Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

6p Book VI. Cbap. ~:!. S'etl:. 5- - of ~l?u;~) tl~·ef;;-re th-;glory of his gra~;-is m,ore efp; ially fa!lened on-Sain~ . fomeumes were finners. Oh what !!ones Will be told at tillS day of oraces acts? I w J TJm, 1 • 1 3· a blaffhemer~ and apcrfccmor, and ~~~ in}urioP.J perfon ( faid Paul ) bJs~} obtained mere; «M nMn:l>v, but I w&be-mercicd, as tf he had been dipt in aRiver, ina Sea of mercy. i; may be he will make the fame acknowledgment at the day of judgment; I 1 v.u afin;er but thegraceof the Lord Jejiu to me IVM. abundanr, fuperabundam ; I obtainsd M much grace M would h'!ve[aped aWorld. (ert:un]y free grace fliaiJ then be difcovered to fome Rom. 5· 2C. purpofe; then lt n,.u be known, That whereftn abounded, gracefar more; it over-abound– ed, or more than over-bounded : ""'f'"'fl"'""''• It is a word borrowed trom Founrains and Rivers, which have over-flowed with Waters ever fince the Creation. then all th~ Saints Jhall exalt, and magnifie, and with loud voices praife the glory 'of his grace. they Otalllook on their debts written in graces Book , and lllen O~all they ling and fay: 0 the myjfery of traceI 0 the g.old-mmes, and depths of Chriff sfree love I why this was the great de!tgn of our fal vauon : at the firfl, when Godwas wtllmg to communicate himfelf our of his a!onenefs everlal\ing, be laid this plot, that all he would do 0 10 u!d be Eph. 1. 6. tothepraife of theglory of hu grace ; and now at his fecond coming, having done all he will do, the Saims for whom he bath done all, admire, efleem , honour and found fonh the praifes of his grace. Is not this their everlafting fong whichthey begin at this day? Glory to theLamb, andglory to hugracc, thatjitteth on thethronefor evermore? not but that they glorifie him in hisWifdom, Power, Holinefs, and his otha attributes ay bur efpecially in this, it is his Grace in which he moll delighteth; even as ven~ous Kings affect, aboveall ~heir ot!~er Verrn_es, ro be h~d in honour for their Clemency, and Bounty; fojefus ChnfttheKwg ofKmgs affects, above all, the glory of his Grace. And to this purpofe Heaven it felf is an houfe full of broken men, who have borrowed millions from Chrift, but can never repay more than to read, and ling the praifes of Free-grace; Glory to the Lamb, andgloryt?th~riches of hu grdce for evermore. Thus for directions ; one word of Apphcauon, or a few Mouves to work Faith in you in tlusrefpect. 1. Chrill in his Word invites you to believe; thefe are his lerters from Heaven, Come all to themarriage-Ji•pper of the Lamb;. Ho _ev~ry onethat thirfts co"?e in; Heaven-gate is open to all that knock, but fool s, foo!I01 VIrgms, foohfh fouls, wluch llaveno Faith nor will l1ave any, to render them'fit for Heaven. This meets with fome thar fcruple, what? will Chriff eo>neagain to receive me tohimfelf? jha/1 I enter with him into glory ? al.u no unclean thingJhP.!t enter into that holy City, and {hall {uch a jinner as Iam be admitted? Oh believe, believe thy part in this coming of Chrift, to receive thee to himfelf; and no fin, that thou feeleft a burthen, fhall keep thee Out of Heaven. There is Rabab the Harlot, and Manaffeh the Munherer, and M ary that had fo many Devils; aman that bath Luke 14.22. many DiveIs may comewhere there is noi one; Lame,~: ! blind, andhalt may enter into H eaven, andyetftillthere u room; there is great variety of guefls above, and yet one Table large enough for all; nocrouding, and yet thoufands, and thoufa nds of thou– fands fitting together; Ah poor foulswhy daft thou make exceptions , where God makes none? why Owuldfl thou exclude thy fd f out of rhefe golden gates, when God doth not? believe, onely believe in the Lord Jejiu, and the promife is fure, and without all comroverfie, tho" (halt be (aved. 2 . Chrifl by his Mini!lry imreats you to believe; come, fay they, we befeech you believe in your Judge; it may be you flartle at this, what I to believe in him who is a coming ro be your Judge? bur ifyour Judge be Jefus, if the fati_Je perfon who dyed for yQu, ihall come to judge you, why fhoul~ you fear? Indeed If your Judge were your enemy, you might fear; but If he who •s your Lord, and who loves your fouls J!Jall judge you, there is no fuch ca?fe; will aman fear w be judged by his dearefl friend,? J brother by abrother I acluld by a Father I or awtfe by her husband ? con- · Cider! is not be your Judge who came.down from Heaven, and who being on Earth was judged, condemned, and execute~m. your !lead I ·and yet are ye fearful,. 0 ye of little faith ? Oh what an unreafonable hn IS unbehef! nay, fay rhe fcrupulous, If 1:vere affurtd of rhis . if I knew that my Judge were my fnend, l Owuld not fear; but Is he nor my enemy ? have not I provoked him to enmity ~gainft my ford I do I n.ot fla nd it our in arms againfl my Judge? am not I datly finmng agamft !urn, who JUflly may condemnme for my fin I givethis for granted, that this and no orber, no better is my cafe, .1nd what fay you then? if it befo, heark then to th~ voice of our Miniftry. ·We p0or Miniflers that love your ~ouls ( fay what you wlll of us) would fam have all · - tlus