-----~---------------------------------------- 1!.-00l\ing unto ']Jeftt~. Chap.2. SeB:. 5· Book VI. ---------- and fpices, are there? furely garde.ns of length and bredth above millions of miles are nothing in comparifon. 0 the Vmes, rhe Ltllyes, the Rofes, rhe pre~tous Tr<es th>t grow in frnmanJ<el's land! an hundred harvells m one year are notlung there. The Joweft !tones in every tmnfion rhere, are precious fiones; the very b~<ilding_ of rbe wall Rev. 01 • 18. Abollt it i< [affer, andtbe Cit.y i< pure Gold, /if<! unto clearglafs. 0 glonous mherttancc_! Tell me Chnilians, in what City on Earth do men walk upon Gold? or dwdl wtthtn ·the walls of Gold? though none fuch here, yet under the feet of the inhabitants of Heaven there is Gold; .All the jlreets, and fields of that City, Kingdom, World, are pure Pcv. 21. 21. Gold t/J it were tranf}Mrtnl Glafs. But alas, what fpeak I of Gold, or Glafs; all thefc are b)lt lhadows . indeed and in truth there is norhitlg fo low as Gold, or precious Stones; there is'no.thing fo bafe in this high and glorious Kingdom, as Gardens,Trees, or Rofes; companfons are but created fhadows.' that come nor up to exprefs the glory of the thing. I fhall therefore leave to !peak thts, becaufe unfpeakable. 6 They mufl: live with Chrift ill Heaven; they mull fee, and enjoy Chri[l there to all ~terni:y. This is a main end of Chrift's coming, I will come again, and receiveyou unto John q. ;. 711] (elf, that where Jam, thereye may be aijo. --~ .And Fathe-t, I will that thofe whom John r7· '4· thou h.t.ftgivm me, bewith me where I am, that they "'"Ybehold the glory which thou haft given me. 0 let faith eye rhis above all the former! what? will my Saviour come again? and fhall !fee hisface? Oh what a pleafantfigbt will this fame be? if Heaven, if the inheritance be fuch a wonder to the !;>eholders, wh~t a beauty is rhat which is in the famplar? Ohwlllt an happinefs to ftand befides that dainty precious Prince in Heaven ? ro fee the King on his throne? to fee the Lamb, the fair Tree of life, the flowre of Angels, the fpotlefs Rofe, the Crown, the Garland, the joy of lieaven, the wonder of wonders for eternity ? Oh what alife to fee that precious Tree of life! to fee a multitude without quantity of the apples of glory!. to fee love it felf, an.d robe warmed with the heat of immediate love that comes out from the precious heart and bowels of Jefus Chrift! Oh what a dearnefs ro fee ail relations meetin one! to fee the Sa~iour, the good Shepheard, the Redeemer, the great Bifhop of our fouls, rhe Angel of the' covenant. the Head of the body of the Church, the King of ages, rhe Prince of peate, rhe Creator of the ends of the Earth, the fong of Angels, and glorified Saints. Nor onely mull they fee Chrift, but they lhali enjoy him whom they fee; they fly with dov•s– wingsofbeaury after the Lamb, and in flying after him they lay hold upon him, and they will nor leave him; they can never have enough of the chafte fruition of the gloriou, Prince Jmmanuel, and they never want his in-moll prefence to the full; they fuck the honey and the honey-comb; they drink of the floods of eternal confolations, and fill all empty defires ; and as if the fouls of Saints were without bottom, a frelh they fuck again to all eternity. Now this is falvation indeed, the foul that attains this full enjoyment, isfaved to rheurrermoft. 3. In refpe<'t of Chrifl himfelf that he may be glorified. Now io two things more efpecially will he be glorified at that day. J. In his ju~ice.· 2.. In his mercy, or free grace. r. Hts jullice will be glorified, efpecially in punifhing the wicked; here on Earth little juilice is done on moll offenders; though fome publick cri~1es are fometimes eunifhed, yet the aCtions of dofets and chambers, the deligns and thoughts of men ; the bulineffes of retirements, and of the night, efcape rhe hand of juflic•; and therefore God bath fo ordained it, ~hat there lhall be aday of doom, wherein all that are let alone by men, lhall be queflioned by God; Shall nor the ! udze ofall rhc world do right? Gen. 18. 25. then all thoughts Otall be examined> and fecret a&ions viewed on each fide, and the infinite number of thofe 1ins which efcaped here, Otall be blazoned there; all fhall have juftice; and the juOice of the Judge fhall ue fo exact r!Jat he will account with men by minutes, and that ju!l:ice may reign entirely, God Otall open his rreafure, I mean the wtcked man's trcafure, and reil the fums, and weigh the grains and fcruples, Is notthis Deuq2.34. laid up itt {lore ll'ith me, andfoaled l'p ':'mrmtmY tr~a(ur~s -'. I_will rej/ore it in the .day of "!fn.l>ance(tllth theLod. Oh how wtll God glonhe h1s JUfttce at that day? furdy hts J~fttce Onll Onne, and be eminently glorious in every paffage. 2. His mercy, or free grace will be glorified in rewar.ding.rhe Saints. And rhis is the nla<n, the fupreme end of his coming to judgment, He jiMII come (faith the Apoftle) to 2 Thef. t. 10. be glorified m hi< Sr<ints ; not butthat the Anseh fhall glorifie the riche~of his grace, as well as Satms; but b~caufc the Angels never hnned, ( tbey bave .,oiV"opt their robes of in- , now:cy, dJC<r ciurhaf gold above fi've thoufand years, withi!Jt oneJPark..of dirt, or change ' of