;---- ---·--- ·~------- TO THE RIGHTHONOURABLE Sir 0 R L A J'(V 0 B R I V GM uJ N, Kt. LordChief Tull:ice of his l\1ajellies Court of ~ommon J>leas. Right Honourable ; I Have ftnown youfrom JOUr childhood: and when I call to rememb-rance 2 Tim. 1 - s. the unfeigned Faith, which dwelt firft in your Grandmother Loh,and your muther Elmicc (if I may fo call her ofpiolts memory) and I am _per[waded in you al[o ab inmnabilis, 1cannot but comfortably hope, that thefame Seed ofGodfown inJOur heart by the Spirit Jo early,rloth fiil! remain, and a/,idehtyo11 to this very day. Many changes have yott fcen, · and run thro11[,h -inli.>efe frwda;esoftheyearsofyour Pilgrimage, tmdyetiheartbe j:tme Fm -th, .,. d Low, and Spirit ofmoderation contin11e 1w thyou tiJ at the fii jl, and r ttt'l eafe m you dat!J lik_e the rivers drawing nearer to the Ocean. iWy h,- ·rJ Y<JO}cct b m this good report, tmd I k_now not -what more to beg of God iJl' }Ott, as tndy necejfary in this World, than thatyou may abou 11 d in tl"'f g•·ares_ :1 J ai1b tn Chrijt, love to the Saints,and moderationtowards all mtn.IIl atling 1 be j d/ graceyou looftHeaven-rMrds; in thefecond on thofe that art l uvwty' m t£c third on the divided i11terejis ofthem, whoj/.:Oitld fludy u1<d pr.«) je nn lll~lfor:bearance, andcondefcenjton towards each othe 1•• oh that"' tl.t.r ldl n;e had many more imitators of his il-lajefly that 11JiW is, ~r oj yru rf.,nf rr~lk_tn thefleps offo gracious a Soveraig>t !It is obferved that m tf.e Pn11nlive times, while tbe tme Church Was fli/t k_nown by its Fa1th, and Love, and Moderation, andfweetnejfe of deportment towardJ aU its members; that Oil the contrary the Ariam, a1nl Donatil-ts, andfoch lifte, were.fti/l dividtng, 1111dftparating,md rigoro1tjly impojing 011 others unneceffary things. If I may jpealz 1vitho1i~ offence to any, were it not happy with 11s, if all that agree in the Slt:bfiantials and EJ/entials of Religion, would maize it their mai-n w~rkto prejfe Faith and ffoLinef, and aUow a li– berty to e.1ch other in· indifferent tbi11gs? were a/£ as fenjible of the ad– vrmtage wegive to the comm~n enemy, ( I me01z the Papifls ) <IS I ant, that live and rejide tlllJOngfl: t!Jem, Ifoppofe weJbouldbe more willing to unite our felvCJ, 11nd to bear the~ltrthens ofom another in love. It was a workjng nteditation ofSt. Hierome, That whatever he did, he thonght.ftill he heard that jo11nd ofthe Trumpet, Arife ye dead and come to Judgment ; thefame meditation is held forth to us, toperfnradeus to unity_, or at le aft to mode– ration, Let your moderation be known to all m~t~, the: Lord is at hand ; Ph;I, 4.S· it werefa.L that when he comes, lJejhou!d flnd 11s fmlting our fellow fervants; M•tth, 2 • 1 · 4 9 oh that rather we may cherijh one another, and help em a11other to promote Rom. '4- , 7, thtje ejfential Duties wherein the Kingdom of God eJPecia1iy conjijis, viz. righteoufi1eiTe, and peace, and joy in the Holy Gho!l:. Theft are the things, wherei11 }QII rvere trained, and wherei11JOlt profted, and which I hope, and dejire