1 . Faith mull: directly go toChrill:. z. Faith mufl go to Chrifl as God in the flelh. 3. Faith mull: go to C brill: as God in the flef!! ma.de under the Iaw. . . 4· Faith mull: go to Chri(\ made under the darechve part of the law by has ltfe, and under the penal part of the law by his death. . .. 5. Faith mu!t go to Chrill: as put :o deatlun tl1e flefla, and as.qmckned by the ~pant. 6. Faith mu!t go to Chnll as gomg up mto glory, as fittmg down at Gods raght hand and as fending down the holy Gholl. 7.' Faith mu!t go to Chrilt as interceding for his Saint<, in which w;rk he contimm till his coming again. Of all thefe before. . . . . . 8. Faith mull: go to Chnllas commg agam mto thas neather world to 1udgc the quack and the dead; This isthe lall act of faith in reference to Chrifl, From thence he jJMII come to judge the quick. and the dead. The coming of Chrifl:, the refurrect~on o~ the dead, the change of rhe living, the la!t judgment, and the glory of Chnrl wuh Ius Saants to all eternity, is rhat tranfacrion which muft be difpatched at the eed of the world; now this is the object: of faith as well as rhe former; Chrift's work is not fully perfeCI:ed rill all thefe be finiflaed , nor is our work of faith fully compleated rill it reach to the very ]aft aCt: of Chri!t in faving fouls. --- Oh what an excellent worker is Jefus Chri(l? be doth all his works throughly and perfeCI:ly; ~he greateft work that ever Chrill un– dertook was the work of Redemption, thatworkwouldhave broken Men ahd Angels, and yer Jefus Chrift will carry it on to the end, aod then will he f•y not ondy prophetically, bur exprefly, I have finijiJCd the work, which thougave{t me to do. Now faith lhould John q. 46. eye Chrift as far as he goes, if Chrill will not have done till he come again, and receive m to himfelf, and fettle us in glory; no more Jl10uld faith, it lhould frill follow after him, and take i view of all his tranfaCI:ions from firfr to !all; . what will Chrifl: come again? will he fummon all the Elect to come under judgment r will hefenrenceor judge them to eternal life ? will he conduct rhem into glory, prefenr them to his' Father, and be their all ip all to all eternityr why rhen ler our faith a:t it felf upon all thefe promifes ; or if I m•y in!tancein one for all ; Chrifl:'s coming is rhe mofl: comprehenlive of all, and is not the coming of Chri!tvery frequently mentioned in the prorilifes, as the great fupporr and flay of his peoples fpirits till then? do nor the Apollles ufually quicken us ro dury, and encourage us to waiting by the mentioning of thi• gloriou• COtlling of Jefus Chrifl? why then let us ·aa: our faith on thi• glorious object:; Chrifl:ians, what do we believe, and hope, and wair for, butto fee this coming? 'This w~s Pdnl's encouragement to rejoycing and to ltloderation, Rejoyce in the Lord always - and let yaHr mo- Phi!. 4 . 4 , S· deration be k!'•wn to all, the Lord i<·at baud; To think imd fpeak of that day with horror, doth well befeem1he impenitent linnet, but dot~ ill befeem rhe believing Saint; fuch may be the voice of an unbeliever, and it may be of abeliever in deferrion or temptation, but it's not the voice of faith. 0 believe on Chri!t, as carrying on our falvation at his coming again, For yet alittle while, andhethat fhaU come, r,ill corne, and ht 1vht not Hcb. 10 , 37 , tarry. · 9. Faith mull principally ana mainly look to the purpofe, ddign, intent, an~ end of Chti(\in his fecond coming to judgement. Now the ends are-- r. In refpect of the wicked th:it they may be dellroyed, for l:e rnuft reign till he hath pm dll hw enemies under hu feet. He lhall come with flaming fire, and then•he will tak.! vengeance on them 2 Thef. '· s. th.r i(z7olvnot God, and that obey not the Gojpelof ~Hr Lord {efu<Chriff; who fhallbepunijhrd with everlaftinJ dejimf.lion from the prefince.ofthe Lmf, andfrom the glory of hi<power. 0 m1ferable men! now ir is God's defign to be revenged on you. This is rhe day when the Wltked Jl~all fuddenly flan out of Jleep, and meet with gallly amazednefs at the mouth of rhm Sepulchers; above them lland• the Judge condemning, beneath Hell gaping, o~ ahe rrght hand juaicc threarning, on all tides rhe World burning ; to go forward "mtollerable, to go backward is impoffible, to rurn a fide is unavailable ; which way then? Heaven gltes are fhut, Hell mouth is open, where they mufl: end their endlefs t~tfery ; the hit torment Jalleth ever. Oh t.h~ fllfikes of the wicked at every paffage of thiS day! when the Prophet Joel was defcnbang the formidable accidents of t!m day, he was not able to exprels it, but llammered like a child, or an amazed imperfect perfon, A. A. A. tort h' day of the Lord is at ,hand. We rranflate ir, Ala<, for the Jocl. 1 , r'· day 'f the Lordu at hand.. BtE Lyr~, Ribera, the vulgar Latine, and others rranflate ir, · A. A. A. tn H,brm 1t as 1ndeed bm one word, and founds as Ahli, which howfoever fo written,. yet is it pronouncect wirho~t any afpir~tion; as Aharon, is pronouncedAAY.Pll. - A'he