TO JE S ll S CH RI S T, THE E ~ER NAL SON OF G 0 D·; The brightnefs ofhisFathers Glo:ry,the exprefs Image of his Fathers Perfon :the fubftamial Wifdorne ofGod·, aa~ · Power of God, andWord of God : the Way.. the Truth, and th~;: Life;theGolden·Hinge on which mens Salvation turns; the Food, the Robe, the Rock, the Refuge, the Srrengrh, the Deliverer of his People·; the real ProteCl:er , PhyGcian, Shepheard; Saviour of all that trufl: in him; the true Light,true Vine, true Rock, .true Fountain opened for lin and for uncleannefs; the Water ofLife, the Dew of Heaven, the chief Corner-Ctone, the Sun of Righteoufnefs; the Glory of his People, the Defire of Nations, the Hope ofSalvati– on, the Confolation of Ijr.tcl: ·,Ay Lord, and my God; tny hidding place from the wind, and my covert from the tempeft; my fhadow, cloud, defence, and Taber– nacle; my cleft ofthe Rock_,and fecret }'iace ofthe fl:airs , my dea– rcft Patron, and choicefl: li·ier.d in all the World,(for all others, men or Angels, are but infl:i'Urnents,and fubordinate, ifthey'l act as fuch.) This worth!elk work, and Iaft piece of Pta" Ctical Divinity, withal] I have, andall I am, dol fub• · miilively ot!er, yield, confecrate, and dedicate. And Oh that I, :.~nd all I bring, may find accep– tance with him, throu~h his glorious me· rit>!who[e promi[e ir i;,not to defpife the day offmall things; and in na wife to cafl: out, or to fhut the doors a· gainfl: them, whom his Father hath given Him. A 2