Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

616 Book VI. Ji.OOlting unto jjtfu.s. Chap.1.SeCl, 1. C HA P. II. SEcT. I. of l{_nowing Jefm as carrying on the g1·eat work.. of our 8 aivation in hh fe– cond coming. WHAT loo~ing is, and what it contains, we have often heard ; and that in thrfe refpe6l:s we may look on 'fef Uf. I. Let us ~now Jefus, carrying on the Saints Salvation in his.fecond coming, and taking them to heaven. Many glorious excellent things, ma– ny precious palfages, many high and heavenly carriages are in this tranla61:ion . Is it 110t of high concernme~t th~t he that now fits at ?od's right hand interceding tor us, lhould thence come agam to JUdge the World, ana after JUdgment take up his Saints with him into glory? can we read of the feveral adings of this general Affize, and not delire to read on fiill? nay, is not all our reading mixt with admiration of every palfage? come I wonder, an? tit, and paufe, and !lop, at every word ; fiay and won– der, and adore that hght, whiCh appeaas m any beam of truth, and in the admiration of that truth which doth appear, ca!i: thy fe!f down at the feet of Chrift, and cry out. 0 the depth of Glory, and Majelly, andgo•dnefs, -ndgrace iu thee I 0 the riches of l•v: tb&t tboujhouldft let outtbyfelf in the[< Jever•l admirable dijptn[atio11s I come be ex. ad: in this ftudy; gather up all the crumbs and filings of this gold; the leaft beams of the glory of Chrift ( efpecially as it lhines and glitters at his fecond coming) have fo much light, and love, and fplendour in them, as that they will be very fweet to look upon them: every piece or part of this knowledge will be of fpecial ufe and werth, yea the low and imperfe6l: knowledge of this·myftcry is of infinite more value then the high and perfii:Cl: kn?~ledgeof Ten thoufand t~ings befides. And one thing (0 my foul)let me tell thee 11 IS poffible for thee to attatn a very fweet ,and fatisfalto• ry degree of this very knowledg. And therefore ftudy clofe, run over again all that hath been fpoken, and dig yet deeper into that glorious mine ; content not thy felf with a baredifcovery of that gold·oare which is only upon the luperficies or top of the_mine, but. go fo far as to find out the i~~ard, fpiritual,and experimental knowledge, whu:h the Samts by the hght of the Spmt may come to it!atn. 0 ftudy Chrift in his fecond 'oming to judgment. S E C T. 11. Of conjidering Je[U< in lbat rejpe{l. 2.LE T us confider Je[~~<, carrying on this workofSal~atilln at his fecond 'oming. I t is not enough to know, but we muft medttatc!and ferioully conlid-:r of it, A meer fiudent may know Chrift, and ftudy Chrift, as he knows and ftudies other things: he may keep together many notions concerning Chrift, and his coming to Judgment, but he hath no imprellionof the holinefs of Chrift' upon his heart : and in this refpeCl: he is a ftranger tG Chrift and all his aCl:ings; alas, he ftudies Chrift, but he doth not rightly, ferioully, inwardly confidor of Chrill, but he cloth not look., unlo 'fe[U< , as one that looks to his patern, or as one that looks to his refuge, hope, and help; true aed fpiritual confideution is a ferious matter ; its not fome few and fleeting thoughts that are the difcharge of this work, but thoughts refting, dwelling, fixing, and ftaying upon Chrift, until they come to fome profita– ble ilfue; 0 it is another manner of bufinefs then many are aware of; it's a thinking with thought upon thought; it's a reiteration and multiplication of the thoughts of &clef. 2.n, the mind upon the fubject propounded ; [o the Scripture <Xprelfeth it, I loo~edon all '"· the'work,s that my hands b•d wrought, and in that next vcrfe, I turmd to fee; helo•k..~ ed upon, and conjidered his works,and he rctlm"d to behold them; he thought on them before, but no'w he rnurned to think ; he renewed his thoughts upon the the matter~ and took a new view of them. Indeed when the underftanding works ferioully and L>ltll. 4.2o. fpiritually,it will fetch things into fight, and not only fo,but it will hold them there, and faftm upon them, and when they are gone, it ivill fetch them again, my foul bath them flit/ in remembraHce,my foul in remembrillg doth remember them,and will not otf till the end be obtained ; fo a man eyes Chrift,till he have more of~hrift, more ofht> prefence,