·----- ·--- --- -------------- Book VL Chap. 2. Sea. 9· 64; thingJ in Chriff, both_ rtJhich are in hc~ver.,. and which are on .earr?, even in him. All things are fummed 1Ji' mone Jefus Chrlfl:; 1f we look on the creanon, the whole world wao made by Chri£1:, if we look on providences, all things fubfift in Chrirt, they have their being, and their well-being in him. Where may we find God bm in Chri£1:? where may we fee God but in this effemial and eternal glafs? Chri£1: ·;, rhe face of 2 cor. 4 . 6. God, the brighrncfs of his glory, the expre{s imageof hi< Fathers perfo~; the Father is Heb. 1. 3· as it 'were all Sun, and all pearle; and Jefus Chri£1: is the fublhntial rayes, the_eternal and effemial irradiation of this Sun of glory: Chri!l out> God as the feal doth the !tamp; Chrifl reveals God as the face of a man doth reveal the man; fo Chri£1: to Philip, He th~t hath focn me,hath {een the _Fa;her; q._d. 1 am as hke the Father as John ' 4· 9· God is like h•mf<l f; there IS a perfect mdmfible umty between the Father and me, I and the Father arr Me ; one very God, he the begetter, and I the begotten; Chrift · is the fub!lamial Rofe that grew out of the Father from eternity; Chri!t iS'the effenrial wifdom of God; Chrill: is.the fubll:amial Word of God, the intellectual birth of the Lord's infinite underllanding. Oh the worth of Chrift! compare we other things with Chrilt, and they will bear no weight at all; ·,call into ,ohe ballance with hrm An– gels, they arc wife, but he i> wifdom; call: into the ballance with him men, they are lyars, lighterthan vanity , but Chri!t is the .Amen,. the faith[HI witncjf; call: ·into the fcales Kings, and all Kings, and all their glory, why he is King of Kings; call:· into the fcale millions of tallents-weight of glory ; call in two Worlds, and add to the weight mtllions of Heavens of Heavens, and tht ballancecannot down, the fcales are unequal, Chrill: out-weighs all. Shall I yet come nearer hon;e? whlt is He•ven but to be with Chri\1: ? what is life eternal but ~<> believe in God, ~nd in his Son Jefus Chriil I where may we .iind peace with God', and reconciliation with Go'd, but onely in Chrill:; God Wa& in Chriff reconc>ling the world 11nto himfelf ? where may we find 2 cor! 5. 1 9. compa!lion, mercy, and gentlenefs to !inners, but onely in Chriu? it is Chrill: that ukes off infinite wrath, and fatisfies jullice, and fo God is a mofl lovely, compaf- - fionare, defirable God in Jefus; all the goodnefs of God comes out of God th:·ough this golden pipe the Lord Jefu• Chri£1:: It is true tbofe effemial attributes of love, grace, mercy, goodnefs are onely in God, and they abide in God, yet the Media– tOry manife!lation of love, , grace, mercy, and goodnefs, is onely in Chrift; Chri!l: alone is the Treafury, Store-houfe Magazene of the free goodnefs and mercy of the Godhead. In him we are Elected, Adopted, Redeemed, Ju!l:ified, Sanctified, Saved. he is the ladder, and every llepof it betwixt Heaven and Earth; he is the way, th~ trmh and the life; he is honour, riches, beauty, health, peace, and falvarion; he is a fuitab!e and rich portion to every man's foul ; that which fome of the Jews obferve of the Mannah, that it was in talle according to every man's palate, it is really £rue of Chri£1:, that he is to the foul whatfoever the foul would have him tO be. All the [pi– ritual bleffings wherewith we are enriched, are in and by Cbri£1:: God bears our prayers by Chri£1:; God forgives our iniquitiestbrough Chrill; all we have, and all we expect to have, hangs onely on Chrifl:; he is the golden hinge, upon wl1ich all our falvacion turns. Oh how fl10uld all hearts be taken with this Chrifl I Chri!l:ians turn your eyes upon the Lord; Look_, and/ook.•gain unto 'itJu<; why !land ye gazing on the toyes of this World, when fuch aChri(l is offered to you io the Gofpel I can the World dye for you I can the World reconcile you to the Father ? can the World advance 'you to the Kingdom of Heaven I as Chrill: is all in all; fo let him be the full and complear fub– ject of our ddire, ~nd hope, and faith, and love, and joy ; let him be in your thoughts the lir£1: in the morning, and the la!l: at night. Shall I fpeak one word more tO thee that believe!\ ? Oh apply in particular all the tranfactions of Jefus Chri£1: to t!iy very felf; re'f'ember how he came out of his Fathers bofomfor thee, wept for 'thee, bled for thee, poured out his life for thee, is now rifen for thee, gone to Heaven for thee , fits at God's right hand, and rules all the World for thee; makes inrercemon for thee, and at.rbe end of the World will come again for thee, and receive thee to hioilfelf, to live wHh him for ever and ever. Surely if thu< thou believ.efl, and livefl; thy life is com– furtJble, and thy death will be fwm; if there beany Heaven upon Earth thou wile find it in the practife and exerci~e of this Gofpel-dury, in Lookjng ~mt• Jefiu. A