8 rr.J. 9 1, r. 2 !"et· 5· 8. EpheC 6. 10, 2 Cor. 2, 12. Ephef. 6. •r. EpheC 6. 11, Book I. Chap.•. Sed: .~ D~vils. in a Chain, ath.l he fhaightc~1S or inlar~·:th it .a ~ he pleafCt. 1 : hi;; puwcr is nor ondy m HeJvcn, bm on Euth, and m Hell; and lwe ISthe hopeofS·. 1i 11 cs, here is their Tower ofrefug.:I-Je tbat tbvclictb i;, theficret place•iftbe moif bi~b, {In// ,,[,ide uw/e,. tbe f!Ja.. do>v oftbe.dlmi~bty. 0 then,that Gods people would in all Jaugu lulle to 1hcir fortreG' th Jt tf1ey would fo;· "[ tbe Lord, be is my refiege, and my .furm fj , my c; t!, 111 1/i,, will [ tm:l. But the uk> ot th1s n.1ture we Oull bring into tnt n ·xt pui nt , lnd ro lh.d I hJitcn. C H A P, V. S E C T. I. Of the nuin Do{}rine intended. 0.. U R fpidtual combJte is a wrdlling. (;(,11 »tJ.'IV {, 'K'd.Att) thtrf i1 tt rrte{llin~ ta . :or n:c.·wrcft/c.-;rtf.M dicitur,qreia c1rpu1,..~· '"'.1"'•'d ejl,qu•titur_:rh~Greekword, J,.;ord111g ro the proper notwon of Jt, figLihtth luch a ltnte as lfnkcth the bod y ol him that lh ive; h to Ouke; and howfocvcr fometim:s it 1> given.to a 11rifc of fporr; yet here it is uf,J tor a fcrious, and fi, rcc tight and corubare ; fo li: rce as it may well nJJke the Soul ihJke again. B rt why i; this combate coiled a mef/li 'f!.' T. Becaufc Satarh h5ht is very clole. This is the natureofwrc111ing, not to fight at a difbnce) but vc_ry n..:ar; .~J.tan is fo near. that he c\of~.rh wi rh us) yt t gds witnm us: he takes hoiJ o£the 1-l,J rt within, the Soul wirhin. Other wrd tkrs m•y catch at the HcJcl, or &nns, or f highs, or they m•y fold · their ~r ms .rbo .1t the midrile of the Body, and llrive With it ,b•.rt Satan i>a Spirit, aFJd enters illlo '>pi tits; his wrdlling is fo cl of(:} dlJt neither unduHJndin£_) wiiJ)atfc_cti.ms, nor any d·ung wirhin G.ltJ t.:fcapt! his tangs. 2 · BccJu[e this fi&ht is very violent; wreflling is not an eJfie, IJLy, idle wmblte: they that wrCIHc, do it with their mighr,and Hrcngth and utmdl vigour. So dols Sl– tan with us hegoCJ a~ 111 .11 ~ ro.1ring Lion, he is very active to do mifcbid , he prhsto his ilrtngth to d evour our Souls: and accordingly muft we dcJI with Satan, fin.d.y my Bretbrcn,be jlmtg in tbe Lcrd; as we rnu11 rake H-::aven by violence, lo we mull dcape Hell by violence; D<1 ils are not robe dallied withal; we mull quit our fdvcs like men, refill unto blood. 3· B:caufc this lightluth in it many wrenches,windings, wiles, and arts. T he cun· ning v;rrellkr CJrrie>it not meerly with hisl1:reogth,but with his feats;his eye is upon all ad.antages; with a wrench, a turn, l trip, a tlcight he gets the maflcry :Satan in this re\peer is an eminent Wref!kr; be makes it his trade, Jnd is wdl acquainted with all the myllcries ofi{ : he hath thoufands,and ten thoufands of llratag,uns aud wiles: he ha~h his {Jd.8" & ,r,p.~?a. asthe ApoOie calls them,that is,his depths, his profound plots and con– trivances, moulded by malice and firbtility in his own large uuderllanding, lcrrni01ed with the exFericoce ofour corruptico ; and-·t-he fuccds ot his rl'lany tomptloons for fame thou· faMOS ol ycars,managed with all the crates and policies ofthe moft dark and hidden corn– ers of Hell :.he hath hisf''~oJ'ala.,, as they arecalled, exquijite mct"'.dJ, in the wily con– 'vcia•ce of his ilratagems, in ordu illghis J!Taul ts,and Ipitting hi, hcry Jarts. And is it not our duty a11 d prudepce to be wdi skilled in his wiles, and ro counter-work him in his crafts i are we not therefore advifed toput on tbe rvfJ le arnMtr ofGod, tb.u we m?y be able tojla;tdagaiufl tbe rvilu of tbe Devil i As there i; no lianJin;; without armollr, fo their is no fear of falling, ifwe are but armed .md prepJrod tor huu: h:s wiles lhould make us wile unto f.lvation, that though he wrel\le artificially with us, we may be able to !land. 4 • Becaufe in this combate each party hath ufuJily hi; 1yd<s or fcconds. l t is thus both with S1tan and us : tirH, he hath his aydes ; thcfc are led nndcr rhe condJfr of thofe two Capta in-G nc~Jls the World and the Fk01: This World is tile D. vi!; Du– ling, and chid Champiou : on the right hand it tncouutcrs us w>•h profpenty, it caQs before' us the golden ·Apples of l'rcbcs, and how prone we are to iiaen to ti1cfe Syrem– Son!;S, our ozpericnce telrs us :on the lclt hand it rcmptlus by advcrfity, turning ic's \fmilcs intofrowus, ics .dlurunents into threats it's olfa ~ o~ honours and riches, to p. oud menacings ofpoverry Jnd ignot11iny: a11J how terrible thdc <~re in ti1c eyes offMh lnJ