Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

The EpifUe Dedicatory. -~---~- dejireJOit will promote to J9U1 dying day. 0 tha~ that golden_ r1t!~ were w:it- . ten on the doors ofallChrtflians hearts,follownghteoufi1efie, fazrh, chanty. • Ttm 2 22. peace with them that call on the Lord oat ofa pure heart. We have enemies enough to wrefllewith, even againfl: Principalities, Powers, Rulers of the darkndle of this World, and Spiritual wickedneffes in heavenlies; tmd we have tnll11Jfriends that wait 11pon us, and 1llinifier to 111 , and perfwade Its in thetr Spiritual and ''IJfierious way to thofe ejfi:ntial Duties of. Pettce and Patience, Gentlenejfe at1d Mee/zm.f!e; ofboth thefc you will read in thefollo"I!Cing Treatife; and they will leadyou on to another Duty oflooking unto Jefus; wherein if weJPwd ,d! the time we ctmfrare,forjitch a con– templation, wefhall fi1zd wor/z enough befid~s unneceffitries, to buje our minds and confcienas ~tpon; And fitrdy blefted IS that fc::rvant (let the world fay Matth. 24• 46, >J>hat it will) whom his Lord, when he cometh, (hall hod fo doing. 1 i(now you are [Ttllohanded withfevera/ high and mce(/dry imployments, Ire~ folve therefo~e to nJtt4§ t10 long Epi(Ue, Ifyou pleaji: to patronize the follow~ ing Work.. ofW~r with Devils, ~nd Communion with Ange[s; both which I hopeyot1 willfind cot1Jon<~nt to holy Scriptures, Ijba/1 beyet 1110re ingaged to' ack_t1ow/edge 111Jfeife, and to remain, Your Hon 1-lllmble, fail hfit! Servant in Chrijl, ur olim, ut femper, I s A A c A M B R 0 s E. To