Prayer ond Tiu~:kfgiving be offered God. Pa~;:nts 01ould put them into his hands, 2.nd cJH: tl1em I!Hu h1.s arms: q. d: .B'c~ LIJtd • t ·1~u &,..,,1 ~Ji:J~r. 111 in mere}' tbefe tender E.zbCJ , ,J,;d ;,.,r: n-·i' fee tbc,u perfel:-t m Lm:&J, a;;tlli~c tb.-c in 1beir SoulJ ( for which we ever bl. (i tby NJn:e , ) r:e d•fire nan· t' t:Jro1v rhem wra r/;c b..nd,- of thy F'atberly Provi– dence , an" t ·1 c.r{t them intotbc arm1 o[ t:Jy evetlafti~t.S mercy: O:':JJt t!Jem, we humbl pra tlm astbyChildren in 1tfusCbrift. :y ') 2. Let P1rcnts tencl~r them to the Ordimnce of B1ptifrne, that thev m 1 y reeeilfe the frgn o~1d S.:alo\ Je~meratwn. But what need sthis ( fay fome Phonaricks) is nor the prom,(c H fd t fuflie~em > ond cannot God m1kcrt good uBto our Chilclren without this Saccra:mnt ' I aniw1:r , yes, he Cln; but feting God fo far condcfccnds to our w'eaknefs as to·give us a hgn and k1l for the confirmation of onr Faith , in thiscafe roilr •hr it to ne~Ld it , to relufc ir, what is it bnt to tempt God> Thi>S1crJmcnt is align ~rdai'ned by Ond,,.nd fhJII we. r~fu\c It ? This was 'lh~z c1fe, the Lord bid<IIim ask a fign for the conhrmat.nn of hiS fart o 111 the prom ife, but he refufeth it as a thing needkfs; r Ifai·7· •0 • _ .,;U 1101 ask., afign, neither will I tempt t!J< L ··rd : NayAhJz, in not asking it at Gods commond , therein thou didfi tempt the Lord. Indeed not to believe without Mat.r >-38,39· a fign, were in i(·me fen!e to tempt the Lord~ Majlcr , rre rvouldfce afi•n from tiJCe , f1i:l the Scnbts and Pharifcs to Chrifi for which hecalls them an ev/i a 11 d a– dult£rolls gcncral i' "; but where God affords a fign for the help of our infirmity, there w rcfule it , is both prefumptnn and rebellion. Nor is tfris Sacrament onely a fign, but a lea! ; and howfoevcr the promifc may be madegood without a fcal, yet cannot we urge t he promife with the f1mcevidence and ground of alfurance, when the {ea! is odded to the promire, otherwi[e it mull needs follow , that the SJcramcnt<add nothrng at all to the Covenant , in point of certain! y and evidence. Away, away wirh thd c Her,rodox Doctrines, and let all that tear God rake heed of contemning , or ne;kCl:ing rhis o r– dina~Ke. of God. Chril\ia~s ! bring your Childre~: to bapri!ino_;. and WO'ienyou bring them, indeavour to alfeCl: your hearts wrrh fLu table di!pohttcns t o thlt aCl:ion. As.~ 1 • Have an high thankful eftccm of the riclr mercy of God in Chrili to you and yours. Js it not an hono r that God fnould makeyour ilfue t~e nurfery of the vi:ible Church , that Chrifiianity through a Covenant of grac, lhould dcfcend in your line, 3 nd become in a fort (as we may fay, Jhered1t.1ry. Surely . the truefi nobility is to bemade a Chrifiian. '1 heodofii# was more glad to becalled a ChrifiiJn, than to be theEmpe– rour of the World. You would think it a great honour if youcould but make your Children Heir>of the World, b"t what honour IS this, that God mak,s them by Cove· nallt and l<al Heirs of Heaven ? Oh, for an heart raifed up. and inlarged in than•fulnds for this. 2 • RejDice in the Lord, and again I fay rejoice. Is there not caure? What is this day of baptifinc, but the day of your Ch!idmo> efpoufals to JefusClmfi I Now they have his nartie put upon them 1 and he makes them a jointure beyond the obilitics of all the t Monarchsof the world. Now they are his t Sou'drers; his Sons and Daughrersby !,~~~::.~:. .. a Spirit of adoption fealed in baptifme. I remember whenJacobblelfed the Sons of "' q•i1•d he/ Jofcp!J and Manaffeh, heblelfed them thus, Let my namebenamedupon them, l•nr p>i• 1 RC· a 11 .1 th~ names of my Father Abrahamandlfaae,Ge.z.4i. 16. Headoptedthemforhis ~!~;;; ·,!~i.m Soas, crcy muffbe two of the twelve Tribes of Ifrael, to have an i~h~ritance with them }, jlreit•e Ja· in the Land of Ca11uan : So ~hen God p uts hiS name upon ~ou n.. ~1ldren, he fig~rfie~h axr•m qu and affureth that they are hrs Sons: • Ye are al! .J1e Chddren of God by Fa11h zn '""'"•' im· Chrifr J ejill , for. llf many of you af hAve been baptirGed into Chrijf, have put on ptrator, Jura· Ch "jl . mtnnunh"' rt " J•• Auguflo . /' 1 • .a ' nomint Sacramtnti wuulitithAnt. Idemvoc.ib~IKm mNtNata & .E.c~ltfi~t_ •. {ut bqtifmo 11p~ tcatJt~ ~" utt, •t ~-tnuatr omw& {ingu[ 011 qui [am fontt ab/uti f••t, ip[o f•fl• ron[crrhr tn mtl11u. D. Am•fmrtb T.;irc• S•cr~• .. Gal 3· 16,17, SECT·