Chap. 5 S"Ct_z:..:..,)_·___ l1alm: \llith m:>ebtl~.___ B_oo'-k_l_._ _9 and blood, rhe belt hearts am rtll. The tldh is the Devil; dlrling, by '~hi eh we un· deri!J 11 d the corruption or NJturc: it hghttth and !tdlcth O!jJitll! the Spnt, 1t r<bels aoaiuft tht Ll w ot our m'od, ond le>deth us cl ptive to the LJw ot S111 : be f/.fh l~t<c· G•l. S• !7• tdJa~4injt r:u Sp:rit, ar1d1be Spiritluf(tth' 11g,zi;:f_t tbe F c(J.,, and. tb~Jc are ~ n;.~.z~}~ t~e Rom~ 7 19 • one to tbe ot!;.r; ja thJt we cai11Z/Jt da tl1e fmte tbmgJ that lve na.H d . born f!lltt: :He ~-· rans aides, S..condly, we have oura!dts:, as firliGod rake$" OUr p.llr, aiJJ l~e had: JP· Heb. 2 10 , pointt:d his own Sun.:l.S General of rhe Fk~d, calle·l tbcCaptJ.i~t of our SJ .v.~tJ,Jit ; wllcJ," iot:ver we wrdlk, he Hand.;; by .with .1 rderve (as jr Wt:l t: ) tPr cur 1tl~u at.J plll~h; and ii Wt. will bm cJllupun him at our zteu:J, he will never h.·avt: u~, Lu I Lts, 110r torE.tkc us. Secondly rhe An!lcl'takeo~rpart :BcbaUChari•;tJofjire upO!!tbc M"uirtdi .' l' 1 ,ze, 1 dabomEliih1 : Wrdlkrs are:u{oatly ·cotupalt wtth a nng , anJ 1u..:h a r1115 hJve Sains, tlu AnfclJ cj 1beLv_rd enc:zwp ruund abont them tb;t fr,n· bi ") ''Hd .tb ~' deliver Pfal H· 7· ,bew. Now what bot<<r atdes, or leconds CJn we have th•n the Angels or G•.d, "t·:d rhe God of Aolg<b' Surely, there 'are more fur us rh•n can bear,>io,Jl us : 0 .1, ti1e comturc of th:s! S E C T. I I. Vfe _of Terro11r. 1 Sour lpiritu1l combate a Wrdllbg' r:lc!l woto the Wicked, that never wrdlk at ali: Let them k!low, thlt r.hey art not rhe Lod' ~ ,uldicr!, bur the Dc•ils KtvdJers , aud chcrdOre he tights not , them, ch~.:y .1n.: lu:.. fl kud;';. /Vhe'~ tbc Luk 11 • zo Jfrong arm~einz.J•J (Satan) f<.~epcthhi.i Pa./:,ce bi1 good.,- ilre in Pcact; l·ut ·.vhen a thPnf:)er , than kc comet~ todi{polfd; him, there will be many arullc, and m""Y .1 wroftl<, and u{ually fuch a man wtll feel the Cnn!litr. Now n•o<o '"'m ,~;.,arc ate,fi· in Si m : can Arno• 6 '· we beG<J!)s Servants, attd not his Sottidi<rs? h not Chrtll- Church "·' E.1nh ,, truly lnil Cage'"Church? in a warfare~ as welJ .1s wayb. re .i' Oh, then what is thtir conditJOil that are rid on by the Dcvtl! they will nnr grapple with SHJn, th<y love to !ktp in a whole skin, they crown themfelvc; with pleatant Gulandsof rdHul f.:cumy, th<ly ilnagine they maygo t<Ohe;>vcn in abed of duwn; Oh, but what will bet he end or thde men? the Devil bath alteady latd rh' m on th~rc b1cks , aud there remains no· thing more bur IOlitck them out ut their fecurity into Hell. S E C T. Ill, Vfe of IncOIJragemcnt. I S our (piritoal combatc a Wrcllling ?tlien coun15c thriltiJUs! from rhofe WQrds, be jirrmg ill tile Lr1rd) and itz the p;u.vcr of bit n1i..,hl , I! OllL: righrly obftrvcS 1 tha.r the Ep'hef 6. I 0.. ChriJtiJrl ot all men needs coutagc; a ootv.lrd0~ Spirit i1 bit~e ab tbc t ~wcjt \'ofaCtui,ii If 0 Jt 1 't 1 . an~ tht: feartul are in the f.rlorn ofthu{e ;i acbfor Hell, tbe vi l'l'nt and v. 1 /i.lJ. t ..zrc ~~::. ~'t" ~tr thcyn·hich tai<f Heaven brforcn e~ccpt th''"-""}1 Jl'' _vc thy prdif/" by .m /;er.ick_ S}'irit, Rcvc!. 21 . g, except tJJ, 1 JI wzlt d:sfe tJ be baly z.z fPz.ght rJj !tlc.z .:md D(vil;, ,zeuer tbitl <. t!Jat thou .Jrt be-' gotten ofGod. Ob, lmv1Jncomely afight ir ii a bddJinncr, aHd J for{ul 5Jint ! o;.ercj;lv,d ;o be wick,pd, and a ~ 'bt~Jti:m t>~avering inhi.1 H ·~y co11,fe! t11 fee Hell ksep tlu Field) demlybr.ving it witiJdijpl•yei bann<l'• ofopeN p··opln r ;cfr, a!Id S.zi,;u tohUetheitc ,J. o~ts for (hamc, or t3 run fr.Jm tbeuzf.;,. fo:1r, )"';11JJ jiJ ,uld r.a!Jc,. r~r.Jp tbcmj"elvu i,t tbcm, c111d die upon tbql~ce· TJI<ccourage thertfore, 0 ye S1ints, and be !liong. When Jo 1 1.u.z W<S ro morch before Ifrael tntoCahaa11, the Lord WJS tain to rai[e up his Spirit with redoubled words, Jofh, '· ~ Bqtro~g and of • good courage. --Ont!y be tbcu flrJng.aJtd 1•cry Cllltr-'"''"'· -- ' 7 ' Have not 1 comr.1._nded tl,ee '! be .flrrm~ ail.d of .z 1~o }d cour.tge, be 1zot aftoJid, neit1'lr1· be 9 ' thou dijmaytd, for theL?rdthyGod ii witb thee, whitbcrfoevcr_tb.·,u goejl. Jfay the lame tu you, who· are to march through thts Wildernd; iuto tlur heavenly Ga~aan, 'Iak.,t <cJtlrage, for liJt L 1rdyour Go,li; with y·It: what if Dcvilscome behind, •nd tnp up yuur heels? Nay whar it the , fly in yom races, and gr>pple with you lunJ ro hand ? any weok Jllavid may wrellle with GJlt<h, [o !on~os the blttle is rile Lords, and tlm l1e ~ comtt .