Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.t. Sea. to. 1Lootttngunto jJefu..s. Book VL 613 and Trinity iQ Unity; they {lull fee how the Son is begotten of the Father, ancf how the holy Gboll proceeds from the Father, and the Son; they fhall fee the difference between the generation of the Son, aHd proctilion of the Spirit. Thefe are my!leries in which we are blind and know very litdear nothing, but in fecing his face we null fee all thefc. 2 • They fh1ll fee Chri!l at their firf< bdng, or principle of all the good that is in the World ; t!Je y fhaU fee bow a~ thiug1 rrero made by him,,and without himWM not any thing made that WM made; they £hall fee all the good in the creature as flowing from Johnr. 3· Chrifi, and as cont~ined in the abfolute p<rfcction of Clui(l's Divine Nature; they lhall fee in one ehrill all the excellencies ofall the creatures united,whiah is indeed to fee him in his eminency if there be any beauty ,riches,honour,goodnefs in any creatu!C, that is eminently, tranfcendently, and originally in Chrill, and that lhall be feen. 3 • They lhall fee Chrili in all his ways, counftls, decrees, executions, tranfaCl:ions, from everlalling to ev<rlalling; that greatbufinefs of Election and Reprobation will then be difcovered; it is an expnffionof Auguftine, They jhall then fee tbe re.jon wby •ne i1 Elefted, a>ui another Rtprobated; wby one i1 rich, andamtherpoor; they lh~II then fee all the works that over God did,or that ever God will do ; it is not yet Six thou– fand years fince the creation of the World,and what is Six thoufand years to Eternity? certainly the truth of Origm's opinion touching the exij!tncy of utber worlds before thi1, Orig.J.dePrill' and thefrtturefucctf]ion •f other Wo,rld1 afier tbi1, will tlten be known,- Ifilo worlds, cipiis 3.c. $• before this,yet if God in Cluill hath done fuch great things in only Six thoufancf years what he may do in the next Six thoufand years,and fo in the next Six thoufand yeal'5, who now can tell ? we fee not thcfe things, but the Saints in fceing the face of Chrill lhall fee all things. ~ 4 • They {]Jall fte Ohrill in all his glory,ways, c'ounfels, •decrecs, executions; ttarif~ actiOns, as working for their happinefs. Now this is more' thenthe former; [here'~ a great deal ofdifference in feeiog an ob1ea as excellent in it [elf, and in feei1ig an obje& as conducing to my happinefs.; ,As one that is a it ranger, and another is ~n heir·iides over fuch a demefgne ; the ftranger rides O¥~r it, and takes delight to f~e the•fituation, rivers, trees, and •fruits, but the heir looks upbn)it"'fter anot·her monner, thn'(llithJhe) if thelandfor which my Father laid out fo much, andaUto wtlcb me, aml ahff'btftoJi> it on me, M my Inheritance. So tht •Saints admittedinto-the glorious fight af Ohrill;<ii.ey take not only aview ofChrill, of •the Elferir~l glory ofCiuifr, ofthe-1ranfatl'-(9nS'Of Chrill, things excellent in rhemfdves, but 'rh.lry fee-all thl!f<Usto:•makethim*""'~Y.i they fay of Chrii\, and ?fall his actings, theft a;e min1 1 ~lidfi~:nZJ'h!rppine[I•i A1llUQl ger may look upon a Ktng, and fee beauty and maJefly, and glory, and-hono\lr fu lfim, but the~een looks upon the King and his boauty as her own; fo_the Saint'<S'Iil15kruf7on the King of heaven, they fee Chrill, and altrin <!:hrifi as•lheit own, to maka<illem happy forever and ever. · , ; w -· ; ~'"" ,-:- 5. They lhall fee Chrijl 11< he i1; but what ? do we not fee hm. now as•he nl'' oh noci I John 3· 2: we now fee him not as he is indeecland truth, -but ooly as he is in hear- fay, a'nd·it~MUI wenow fee him only as he is fhadowed out to us •in the Gofpel of peace; and.Wh]t·is the Gofpel,but the pourtraitulC of the King, which ha fent to another Land to be fi:en by his Bride ? fo Kings and Q;:_ansvn earth·wooe'()dt anothe!";-whilll the Bride is.On earth, (he never fceth him as ho is m his bell Sab!l_~th-Royai.R·ob,e of immediate ~Io'rt_, lhe feeth him rather by the fecond hand, (i. )by metfcngtfs, wol;<!s, mediation·; ' h~ ra~ ther fends his pourtraiture, then comes him~<!If; -!iut in heaven the Saintsfee him as be i1, they fee Chri(\ himfelf in his own very perlon ; they fee the red and white i:n hi> own face; they fee all the t'nfide of Chrill; ~nd thoufands of ixcellcncles £hall' then .be revealed, that we fee not now; the mylleries of that glorious Ark,fhall then be opened; his Incarnation, his two Natures >none- perfon, his Suffering as Mau,and his fitting in the feat ol God as God, all thefe ihall be feen. - 6. They £hall fee Chri(\ without interruption,and without intermiffion to al!Ete~nity.lf once the <>ye be fet on the face of Jefus Chrill, if will never be !Iken olf again,Some conceive this to be the reafon why the Saints in h'eavcn can never fall away, becaufe they £hall have a continual viewof Chri(\ as God; S.urely to have but one glimpkof Chrift in this refpcd,though it were gone prefently, it were a great happinefs·beyond all that the World affords; it "'as fometimes the dcllre of a Philofopher to fee-the nature of the Sun, though he were to be burnt by it; [o ifCfaift fhould but grant us this hal:pinefs,youjbaU come to fee me, but the fight ofme wiU deftroyyou, this were a de- !irablc ,.,