Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

4 Beok I. Vfe. And what, my Brethren? are our enemies more than fidb and blood ? Oh the kj condition of men th>t provide not for this war i Chrillians 'how doch it con~ern yo• to !land upon your ;;uml, and to be in ufe of all means againll fiefh aud blood) ·f" City were belieged with forreiu forces, and they within knew that rhey harb~u1re~ home bred,.Traytors, WOI4ld they not lay hands on them, and put them to death) My Brethren, your Souls are a~ Cities, befieged with all the p.:>wer and policies otD ' - · 'viis, and you have within yo•t home-bred Enemies, even your own flefh and bioad a;d thefe leek all ocCJfious to betray your Souls into the Devils hands; is it not tim~ the 1 to mortitie tlie fkfi1 '· ~nd lulls thereof i is it not time then to implore the aid an~ aififiance ~f Gods Sp~m, wh~reby you may be ftrengt_henei and inablcd to ftay rhore 1~f~s, whiCh war_agamft the Soul : chefe are m. fo~e refpeCls more dangerous and per– niCIOUS than Dev1ls ~~erofe Ives; they are wuhm y<>ur bofomes, and like fecret Tray– tors, they open th~ C1ry_ Gates, yea, they_ d1farm you of your weap~ns, and Jay you naked to Sathans mvahons a>1d temptatiOns : Probable it is, that Sath10 could neva vanquifh you, unlefs the fie(h and the lu(l thereof did betray you into his hands: pro– b~bly this_ poli~y co~ld never circumvent you, unle!$ theli: fccrec Traytors d1d give hnR contmual mtelbgence of all advantages. Sure I am, the O;vil is bur an our– wud caufe of Sin, he cantiOt compel or force you eo Sin, but your lufts help on; Oh then how fhould you watch over your botome corrupti0ns, and be in ufe ot all mean; for the mortifying of this flcfo an4 blaad CHAP. IV. SECT. I. Of,the third DoUrine. THey arc mi~hcy and malicious enemies t~tat. war again(\ u_s,even Prhtcipalitier, PowerJ, Kuler1 of the Dark,_neji of thu World, and[pzrztual wxcf<edncffer in in Heavmliu : Thus are they poficively defcribe&. l Otall a litrlc learch into the woras, that we may underftand, what puilfmt enemies we hJve againfi us, r. l'rincipalitiu, they are not only Pri11ce.>, bKt Princip>litieJ in the abfinct; it fees forth the eminency of their government, above all rbe Princes in th.e World: other Princes rule in iome parts, but Stthan rule! over all the EJrth: Hence fome– Joh. 1 4 ; 30, times he is called Prince of the World, and fometimes the God of thi1 World; he co11H 2 Cor. 4• 4• tell Jefus Chri<l, that aiL the Kingdomu af the World, and the glory of them rve'e deii– Luke-4. 6, 7• vered unto him, and to rvbamfoever he wouldhegave them. I do not fay that the Devil . fpake-t'ruth eo Chrifi; for the World was nor hisei!her i11 polfeilion or difpolitinn; for ffal. 2 4• 1 • po!fellion, the EartbiJ tbeLaraJ and all tbat therein ir, tbc IYarld, .and alitbat dwell thereP 8 1 in; and for difpolition, it is Gods Prerogative, <Jnd Peculiar, By me Kingr reign. All R~:: ~~:,. S• ParverJ that are, are ordaimd of God. He mabpb law and he m,k.ftb high, it if the · Dan. 4• 12. Mojl High, that btareth rule ovtr tbe KingdoweJ of Men: Yet this we grant, that Sa· than is truely called the Prince of the Wo1!d as it is corrupted; when rhe World de– parted from God to his Adverfary, God io Jufiice gave Slthanleave roprevail and rule in the &ons oi-Di[obedicnce ; and thus Devils are Prir.c<s, or ia tbe abtlract Principa· lities over all the Earth. z. PowcrJ. Theyarenotonlypowerful, but Pon:erJ in cheabfira[l: (i.e.) they are cloathed and filld with a mi~hcy Power, were DcvilsPrinas onely in their Sryk, and had no power, the title cou.ld not carry it ; we little eO~em of fotmds, fyllables, and words: have we not feen what the [word can do withouta Title, and how cmp· ty the title ·is without the Sword ? Well, but Devils have both; as rhey are Principali– ties, fo they are Powers; they are Princuaf the Powo·: What ~h1s power IS p1ft my tphef. 2 ; 2 ' tellil<g, oncly if we look in che World, we may find lt wort:lerfulm lever•I pares of it. As-- '- l'or the Elementary part of the World, what Element is it, _that be hath not power over. •· Ere isrhe Element prepared for hnn; and he can (1t let loofe) tend 1t down contrary to its nature from Heaven to E·1rrh : th4 ; nne ot the Mt!Tcngers told Job, 1 • 10 • Jab, 1he Fi" of God i1 faUe~ from Heavtn, and batb burm up tbe_ Sheep 4>Zd tb: Sul!Pittl> and c"ifim•ed zbem, and I only am efcaped aJ,ne t> tell rim: 1t ts called the f ,,., of God