Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

To the Chrillian A DE R.'i • 'AMongft the means, duties, ordinances, which one~ I difcover in their right method, manner, and proceedings, I obferve three _ Ordinances made little ufe of, though moft neceifary. The firft j, Wttl nntbDevils held forth inEphej.'6. 12. the fecond i_s .lv~ni}lration of and cOlllMHmon Jrith A11gels,hcld forth ll1 Heb.1.14. the thtrd IS Loof<jng 1111 taJe– Jus,hc!d fi;tth i1, Heb 12.7.Thefe three have fomeft,it;~blenefs among them– k lves, anJ accordmgly I have obferved fome fuitablenefs in this Work ~ In themfdves it is fuirabic that IYttr with Devils &ould have incourage– ment from holy A11geh, and yet that we fhould not ftaythere, or dwell on them, bnt loo/z a little further, and refl: on nothing on this fide Jefus Chri£1:. In the Work, l have firfl: enlarged by way of pref.1ce Qn each Du– ty ; I fee they are Ordinances little praCl:ifed, or made ufe of, and there– fore I thought a confirmation ofeach Duty,and a perfwahon to it,, as well as direCJ:ion in it,was notal together labour in vain: In the direction it felf, I have followed each one from firfl: _to laO: ,; War with Devils begins with the beginning ofour !Jfe, m~d contmues '~0 ?eath : iVJinifl:ation of 1 md c ommuniDn with Angels begms at our begmnmg, and con tmues till the ending of this W orld, o.r R.efurrection. day_: l_oof<jng unto ']efos begins with Eternity, and contmues to Etermty ; It mmds what was before the World was ; and mir.d s what fhall be, when time fhall be no more. Now in that l h~ve obferved fuchacorrefpondencie in all thefe Ordinances, I thought it not ami He to joyne all thefe ragether; and though for the Jarge– nefs they contain two Volum~s, :yet to ~~n;prife them in one Work. Thou haft now my !act Works of Practical Divimty that ever I mean to publifh tothe W o rld; and if lafl: words are wont to bear the greateft weight, and to make the deepefl: impreffion, much more let thefe !aft PraGl:icallines, finde fome enterrainmeNt from thee, and acceptance ofthee, for thy [pi– ritual good. This (next to Gods glory) is my chiefefl: aim: and [o I leave thee ;nd the Book together in Gods hands: may his fpirit infpire good moti~ns, whilfl: thou readeft my directions, and bring them to good illi.te: i-t is the Prayer of. Thy unworthy Friend, and I Ser1!ant in Cbrifts Tlineyard. 1 faac AmLrofe; The ,_