Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.2.sea. io. rLoolttng unto jj£fu.s. Book VL 615 2 , They have the ufe of what they poffcfs; and this is an infinite good to the Sai~ts; they lh.Il not only poffefs Chrift, bur they lhall have what ufe they will of C:hrift, and of all in Chrift ; they lhall as they pleafc make ufe of h1s human1ty, and of Ius Deay, ofhis glorious Effcnce,and of his glorious attributes ; 0 woflder 1 ~hat a S•int lhould. come 10 Chrift and fay, 0 nry Lord, thou art mme, a11dmy pleafure H to mai(,e ufeoJ. thy wifdome, powtr, and mercy; and that Chrift tbould reply, and fay, "."'/"m.' {weet foul, uje mt ·andall myglory as thou plt<feft, why rhuSit 1S; even as a fmnd w1llfay ro h1~ fri<nd, mak! ufe of all I bave .syour own; fo will Chrift come to his Saint>\ and bid · rhem make ufe of all his riches, glory excellency, even as they will, even ro the ut. moft that they are capable of. 3· They have the fweet and comfort of all they ul'e; and this makes up a compleat enjoyment. In things below we may have the poffdlion of them, and the ufe thereof, bur if we h•vc not the fweet and comfort of that we ufe, we cannot be faid truly or fully ro enjoy thofe things; what is the poffcnion and ufe ofmeat and drink, if we ralle not the fweet of them! Hence God is faid to give us all things richly to enjoy; no creature can give us richly ro enjoy another;one may giye us fuch and fuch thing• wherein there may be comfort,bur he cannot give us cQmfort in fuch things,it is only God that can give us that ; it is fo with the Saints in glory,God gives thew all things, yea,Chrifi gives himfelf to them as aU in ail to enjoy him richly, fully,fweetly, to the very uttcrmofi. This another way of beholding Chrill,it is a fruition or enjoyment of Chrifi, wherein and whereby he is our all in all. +· It comprehends all the elfeGts and confequents of fueh a beholding of his glory, which arc infinite delight and complacency in the will,and all praife and thankfgiving in the mouthes of his Saints, for the ar(l,lt is difputed whether Eternal happinefs be more in the ofthe underfianding,or of theWill?.nd fame concludethat it is princi– pally in the w,!i,beeaufe that is an aGtive appetite,and prcdorninantin a man,indeed tbc whole ofa man. Oh the joy,delight,and complacency that willarlfe in the will upon the fccil\g and beholding ofJefus Chriill they !hall delightinfinitely in the Effeniial glory ofChrifi,and in the dcelucd glory ofChrift1 they lhall delight in all that glory that is rdlected upon ChriG by all his creatures in heaven ; they lha!l delight in his prefcnce, and in his love, Chrifl if alldelighti, and how then lhould they but delight in ChriiH for the fccond, as they delight in their wills, fo will their mouthes be filled with prai– fcs; we read of Saints and Angels continually prayfing Gdd in heaven; there lhall be none of our duties of mourning,fafiing, praying, humbling ; the of patienceand jullifying faith lhall ceafe in heaven ; but the duty of prayfing, and glorifyiiJg God will continue to all Eternity. Methinks I fee the Saints following the Lamb; methinks I hear the familiar converfes betwixt Chri!i and them ; as Chrill opens hirnfelf t<> them, fo they to him 1 firll, he begins; Oh my dearejl SaiHts,you art they, for whom before allti111e I decreed thh heaven , •nd llOW youfee the execution of my decrees; whiter th< wo ridflood, I war ftill corrying; en the wori(,of your [alvatio11, either in doing or fuffering, Dr infucceffivt work.J, applying my doings andfufferings, my atlive and paffive obedience to your per {ant, andnow the World u &tan end, yo>i fee the end of my wori(,, andthe end •f yourfaith, which if the Eternal Salvation of your[oul1 ; Oh hew I have my wijh, and you l>aveyour happinefs; btreyou and I will livetogether,rhat I may fsrever beholdyou, and that you may fer ever behold me, and myglory ; which no fooncr faid, but methinks I hear all thofe innumerable Saints in !ieaven to anfwcr,.,ortby i1 the Lamb that war f/ailt• to receive power, •nd rich~t,and wifdomt,•nd{lreng1h,and honour, andglory, •nd h!effing, ll.ev.s.Io. tznd therefm """ him that loved M, and wafhrd tlf from our[tn1 in huown blood,an d hatb made~«. Kings unto God a11d hi& F•ther, to him beglory and dotni11ion fo r ever and ever. ll.ev, 1, 6;; Amm.Y ea, methinks I hear every creature in heaven fay , blefiing, h011our, glPry, and po'Ritr be ~<•to hi?' tb.t jitteth on tb~ Thro~~e,andunto the Lamb f o•· ever and ever.Amen. ver. r~. :Why th1s ts the" contmual work m hea.ven ; they have nothmg elfe to do, but with JOY and gladnefs to ling forth the praifes of God, and of Chriil, and that his mercy enduretl• for ever.And this likewife is comprehended under that notion of the Saints beholding of Chrijl, which compleady m1kes up the propofition afferted,th•t Chrifl or the glory of Chri(l, which the Saims jh>ll behold to all eternity, it their all in .u. ' · Thus far·we have propounded the object which is Jefur carrying on the Salvation of hisSaints in his coming again to earth,1nd raking them np with himfe!f and his Angels into heaven ; our next work is to difc6i you how to tool<.. imto Je[ur in this refpect,and then we have done . 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