Book I. Cap.4 SeCt. 1. God,though caukd by SJthan: it was not God, but Sathan that was the immediate kindl er of ir ; and yet called the Fire of God, becaufe of the frrangenef> of the F1re : it was a wonderli1l, neat, acd excraordinory Fire;' fome think it )"as a flaih of Light12i11g, and it is mor~ probab:e, beca;.l:. it is laid to f~ll down from Heaven. Sathan C.ryl on Jo!i; can do n 1 ight;• tbings, command m~ch tn that Magazwe of Heavw, where !hcdreadfiel h 16. artillery, tiJJfc fi ry meteorJ, wine,, m..:~e mw tremble, are lodged and jfored. up• . For inliance, hccanr.liiclurgethe great Ordnance of Heaven, Thunder and Ll_ghtnmg; and by his Art be can make them more ternble and dreadful than they are mnature. 2 . The Air is his own t!cmeut, wherein n~w he reigneth; he is Pri11ce of the power of Ephe[.o, •· the air (;.c.) of the airy Dominion or Prmcedom. The Jews have a tradition, that all the fpacc between the Earth and the Firmament is full of Troops of evil Spirits, their Chieftains having their rdldence in the Air. Augu~ine and Hierome tell os, II•C· deCivit; thac this was chc opinion of all the Primitive DoCl:ors : Now if there they are as Dei,. I. B.c.22. Princes, and have Power, no wonder if they can violently move the air, ond c1ufe ~m'" Ephcf. ternp<i1s and Harms: thus another meffeoger, told Job, 1he~e c•me agreat wind from ]~b. 1, , 9, :beWild:rneji, aud [~<zote tbc four Ccrnm of the Houfe, and Jt fell upm the Yomz~j-m<n, and ''"Y arc dead. Sathan being left to his own di(pofe, can raife and enrage l1orm5 and wnpefts. I believe ( fatth one) Satban c•nnot raife fo mucb wind by hir own Power, caryl ••Job. a11d at bi1 own Pleajim, aJ wili wave a feather; but wh"' God faith, fio, anddo fuch 1. 19, t.binf!,I, then he c..zn raife windcncugh to move fl!Iountains, and raife the Fou;zdationJ of the proudejl and jlrongeft Buildings. Thus J obs Children '~)<re buried in the ruines of their Houfe, by a Puff (as one calls it) of the Devi/J mouth. 3. The water is an Element commanded by him; he can trouble the Seas, aud caufefuch Waves and Bill.owes to arife, as (hall !'wallow up Ships and men: he can make fuch fmgcs as {hall fweltover bancks : lt Is Mr. GurnaiJCxpreflio u, He can hurle the Sea into fiJCh a commotion, that Cor 1 Cb 1• thcdepthrf/Jallboillikg a Pot, as if l;leavenandEarth would mw. I cannot but chinkJ!i•;;:moo~. the Devil wa. in that fiorm, when the waves beat into the Ship wherein Chrift flept, for being awoke, He rebukfd the ;-oind, and [aid untOihe Sea, peace, beJliU• .,..,,lf'"q' , a word that [onJetimes he ufed to the Devil, Lui(,e4• 3)· q. d. be mulled Sathan, thou t 1 ''k4. ;9. fiinet\ thefe wavts : bad my Dilciplt< believed, as they fho~Jd have done, thou had{! " <4· 3S· not done this; by Faith Sathan avoiJs, a11d by diffidence Sathan re-enters, and is full of rage. 4· The Earth isan Element over which he rangeth; when the Lord asked him, Wb<nce cumefl tbo" Sath~n? he anfwered from going to and fro i11 the Eortb, a11d Jrom wa!kjng up and dow11 ilz it : Sathan here fpe<~ks like a Pr_ince that had gone about, Job 1 • 7J his Counui,s to view his Provinces, his Kingdomes, and Ciues, I come (fitth he) from vijitingwy fcvtr.l Place I and Dominions: and though h1s mtent be eo devour men, yet in refertl!Ct to this very Element, he can caufe Earth· quakes, throw down chet1rongeli buildings, root up the bell: fetckd Trees, and u•ove all things. z. For the ftnfible part of the•World, he can enter into the bodies of Bea.fis, and aCJ; thtrn at his plta!ure ; we have•one notable inftance .,f • Legion of Devi/J, entring into ail beard of Swine, and the heardranviolently down a j/eep place into the Sea (they were M . about 2000. ) andwercchoak!;d in the Sea ' An ea fie chin g it i1 with Sathan to hurry up at. S· l3• and down the bodies of Bealts, a>Id to make th~m with vioknce rufh hither and thither: and they have 110 \ofspo wcr en the bodies Of men ; have they DOt po!fe!fed them, and made them lunatick, and fo vexed chem that ofientimeJ tbey have fallen into the Fire, andoftentimcs into the Water) Nay, luvc they not mad6 fame deaf, and dumb, daj!J- Mat.•7· 'Si i»gthem, and. te.ring them, tiU they foamed, and gnaf/Jcd Tfitb tbei' teeth, and even pinnl away? or ( tf l may fay more) have they nor fometimes carried, and hurried up and down e-ven in the air, the bodies of men) l could inflance in chat S•credBody ofChrift wbom tbe De~il toulz. "P into tbc Holy City, a11d Jet him on a Pinacle of tbe Temple: and 4~ Mat. 4· s, g, t<r tool;, hii'II up again into au exceedi;,g high Mountain, and there .fbcwed him ~u the King· domCI of the Wwrld, and tlu glory of them. That ~'athan can tranfporc the bodies of Witcl:es, many Hil\ori<s record : aud that he can bewitch the bodio< of Unbelievers 110nc will dtny: but here Scripture fpeaks of a poiVer that the Devil had over Chrill~ body, ond eltcwhcre, of a like po,~er that he had over the bodies of the Saints. Job is onc.mflan~e, and the DJughter ot· tlut wom'!ll of C11Jtaan, that was a Daughter of Alwah•m, may ferve I or another inflance :and if the Lord il>ould not refirain the ma· lice and power of the Advcrl•ry, we might ha\C as many inllanC{s as there arc men and wori1cn in the \Vorld. ' :;• rur the So~!s ..,f men, ·which we call the intelkCl:~al part oft he war!~, he bath &3 a