Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

VV A~·· . ··' •.!J.'' VVJT·H ,, D E V I L··. -s. --- - --- -------- ---.,----- The Firfl: Book. EPHES. 6. 12. We wrriflle not againfl Flejh and Bloo.i, but t~gai'lfi; Principalitiu, ttglli>lji p 6 wers, againft the Brdtri of the Dark._nefs of this World , agai'!ft spi– ritual Wick._edneffes in Heavmlies• .. 'I --~ { CHAP. I. SECT. I. 'Ih9 Coherence, and Divifton of the Words. J'l" ' .~.1. r Monr,tl other Exhortations, our Apofllc gives in this , Be Jl,ong in tbe v f. '' .· Lord,andin the Power of hi< Mig/;t : Andto this end h~ pmpounds . 1 • The '' • 10 " Meam , pttt on the whole Armour of God: Arid '>. The Moriyes , drawn Verf· 1 from a Chriflians Fight and Cembate; wherein is ,,The kind ofCorn- " _ bate; calledWreftlinz, we Wrejlle: 2· The Combatants the'mfelves; to verf. a. wit, Chrifiial)s and Devils; n·e are the Defendants, and they are the AGailants l They ; who are they? I· Negatively, or comparatively, '11o1 flefh anrl bl••d : 2 • Affirmatively, or pofitivcly, Princip.litia, Powerr, Ru/m •f'the dark,neji of thir W-rld , and Spiritt<al Wick,sd~tf[ei i11 (or about) Heavenlier. SECT. II. Of ibe fevera/ DoE/fines ded,.ccd from tbt rvordr; FKom every put we may deduce a feveral Do&rine; as 1. Ou>' Spiriil~al Combate is a wrejllinr,. ~. AU Gods Ptop.le &re to be in tbt Fit);t. 3· Our Entmiu are more than 1'/efl; and Blood. 4• 'Ihtyare mighty and maliciom Enemies that war againj! ui, even P>'in– cipalities, Powers, Rulers, and Spiritual Wicf<Jdncjfes. My defign is to infillon the firll; only w~ !hall begin with the three lattet, and briefly fay fomethiug of every one of them , CHAP. II. SECT. I. Ofthe jirfl Do&ri11e to be ha~tdle'd. ;f. t ~I" ::,i .v 'ALL Gods People are to be in rhe Fight, Wr] wrefllt· This~" is citller Exclu· five, orlncl ulive: 1. Exclnfive , not the Wicked : 2 .lnclnfive, but wt that arc Saints, and the People of God. •· Not the Wicked; they ferve not in tltis War ; inl\ead of fighting the Lords Bat– tels, th<V:fpend their time inChambering am! Wantonnefs, in lulls and t'lndcannds, in Carckfnefs and Idlenefs :· they Oeep in fecurity, they make r,o rdifiance, for they "B· are