed: will be removed. Toil– lufirate this, let the mofi excellent fight be fer before a man that is defcd:ive in his bo– dily fiate, and it doth nor take him; what lhould a fick man do wirh fuch things ? he makes nothmg of the moll plcafant gardens, orchards, buildings, nor of the mo(\ glo– rious fights that are I when he ts fick,they are but fick things to him,and ofnone effeCI:. but in heaven the body !hall be glorilied,and fitipt of all corruptions andjmperfed:ions: fo that there !hall be no bar unto the influences of the glory ofChrifi wbich !hall there be feen. 3· As there !ball be a glorified eye ad:ir.g in aglorified body,fa it !hall be ad:ed bya glorified Spirit; the eye is but the organ or infirument of fight, and without the fFi• ritwould conveigh no more ~hen a glafsdoth; it is the Spirit of a man that gives life to vifion, it is the Spirit of a man that difcovers things, and fets them forth in their worth, vertues, ends 1 now in heaven the fpirit of men !hall be glorified, and enabled to perform all thofe offices in perfed:ion ; fo that when a man !hall look on the mm Chrill Jefus by vertuc of a glorified fpirit,he !hall fee more,know more,talte more then any other can; As a man of undcrllanding when he looks on a diamond, or a wedge of gold he bath other apprehenfions of it, and a further touch upon his fpirit, then a beafi, or a child in a cradle hath ; fo where the fight of the eye is acted by a glorified mind, it takes in more from the fight of every thing whiciJ is to be feen ( unexprdfibly more) then what can be done here by the mofi fanttified Spirit in the World; Now in thefe rcfpcd:s Chrifi's glorified body (though it be the brightefi vifible thing in the Heaven of Heavens) yet may it be the obje61: of the eye of Saints, for they !hall have slorificd eyes,_ in glorified b~~ies, and ad:ed by r~eir glorified fpirits. 2. There IS a mental vtlton, a fight of Chnfi by the eyes of our underfiandings; and furely this exceeds rheformer, the eye of the body is only on the body of Chrifr, but the eye of the foul is on the body and foul, on t~Humanity and Deity of Jefus Chrill:. This is thf very top ofhtavcn, when Saints !hall be illightned with a clear and glotious fight of Chrifi as God; Divines ufually call it, 1!eatifical vifim. But how !hall Saints behold the glorious Effence, or Godhead of Chrifil 1, Somefay,Chrifias God, or the Godhead ofChrifi !hall be known by the Huma: nity of Chrifi ; fuch a lufire of his Deity lhalllbine tbrough his humanity, as ihat thereby, and by no other means !hall the 'Effenrial glory of Chrifi appear. 2. Others f~y,That befides the Huttlaniry ofChri!t there !hall be a fpecies reprefent– ing the Divine Effencc of Chrifi, and a light of glory elcvateitJg the underfianding by a Supernatural llrength; and that thereby the glorious E[encc ofChrifi !hall be dif– covered. 3· Others fay, That the Divine Elfence fhall be reprefenred to the glorified under– flanding, not by Chrifis humanity, nor by any fpecies, but immediardy by it felf, yet they aHo require a light of @lory to elevate and fortifie tke Uftderfianding by reafon of its weaknefs, and infinite difproporrion and difiance from the incomprehenfible Deity. 4· Others hold, that to the clear vifion of C~rifi as God, there is not required a fight of Chril\'s humanity as the firfi fuppofe; n0r a fpecies rcprefenting Jthe Divine Effence, as the fecond fwppofe; nor any created light elevating the underllanding, as the third fuppofe; but only a change ofthe natural order of knowing; It is fullicienr (fay they)rlut the Divine Elfence be immediate! y reprefenred to a created undcrllan· ding; which though it cannot be done according ro the order of nature, as experience relis us,(for fo we conceive things as firft having pa!fcd the fenfe and imagination) yet it may be done 1ccording to the order of Divine grace, I !hall not enter into rhefe 1 Cor.t;. 12 , Scholafti~al difputes, it is enough for a ~ober man to know tha_t in heaven we !hall fee Rev. 22, 4 , him fad to face, hi< Serva'Jits fh•UJerve hzm, and th'}fhall{ee}Jif face . f2.!!ejf. His face, what's that? I anfwer-- . _ Al1[w. 1. They !hall f« Chrift as God, of the fame Elfence w1th the Farhe~, and th~ hol!y Ghoft, and yet a diftin61: Perfon from them both; they !hill fee the Umry 111 T1tntty, .and