638 Book VI. , J.Lroking unto 'jjtfu~. Ch~p.2. Setl:.8.9. your heart Jhall rejoyce, Andyour joy no man tak._ethfrom )'OIS ; how fhould'ft thou but re– joyce, and be exceeding glad? if thou lookell upon the Holy Gho!l: as deligned by the •atber and the Son tO bring joy and delight into thy foul, how 010uld'ft thou but be fil– led wirh the water of life, with the.oyl of gl~dnefs, and with rl~e new wine of the-Kiqg. dom of God? 0 the bleffed workwgs of faith on., fuch a fubJect as. this ! if once we ~re but Jf4hfiedby fauh, and that we can act our faHhon Chnft s glonouscoming, then Rorn. >·•·•·>· It Will follow, that we fhall have pcacewtth God, ar.d rejoyce in the hop• of the glory of God; and ndt onely fo, but we fha/lglory in trib~<lation alfo. 1\ev. 22. 17. Cant. 8. '4· Rev. )· 12. Ver. I;. Heb.t>. 2. SECT. VIII. Of ea/ling on !efus in that refPe&. 8. LET us call on Je]Uf, as carrying ol) our fouls falvation at his fecond coming •. this contains prayer, and praife-. ' 1. Let us pray for the coming of Chrift-; this was the con!!am prayer oft!Je Church, Comt .lArd refu, rome quickly. The Spirit and the Bride fay, come. Well knows the Bride tl\a~ the day of C~tift'scoming is her wedd-ing day, .her coronation day, the day of~refennng her unto hts Father, and the~el\lre no. wonder 1f lbe pray for rhe !la!l:ening of rt; Nak$hajle my beloved, andbethoultk$t'odRoe, or to tr young Hart; thy King– do?~; comlr. Many prayers are irr the bowels of this, as that Chrifl, when he comes may bid us l>.•elcome, and give us !1 place on ~1is Thro~e, ~m his right hanll, and pro~nounce us blelfed, and take us to htmfelf, to hve Wtth htmfel£meternal glory, &c.. Btli: I mention onely this general, and let each foul expatiate on the reft. 2. Let us praife him for his.coming, .and. _for aH his at'l'ings at his coming: 'Our en~·· £llgcmenr ro Chrifl even for r~1s tranfacr~on 1s fo great, that we ca.n never enough extol hiS"Name i ar rhat day lhe books fba!l'be'opened, and wfiy not the book of our engage-· ments to Jefus Chrifl? if il trraft be open~d, 1 tan furely tell you it is written full· diepage and margenr, both within and withoUt, is writren full; it's an huge book of mtnyvol'ames. Othenlerour~earrs befu!I Ofpraifes! let usjoyn with thofe tilelfed' Elders rhitt fell down before the Lamb, a_ndfung, ,.worlhj u the Lamb thkwM flain to re-· cezve pot~er, and riches, and ntlf~Mt, mid jlrci1pir, ~ndhonddr 1 'i"dglory, and bleffin$.. Yea, kt u; jo'fn ~ith' all thofe crean'lres in Heav~n; and on Earlh, and under the Eatfb, and in the Sea; whom 7ohn heard, faying, Blejfil>g;/JonDUt, glory. andpower'be Hnto hilli rhnt flttetho'n tl!e Throne, llnd unto the Lam/1 frtr tvet and t>rrer, ·Amen. ' ' . , ' ]. SECt. IX. Of conforming ~" Jefm in th~t, ~eJPefl. 9· LET usconformto /efi#, ascomingagainto judge the World. L0okjngto J<(IU cont-ains this; when the Apoftle would perfwade Chriftians ro patience under the crofs , he lays down lirft the clo11d of wirneffes, all the Martyrs of the Churcli of Chrift ; and fecondly J efus Chrifl himfelf, as of tm>re vertue and power than all the reft; tlie Martyrs (utfered much, bur ChriaEnd.ured n1ore than they all ; .and therefore faith tbe Apoflle lo.!t._unto refi~>; furdy he· is the befl exemplar, the chtef pattern to whom in all his tranfacrions, we may infome way :Or other conform. ·· But how flJOuld we conform to Chtift in this refpecr? I Anfwer-- '. Chrift will in his time prepare for judgment;' o.h let us at all rimes prepare for his judgifig of us; doth it not concern us to prepare for liim, }Swell as it concerns him ~o preparefor us? if Chrifl tome;and find m carelefs, negligent, unprepared, what wtfl becof]le of us? the v~ry rbi>ught of Chrift's fudden coming ro judgment might well put us lnfo a waiting, watching poflure; that we mighe be !lill in readincfs; it cannot be long, and alas, what is a little time whewii is .gone? _'how qutckly O!lll we be m ano– ther World, and our fouls receive their parttcular Judgments; and ·f> watt ttll our bodies be raifed, and judged to the fame condition, or falvarion? it i• nor an hundt€d years in alllikelyho<!d, till every foul of us !ball be'in H€avenor }:1~11; it may ?e wnh– _in a year, or two, or ten, or thereabouts, the grdteft part of thlj congregat!on wb~