Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

6n Book VI. Jlrohtng uitto ']Jefus. Rom. 8. 23. John '4· 3· Colof. 3· 4· Tit.~.13. J[a. $3· u. !fa. 62. 5· Hof. 2. 18. Cant. 4· to. Rev. 19. 7• Rev. 21. 9· 1 Cor.)· 24. iJ.. It is the day of adoption and of the redemption of o1tr bodies. It is the day of our fonfl1ip and deliverancr; I deny not but that thr Saints are adopted and redeemed be– fore this day; but this adoption and redemption is not confummare, nor declared before Cluifi come again to judgment, then lt is that be takes his Saints home to his houfe, and all the Angels and Men of thr world !hall underfiand the lovr wherewith heloves them. then !hall Chrilt fay, Thefe are my fons whom I have redeemed, and M I have [et the;:, free, fo m1vJha/1 they live :<n~reignwith mefor ever and tver. 5. It" the day of ChrtH s com·~~· He was here not long !ince travailingabout the Earth, an.d about our bu!inefs, wh1ch do~e, he went away to Heaven upon afpecial er– rand for h1s SaintS; and there now be IS to Intercede (or them, to attend the Court to be their Advocate, and tO agitate the bu!inefs oftbeir fouls; and withal tbrrenow !.'e is to take up lodgmgs for them, and to prepare thrm manlions for eternity: And no fooner f11all he have difpatcht his bu!inefs there, but he will come for Earth again; he will bow the Heavens and come down to give a report of his tranfactions there; ha!h l1e not left us a Letter to that effect? I will come again, and receiveyou te my[elf, that where I am there you may be alfo. 0 why are his chariots fo long a coming? why tarry the wheel; of his chariots? 6. lt is the day of Chrift's revealing. Cbrifl to many of his Saints here is hidden and withdrawn; it is rrue, he may be in them, yea, certainly he is in them by his Spirit, but no man knows it, no nor themfelves neither, which makes them cry, 0 where is he whom my(oHlloverh? but at this day of Chrifi's revealing, all curtains !hall be drawn alide, Chrifi f11~ll be unhid, and the Saints !hall fee him face to face, they fl~all never lofe him more; for withour any inrermiffion they 0Jallllare, and gaze, and be ever lookjng unto Jefm. 7. It is the day of ChriH's bright andgloriom appearing. When he was upon the Earth be appeared in our drefs, many then faw him, who then fa id of him, There is no beau– ty in him that we jhould defire him: Oh it was a fad fight to fee him crowned with thorns and fcourged with whips, and nailed to the crofs; bur in his next appearing we !hall fee him in his befl attirr, arrayed in white, attended with the retinue of glory, riding in his chariot of light, and fmiling upon all his Saints. Now is not this defirable? The Apo!lle tels u>of the Saints, Looking for the glorious appearing of the gr~at God, and of ottr St~viour {efUJ Chriff; therefore furely they de!ire it. • 8. It is the day of Chriff's joy. Then hejhallfee of the travail of hi; foul, and he jhaa befati;{ied. Now what is the travail ofhis foul? is it not the perfection of his red~emed ones? .Qh when Chrifi feeth this, when he feeth his fpoufe as without fpot, or wrinkle; rhen !hall be fulfilled that prophe!ie, .As the Bridegroom rejeyceth owr the Bride, [o jhall thy God rejoyce over thee: !?ok how the joy of a~ridegro~m is ~v~r ?is Bride upon.the, (fure!y then 1f ever) allts love and JOY ; fo ts Chnfi s JOYover h1s Samts at the lali day; then begins that joy tharnever, never f11all have end, there 0Jall be no moment of time wherein Chrifl:will not rejoyceover his Saints forever after. 9. It is the day of Chriff's perfection. Chrifi as Mediator is not fully perfeCl: till all his members be in glory united to him: .As an head that wants an arm, or hand, or leg, we fay is lame; fo it is a kind of myfticallalllenefs that Chrifi our head bath not with him all his members; the Saints are little pieces of myllical Cbrill, and it !hall ~ot be well till Cluifi gather in his arms, and thighs, and pull them nearer to bimfelf.m g.lory : and is not this defirablr to fee the lord jefus Chrifl as Head of the Church m hts perfeCl:t– on? to fee the Sun of righteoufnefs with every beam united to hi,m? 0 de!i~able day! 10. It is ChriSJ's wedding-day, or the marriage-day of the Lamb. The Samts are be– trothed to Chrifl when firft they believe in Chrifl , that is Chrifi's word, I will betroth thee unto me, andth•u artmyfifter, my fPoufe,nocmywife; thou art notyer married, onely contracted hete; but at that day ihe marriage of the Lamb will be compleat, and then will the voice be heard; Let u; begladand rejo)'ce, and give hono11r to htm~ for the marriage of the Lamb is co11fe, and hi; wife hath made h.r [elf ready. 0 the JOY. that Chri!l:, and Saints, and Angels, and all that belong to Heaven will makeatthtSmarrtage! Bleffid are they th,u are caUed to the Marriage-jitppcr of the Lamb. Onr of the feven Angels that came to John in vilions, talk.§dwith him, [ayi11g,. Come hither, an.d I Wtlljhew thee the Rride, the Lambs wife. If the efpoufed V~rgmbe w!lhng to be marrted, how ts it that we cry nor, Come Lord JefM, come quickly? . I 1. It is Chriffs day of prefenting his Saints unto hi> l!'ather; He delivers up the Ktng– d•m to God, even 1heFather. ThenJhall he take his Bndebythe ban~ and bnng her t.o hr~ /