Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

6t8 Book VL Chap.2. ~eit; adore; now they begi~ rh~Te Hallelu~ah~, that never, never 0JaJI have end; they fall ~t t~e feet of Chnft, and the Lor~ Chn!l takes t?em up wnh his hands, and folds rhem m hts arms; oh what aputual rwprocal falutauons are thefe betwixt Chrift and his members? oh my head l aild oh my body ! oh my husband! and oh my Spoufe 1 oh my d~ar, ~nd oh my d~rling! . nevertwo lovers met with fuch heat of love as Chrill: and hts Sauus; come, f~ahC?n!l, and fit you down here at my right hand, and Jet the worl~be on my left han'd,? 1t was orhhWtfe with you in your lite-rime, my gold and ~y Jewels were then caft m the dull; you were then cloarhed with infamy , and thevtle!lofmen were then g41lded wltqh)nour; but now! will fer all right, now rhe dull: O>all be fwe~t aw.ay, and the jew'els.of ~Y Kingdom O>all be gathered up; now the Goats Oull be dnven Into the defan,. an~yoti who are tl~e th~ep 0Jall be brought inro my fold. ~hmy fo~l, what a mcetmg 1s rH1s? what a hght will tillS be, to behold the Samts m thts condmon, and thy felf among!l them? couldft thou but realize this one yery palfage, ir were enoo~h to q~ench t~y l~ft, and t? kindle a flarr.e of pure love m thy .heart to Jefus Chnft; lt IS a qu1cknmg , rouz1ng , ra1fing, rcjoycing con– fiderauon. 5. Confider Chrift Cementing rhe Saints for trernal glory ; then thall the books be opened, and all tire good works of the Sainrs lliall be revealed and made known . and thenll>all the Judge from his Throne of ¥ajelly (in the fight and hearing of ;u rhe Mar. 25. 34· world) pronounce that fenrence , Come ye.blejfed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prep{lrtdforyou from the beginning of the world. q. d. Come my Saints, come with me into glory; come now from labour ro reil, from difgrace :o glory, from the jaws of r•• death to the joys of eternal life; for my fake ye have been railed on, reviled and cur– fed; bur now it lltall appearto all thofecurfed E{auJ, tlm you are the true Jacobnhar !hall receive the blelfing, and bleffed thall you be; come now and poffefs with me the inheritance of Heaven, where you O>all be for love fons, for birth-right heirs, for dignity Kings, for, holinefs l'rie!ls; come, you may boldly enter in, for my Fa– ther bath prepared, and kep~' it for you, ~ver fince the firft found ation of the World was laid. , 0 my foul, dolt thou nGt remember when fomerimes thou hall been at the feet of Chrift in the beauty of holinefs, and there tookeft in thofe droppings of his Spirit; which were better to thee than the feafis·of Kings I doll thou nor remember when fome– tin!es thou halt had the very' beams of light dancd from rhe face of Jeftis Chdft, when be'whifpeted to thy foul r~e forgiv'enefs of thy fins, faying, Fear not, thy jim (hall not lourt thte, !'am thy folvatiln? oh what joy was then ? what mcltings, moving>, !lir– rin<>s, leapings of heart :were then in thy bofom ? but was that joy any thing to this I or ~o be compared with thi{? that was a drop, but here's an Ocean, here's fulnefs of joy; oh what leapings of heart, 'what raviOHuents wiil be within when thou tbalt fee thy felf in the arms of Chrift, and !halt rec~ive words of life from the mouth of Chrill:, in the face of all the World? what a thing will this be, when Chri!l lltall pafs af~nrence of death on others, and fpeak words of life unto thee? when thou ll1alt fee h1m frowning upon the World (and oh thofe frowns will break the hem) and !halt behold him fmiling in the fulnefs of his love upon thy felf? that Cbri!l at fuch a time thould be delighting thee with all the imbraces of love, and with this.fweer invitation to Heave,,; c~me thou' blejJeJ ir.hcrit the Kingdom, it were enough to fpmt afoul halfdead: the very meditation of this mull needs be fweet. 6. Confider Chrilt and the Saints judging the re!lof the World; no fooner are the Saints fentenced, but Chri!l turns to the wicked, and bidsthem go imo rverlafling fire ; ' Cor. 6. 2. in which femence the Saints ll1all joyn with Lhri!l himfelf, Do ye not k_now th~t the SaintJ ]hall judge the world? when the Saints appear, it is not onely by afummons, but~~~~~ commifflon; not onely to be judged, bur ro judge; nor onely lltall tbey ltand ~r Chnfl s right ·hand, but they thaU fi: down on the Throne of the Son. of God~ to JUdge the wicked AngeJ·s and the World. 0 the torment! 0 the vexauon of WJCked men and Dev1L, when they ll>all fee rhofe very·men whom they fcorned, oppreffed_, perfecuted, to be now advanced, not onely to glory, burro be their judges! it is as. it fome ~oble man bad wronged fome Poor man, and that the Ktng !hould therefore deltver the Noble l'ial. 11 ,. 10. man intp the power of the Poor man, to rake his own revenge : Surdy, The ungodly '{ball fce t'his, and be grieved, he jhallgnafh with his teethfor indzgnatzon, and melt "'""Y: rrar. 5 a. <o. but on rheconrrary, The r~g hteoHJ]hall rejo)'" when he{eeth the vmgem:ce, he ]hell ;;·ajb hu foot -jltp5 in the blood of the ungodly. 0