Chap.5. Setl: 4._·__ [@?_ , ._ar_-_U_'li_tl~f_liD_£_1J_il_!5. _____ B_o_ok_I._-'--•-•_ ,~~~<1 mcaf...ed out by God himftlf, he faith to Sltao as to the waves of the S a~ 1hsu f 1 r {bait f_?, and nJ further: Thus ·he f:1id concerning Job; BebgJd Sa- Job. Jo• 12• t~n, .all that IN/; ,:, i1 iu thy power, on!yupoJt bim{elf put uot f rth tl•y hand; Satan had a. noind tn have gone turther, he woulct have been upon Job htmlelt, tf God had not ftopt and mb.d him: Certainly, S' tan wouJJ break all your bJCks, tl he were leralq~c, but God will not lufftr it; let Slt.on do hiS worfi, you Oull be able to bear tt, for God bath fer him bou-nds, and he will give you a proportiOQable !lrength. As a wife Phylitian dots nor give rhe [qme Phyficktoevery f)erfon, but couliders every ones a• bility; lo the Lord otders SJtan in w nptm g,that he cannot put the Jealt dnmmto any temptation , bur as it is mcafim d out by the hand of God. 7 . The Lo:d hlth promifed his prefence with you in fix dangers, and in [even: He ooeth out with you into tht fidd, not only a. a looker on, bur to weaken the En<• mic~ and to fupply you with new flreugtb. I• He we>l<cns you'r Enemies, and up- , on rlus accounr partly it IS iilid, tfoat we ate more tb·m CmqreerorJ tbrnugl; Cbrijt tbat /(}V· RGm. g. 3 7~ cth u; : bccau!c in and through JcfusChri!l our.Enemy is overcome bdore hertrikes, and his blow is bwken" he firikes. z. He fupplies yo,, with new ltrcngth. I will not deny, but FlOW and then you may have a_loyl, but tf fo, the Lord will 'raife you up agam, f rtbougiJ we fall, yet (hall we not be caJf down, bcc:u<fe the L ·rd puttetb under Pfal. 37• 24• ,h:s bsmd, or, he upbold~·tb us witb bi1hand. ~. Yuur weapons a3'e impenetnblc; your armou.r is armour of proof, cornplcat ar• mour, ev:ry way fuflicient to dctcnd and Keep you hmnlcls. Thi, it you put it on, wiU ma'<§ y·u able to jb11d acaiit/i the wilu oj ih, Devil , _and to uithjland zn thcevil day: Ephe. 6 . u,,3~ and toquenciJ all the fiery dJrtJ j the W~ek,sd. It yvu lay, what IS tlus armour ~ the 16, Ap~fik rdl; you ofa g.rdle of trudJ; :md • /; rcajt •pi~re of Ki, htcoujiz<fr, and jhooet ofthe Ephe.6.14,1 So pnpJr.:i'lll f the Gofpcl of Peace ; and afhi cldvf f<•1th, and a>t Helmet ofS•Iv.,ion, and a Io, 17, 18. )"'"""of the Spirit, pr.tyin~ alw yes with aCPrqye , anafupplzcatzo, in the Spirit. The meanin~ is, thar your armour is the Graces ar1d OrJin.tncts ot Jt[us Chx1H. Trulh, ond Rijlnteoufnds, and P•ti<nce, and faah, and H •p., •nd the Word, anJ Praytr, (under which by a Stncchdoche all other Graces and Ordinances arc cnmpx.hended) arc your fpiritual armu,tr. I I<now thJt all the vtrtuc ot thiS umo~t de ptnds whollY upon Go alone: Our b1th, and Hope, and Love, and the Word, .nd Proyer, would all be broken to Oo.vtrs at oncllroke ot" remptatiOn, it the Lord d1d not cltabli!b and - cnnhrm them ; and t111s is that which Chnlt tells Peter, I have pray,i f r thee th~t thy Luk. 22 3:; Faitb fail : but this armvur by God's power hath oeen fuccchtul 0 and in the paw· er .ot his might it ever will be fuccefslul : what is laid ot tht Bow 01 ) onaih,n, and of the Sword ot; is t noely laid ol this armour in thi,relprct, they tte~cr returned empty from the bLed of tbe flai · , and from the fat of the mi~bty. Surdy , nevcr any, 2 Saoi. 1 , 22 ; · harndfed with tllis •rrnour ot God, loft the held hnally. Oh, what encouragement is this! 9 , To put all our of qnefiion, t11C Lord harh made promifes of life to tho!C that wrdlk, be will givetbem t ' eat of the 1ree of Lt(e i tt the mtdjl of Paradifc :Hewill! ive tihem of the Manna that i.o hid, and he will " rzt< their name; in tbcBaoi(, ofLi e. BhfJed Jam. 1, 12 , ii be that tndureth terhpta i n)fur n•he•tiJe iJ t1y :1. he jh 1ltreceive a Crown of Li 1 e, which the Lordhath promifcd to them t!JJt love hzm. We do nor conte11d for Counters, but for Crowns, and rnof< nor tcmp0ral and corruptibk, but eternal and inco niptible , ven' for aCruwnof Life. ' c { 1 o. There will be a day of triumph to all that will but wrefiie: if you ask when? 1 or. 9 ' 2 ·' l anfwer, L At the dayot Jwll')tment, then fh..ll Chrillyour Captam tlanc opon the :Lrtl-, and you fhallllalld with h1m, gloryin6 and triumphing to fee your Enemits dead, or woundLd b;torc you; Indeed others that were famt and delicate, and would nut w•eftle,as rh, y wrre'led captives by Satan ar his plcafure, lo fnall they b'e led in rri· urnph by htm mto Hdl :.But ror you that tigh<the Lo~ds battel3, the day is .r coming w11cn you !hall n1arch w1th Chnllt11to Glory, a·nd then fh·all you triumpn all the way, aud thole EncmtCs that now atloult you, !b.d lie dead ( •' it wcte) bdorc you, and yot~ !b.JIIee ther11 agam no more tor ever. 2. ln tnar E"ernity, which to!lows after: no [oon• er th.U Clmtt and l11s Sml'< enttr iuto Heaven; but oh,. tbe glorious aftonilhi'ng- rri– umphs th.r wtllbcthcr<l f11e Pucrfung fweetly: 7here {hall we cottqucr, have our Coltqueft cwvn'd Bybands of Se;•phimj, triumpb't with the found c 2 of