Revel. )• 1t. ' Boo,k I. Of He""'"' lmd Tmmpet, warbled by thejhrill Cadc;. ia/ qttire, recorded roitb a•quil Plttck.! from the Pinioa of an A11gels Wi11g, Confirm'dwith)OJ by Hes:Jens mm•l King. Chap.~ .. 0 .'r:YBrethren where is now your courage> where is your Spirit> where i<your' Ambltlon? rhmk not on meun thmg<, but on Crowns, and Victories, and Gloms: Holtl fafl that whicb thou baJI, tlw no man takg thy Crown. SECT. V. Other Sorts of i'vfotivu. THat 1 may yet pr<vail with you to makeyou Wrejller~; Confider further. r. G0d is on the fide of a.! that wrdtl,, har art thou •lraid ol r..cIff~c? Arr thou i11dtc<l in S•rhans hands> know then that Sarhan is10 Gods h,nds: I-ti, .u •rt bur theLords Sou!ditr, he wi1l not fulfer himR!f to be {o much dif"raccd as to lulfcr tht.e (0 b_ ov~rcome by his morrJ}entmic:s ; he arm...d thee wi t; hi, own armour and fu-ll thee our w h!)'lt h1s battels; and rht~eforc he w11! nor n•vc rhee V<nqwlhcd: be·ng fowiJcd wtth hts firengrh: for (o fhou.d h1s we.ponr be cllecmed weaK ""d he himfc'f be overcome in thee. When the Lor<l fent the Angd ro mcnnra,•e L, ~eh ~ri ,b concaning ferztf.slem, the me fagc was rhis; I }j.ith th( L ,rd, wirt be u.:~o her a w.zll of fireround about ber, Surtly, jerujalcmmull needs be impr.gnal,le thJt was thus w1'· led •bout: the fame prnmilt is made to all the Slints, and lllLrcfore thcv mufr rked< be all iJJvmcible; if your fhclter were Hones, tJ·,cfe might be l:utt<rcd : 1~cre " walls of lead rhd.: tni6hr be mdttd: w<rc '' dcknce of waters thefe rn•~ht he d1y d up: w, re it garrif<ms ot nrighry men, thefe might bdi:art red: were rt cug•n sur w . r, rhefe migl,lt beddcatcd : were it trenches, thele might be ftopp.:d: were it Bu! -varks, thde might be overthrown : but you are guarded with fuch • defence which cannut oe de• !polilhr, ro wit with a wall of tire round about you. B,J!s of wild trre are a terrour and confumptton to any Enemies: who could quench the tire of S dJm ? or who (lull quench rhe World, when it Ot•ll be all on tire > !'>urdv none: Paradife was kept with a llcry fLmint; Sword, and none could enter rhacinla, Ge>t. 3· 24.• If.ze. was guided an~ protected by Jtiery P11lar, and nonecould molefi them in their m••ch, Exod ,3·21· 'What fi1a I we fay I hen, whco the Lord our God is a woll of fire ru"nd abo•1 you, ro ' · coBfume your J;.ncmi,s, and to Cuccour you > Chcar up Chrifiians! your God whofe you are, and whom you Cerve, to"' om notbiHg ir too hard, Gen. 13. 141owhom'"~ thit:?,is imp •(fzble, MJtth. 19· r6. 'Io whom nme is lik._eamong the gods, ~lorious in H•li– neji, fearjut in Praifis, d"ing Wonder I, Exod. 15. 11• Wh•re11nueth Mv<lllains, Jh"kJth the Eart/,, CM trMzdab ti;e Swz, fcaleth the Sta ·s, and tbunderetb m•rvello~<fly with his Voiee , evw he is a Wall of fire romtd abulll j JH• 9h, what encouragement is this ! 2• Jeft.s Chrift is your Captain; God harh made him General of the Field, and i( yc>u had noneother to J1ght for you, yer He alone ismi~hrier than all your Enemies: he lutn already vanquiihed Sathan, yea he hath lo bruifcd the Serpeuts head, rbat now he (a!JJ;!Of overcome nHal!y rbe leaft of his followers. Sarhan was tbe tirong man, who pzf ftffidall inpe"ce; but.ourSavio·rr Chritl, who 1s !!ranger than he , coming upon hira Luk,tr,or,22• bath overcome him, and takg11 f romb,m al//;i, amm1r wherein he trufled, and aivid!d his fpoils. H.nee he i, rrut!y c.!Ied our ~ing, nur KCdccmcr, our Head', our C1ptain; and will not you, the SubJects of th>s 1\.1ng, the Ranfomed of thJS hedetmer, the Members of rhis Head, 1ht Souldicrs ot this C1prain, ri!bhr under his Standard? why confider , it you wr~Hlc, ]di1s Chrift lrands by to bring you oil with hono, r. Sure you need not doubt ol h :p, who have Chrill your Cap:ain for your (econd: ifSathan bea roa.ring Lyon, Chnfi 1s the Lyon ol the Tnbeot j ud,!, : lf Sathan be an Accu· ter Ch~it\ is ~n Advocate: H. hved and diod fer you, aRd rJther than you milcarry; be ~ill live and die with you: f~r mercy and tenderneIs la his £ouldiers, !1irn ;. he knowerh what it is ro beexpoftd to the rage of a cruel fiend, aud therelorc be wzU ,fftb. 4· rS• fuccozer tbofe tbat are tcmpud. " \Cnriils heart is intendered by his own Expcr~encc, ever (ince he grapkd with Sarhan ;· bo;.is full of bowels to all them that are 1nteotled by hnn ,. yt3,