Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Book VL ¥Looking unto ']lefus-. his houfe, and prefent her in all £bite and fo!emnity to the Father. Is not this a defi– rable day? furely Chrif! rejoyceth, and his very heart even fprings again tO pref>n~ his Church unto his Father, F~ther,hmbehold my Bride that I have 11Jilrrird mno my felf. It is true, a child may fometimes marry fuch a one, as he may be afl1amed to thir~pf bringing to his Fathers houfe ,; bur how mean and finful foever we are of our felvcs, when once we are married unto Chrift, be will no~ think it any diflwnour, n > not.b.efor-; his Father, that he bath fuch aBri.d~. , Father (will he fay) lo h~rc all my Sai11ts; of, aj~ that tho" haft oiven me, I have loft none, but the ch1/dren of perd•t•OJI, thefe are mme., dear•• lybought,tho,."'kpo>veft the pric;, Owelcpmetkem t~glory. . . . . . ' · I2. It is the day of Chrift sglory. What glonous defcqp~ron~ ~ave we in Scripture •. - , of Chrif!'s coming to judgment? The Son of Man jhah come from hea-pen with JoWer' alldMatth. 24.3o• great glory; and the work no fooner done, but hdhall rerurn again into Heav~ry wjth · power and great glory. Not to m.ennon the dl'ennal gfory of Chri~, 0 the glory ,of. Chrif! as Medtator; all the glory tnar AhAjl,~m~ could put upon h,ts,favournes w~snq-, thing to this fpiritual and heavenly glory, whrch the Father will put·upo~ th<;,~()~ .;- ir i~, aglory above all the glories that ever were, or ever lhall be; it,is an\; qot. bur that Chrift fl~all at la!l: give up his Kingdom to his. Father; he ,lhall no~pre,difcharge the acts ofan Ad_vocate, or Interce!Tor for us inHeaven; onely the gl~ry.of this lltall always conttnue; tt /hall to all eterntty be recorded tha~ he was the MedJawr> and that he is theSaviour that bath bro.ught u, to life and immorra~iry, and upog ;his ground 1 the tongues of all the S~111ts Otall be uoploycd ro all ete~ntty. fO c,ele~ra't this glory. This will bethetr everlafttng fong, V nto h,m that lovedm, •ana t:Mjhed m {rom-ourjim Rev. r. 5, o. in hi; own blood, and h.tth mtuie m KmJs ard t;n,ejfs.unto Go~ and hu ,F.u~er, to &m• -be .· ~, glory and dominion for ever and ever, Amen. Nqw ts O<;>t tillS ,a,dehrable thing-? -do W(\ believe there is fuch athing as Chr!l1: '.~ediatory glory, and Chrif\s dfcnr.ial glory.? as Chrifl:'s humane glory, and Chn!l: sdll'lne glory ? and have we no.dehres 'to behold thi~ 'glory? furely C~rill himfelfdefired it of qvd, pe woqld hav~: hi~ Saints with ·him wher~ he is, that they mtght behold hts glory ; and /hall not we deltre tt1 whom tt moft concerns? 0 the fweet temper of the Spoufe when flte cried out, Mak§ hafte my b~linJed, Cant.~8. 14. and be thou lik§ a Roe, ur to "young Hart upo~< themOJ<ntains of JP ices! · Come now, and run over thefe particulars; furely every one is motive enough to de– fire this day; it is a day of refrefhing, a dayl of re!l:oring, a dayre,f manif~ftarion of the fans of God, a day of adoption, and of the redemptionof our bodies 1 a day of. C~ri!l's com_ing, of Ch~irt,'s reve~ling, of Ch:'i!l\appearing, of Chri~'sjoy, of <;h~i~s:perfechon, of Chrtf! s ~eddmg,. of Chrtf! s l!r<f~nttng of ht~ . S~mrs, of Chrtf!'s gl,ory; what are we not yet m a longmg frame? the ~tfe of youththa~ wants ·her. husband for fomeyears, and expectsthat he H10uld rerurnJrom over-Sea lands, fl1e is of~e!!.~'? the lhore, her very heart loves the wmd that flwuld bring him hqme; every fhip)p•view, dtat is but adrawing nearrhe fhore, is her new joy, and new .reviving hope~; )he ask• of every paffenger, 0 fmv hmband? what u he adoing? whe11 willke co,!f1~i ? i,< be:n~t yer j/1ipped, and ready for areturn? fouls truly related to the Lord Jerus Chrift lhould methinks long no lefs; 0 what defire lhould the Spirit and the Bride have to hear when Chri!l 01111 fay to his Angels, Mak.§yo" ready for the journey, let t« go down, and di– vide thesk,ies, and bow the heavens; lie gather my prifoners of hop( umo me, I cannot want my Rachel, And her weeping children any longer, behold I come quickly to judge the N•tions? Methinks every Spoufe of Chrif! 010uld love the quarter of the Sky, that be– ing tent afunder fhould yield unto her husband ; methinks flte fhould love that part of the heavens, where Chrif! pms through his glorious hand, and comes riding on the Rain-bow and Clouds to receive her to himfelf. I conclude this with the conclufionof the Bible, He'thM tejlifierh theJc things, faith [tmiy I come quickly, Amen. Ewn Jo, Rev, 22. ,o, come Lord 'fe(ru. SECT. IV. Of hoping in 'fefus in that re{jeEt. 4· LET us hope ill 'frfm, as carrying on the great work of our falvation for us in his fecond coming. Hope is of gooc!'tbings to come; .hope is an act of the will extending it fel f ;owarM th~t 1vhich it loves as ~ucure; oliely the future good as it Is - the