1!. oolt t ng unto jj efu.s. The belt Criticks would but have it pneword, and fo they write it, A-a-a. for the day of the Lord u At hand : thus rhey that ltammer, and cannot fuddenly fpeak, fay A·a-a. it is not fenfe at firft; t~e Prophet was fo amazed, that be knew not what to fay ; the ftammwng tongue thatls full offea~, can belt fpeak that terror, which will make all.the wicked of the world to cry, and llmke, and fpeak fearful accents - oh the 1! 1rikes 1 oh the fearful founds that will then be heard! fure that noyfe mult nee'ds be terrible ;hen millions of men and women at the fame inllant lhall fearfully cry our, and wh~n their cryes fi,all mingle with the thunders of the dying and groaning Heavens and with the crack of the difrolving Wodd, when the whole fabrick of nature lhalllh~ke into dilfol'fa!. 51. 21. lution, and cterml alhcs. Now confider thu yerhat forget G'od, ltfl- he tearyou in pieces an_d.there be n?ne to deliver you. Shall not the confideration of t_hefe things .awake you; fpmts, and.ratfeyou from t~e death of ~n? what? d_o you beheve thefe thrngs ? or do. you not ? tf you do not belteve thefe thmgs, where IS your faith ? if you do believe them, and fin on, where is your prudence? and where is your hope? but enough of this ; it belongs to tbe wicked. 1. . In refped of the godly that they may be faved. Now this contains feveral fteps. As-- . I . They mult be regenerated. It is true they partake of this grace before, but now is Ma:- 19. 28. the full perfeCtion and manifeftationof it, and therefore the !aft day is called the Jay of regenerAtton. · Co!.J.13,14. z . They mull: be redeemed. So they arc in this life: Paul could tell his Coloffia 11 s, that Chrifl- had delivered them from the pwer of dark_nefi; and that iti him they had re– demption through hu blood. Yet the Scripture calls the day of judgment in a peculiar a 11 d Eph. 4· 3°· eminent manner the day of redemption. .Andgrie11e not the holy Spirit of God whereby ye are feakd unto the day of redemption. 1 Joh. 3· 2. 3. They muft be adopted. It is true, they are adopted in this life, We Are now the Sons of G'od (faith the Apoftle) yet it doth not AppeAr what we jiM/1 be; the glory which Chrift will put upon us at the !aft day, is fo far tranffendent and fuperlative to what now we are, that we know not what we tlJaJI be; fons, and more than fons; and therefore Rom. 8. 23. the Apoftle calls the!all: day, the day •f adoption. 4- They mult be juftified. I know they were jultified by faith before, and this jultifi– cation wa:s evidenced to fome of their confciences; but now /hall they be jullilied fully by thelively voice of the Judge himfelf; no~ lhall their jultificat.ion be folemnly and pubi!Ckly declared to all the World; The SynackwordtoJHftifie, 1s alfo to conquer, be– caufe when a man is jullilied, he overcomes allthofe bills and indiCtments which were brought inagainfi him; now this ismanifeftly done in the day of judgment when Chrift fl1all before Men and_Angels acquit, and abfolvc his people : oh what a glorious con– queft will that be over Sin, Death, and Hell, when the Judge of the whole World /hall pronounce them free from all Sin, and from all thofe miferable dfeds of Sin, Death, Hell, and Damnation. f . They mufi inherit the Kingdom prepared for them, fo is the fentence at that day; ~!Jtth. 25·34· Come ye bleffed,·inherit the Kingdom. Not onely are they freed from HdJ, but they muft inherit Heaven. Now herein'is an high fiep of falvation, and a great part of the defign of Chrift's '.omiug, to bring his Saints into Heaven; he went thither before to prepare it for them, and now he comes again to give them the poll'ellion Gf it, come emer intoHeaven. Heaven? what is Heaven? furdy it is not one fingle Palace; but a City, aMetropolis, aMother-city, the firft City of God's creation: Wben tin .Angel carried 1\ev.n 10 >" {ohn in thejpirit to agrtAt And highmo~<ntain, he jbewedhim thegrellt City, the_hdy}em· f a/em, defcmding oxt ofHMvm from G'od, h.:ving the tloty •f G•d. .But a Cny Is too Luke 12. 3'· little therefore its more, its a Kingdom; Fear not little fwcft, it u )'our Fathersgood pleafi<re to give :yo~< the Kingd9m; and .at thi~ l~lt day he bids his .Saints to inhtrit th< Luke , 20 , 34 , Kingdom . Or 1f a Ktngdom be too httle, 1t IS called aWorld; The chtldren of thl$ 35,36. world m11rry, andaregiven in marri.oge, bNt they which fha/1 be acco1mud worthy to obtain that world, andthe refurrtEfionfrsm tindead, neither mArry nor Artgiven i11 marriAge, nei– ther'"" they dye any more. There's another World befides this, and for eminency it is Heb. 6. 5· called thewoo·/d ro come. 0 the bredth and largenefs of that World I as the greater circle mult contain the lefs, fo doth that World contain this; alas, all our dwellings here are but as cavesunder the Earth, and holes ofpoor clay in comparifon. In the bofomof John 14. 2• tha1 Heaven is many a dwelling place; In my Fathers houft Art m~ny manfto•s 1 there lodges many thou~ands of g!Qrious Kings; 0 ~What fair fields, and mountains of rofed< an