SECT. VT. Of tf,e Dut iu that concern Children i.o tbis rcJPcfl. 2 • por th,Cbildre,, orPartiesthemfelveswhen grown.--- '. Let them bewail their own original fin. Oh, that as this is the firfl fin, fo it might be fi.fl taken notice of 1 Oh, that fa Coon as Children·co11e ro npcnefs rh, y would confider thus: Blc(Jed Lord, ho., coma thi< to pafl' tht Pfalmift tclis me' l >l'<I Pill! sr. 5· jha en in iniquity, and in fin bath myM•the' conceived me: Oh, I am a Child f Ada,rn '. the Son or Daughter ofa fi•tfztU bro ·d: be w'I tbc rocft wbencel was hewn, ad tb.t ba.e.f the pit whence I wai di!(ged, and .who c.zn brin!( a r1-.n thi-•g ow of an wtclean? not am. As foo>t ar •ver I lived I >Pilf polluted, and f r tb tt one /in if I had nwrr finned more the Lord·] :, 1 4 migbt juflly have c•ndemned my Soul/on~ fince to Hell; a;zd am I yet .zlive l Wby L·n·d "'""' 0 4 ' a Ion~ repri<Vt h•ve I injo}Cd? H 1w manr ytarshav' Ilivtd in a cmdem!iedcmdition>Ob, that I bad been the Child of a 'toad, or Se pent, or vemrm•tu Crtatltrt ; for furely G;ddoth not loatiJ and •bh r their young ones, they are not by Hature obje[is of G dr rr>rJth, lliither d:tb SatJit ru.'ein tbem , nor are they '"p:if'ed toeternal 7ormmts , but tlnu i5 tbc Jinji: l uff-JPring of all mJ,t/(jltd. Now I wonder net that Luthcr in the deeps,and troubler, aJtdjorrowt ofhtr he ~rt; bec.mfe of this fin, crycd oltt [o pittl{itlj•, ()b , that I had mvrr been a wan ! Now I wonder not tbat Paul befet "'"h tbis origi11alfin, wa1 forc't tofay , Oh, wretched man tbt I am, who fh•il delivtrme from thi< body of deat!Jl In this, or thtl!ke monol<r(n,.ould they bewa il themldv<S. Many are apr ro mourn for Actual fin but !~w mourn for tl>is fin, that tirft made the breach, a~d bcg1n the controvedy betwixt GGd and man. Surely the horrible nature of this fir(\ fin i not wtllunderP.ood ; Chritli; ns, Let me tell you, next unto the !in againtl the Holv Ghofr, and ol the Gofpel, this is the greatefl fig, that crye, Ioudd\ in Gods ears for ve11geance day alld night againlt a world of men. Oh , then let Childn' n grown take notice of this, aud bewail thi, fin. 2 • Let them urge the Covenant of Gnd made to them in their Fa<hers. q. d. Lord, we art /inners from the womb, andJtl by good providence we are [pn<ng of abe ieYing r:zce: Jl'aJ therenot a ltat_ueof old Wetr:vixt thee)and our. Fatbers? and wilt tbau not remem– ber thygracious promife to thtm andu1.i' Should Olvid d,, l:jndnc({to Mephibofbethfor hi< Father Jonathan's foi<! , and are there no rem11ants of love i11 thy br'}l towardt the pojte– rity of thy old dear frimds l why rtmember, Lord, the unfeigned Faith th:ttd,eft in Jtr Grand·mother Lois, or in 11ur M'Jther Eunice, or in fome other of our godly ''rogenitori; •nd rrmetnber how often they a{led their F'aitb "P"' that prumife th<ttlmt .v,uld;i be the God of them, Altd their I: did they not tmfs tkee with thy promife on ottr behal[? Did they not pray to thee once and again to be good andgr•ci.ouJ tmrn tlf their Children? Whydear Father, the God of our Fathers, and ottr God; wilt t-b?ll ple•fe toread overt. ePetitions which areyet on file in 1/eauen on our beblf: n~y, wilt th"" pleJ[i to read over t!Jy An[wcr~ to them., whtn M yet ottr bone~ were onely written in thy B.o!(_! Oh, let it "ever be[aid that Children defeended of fitcb a Prayerjitl race are cajl ottt of thy jJv·mr, or tbt the Poyer·I of tbat race ~ould become uirfocceflful unto t«, on wh,fe bebaif tbey werepm Hp. Wh•t th•ugh we were conceived and h•rn i,t jiAl a;zi!. .,bat th "'gh S tan doth claim and challenr,e '" for hiJ own) yet thou nu:l fle"fed ,0 enter ;.,to $ c ,vcnant •f grace' • "d thou hajl f!iled thy folf to be theGod of Abraham aud his Seed: 0 now remember thy' Word, and remember thy Promife, and remembet tbe COvenant, and remember our 'F.ztb:ri in Co'flen•nt wit1 J thee jY,. thy mercies fok!· · 3· Let chemfue out the Groce and Benefit of their former Baptifm: They had the outward walhing before, but not the inward wafbing till now: why now let them ·prefs hard for this. Now Satan wrellles, and now lhould they wrellle (as we 1ball hear more particularly another time) now fbould every fuch a one cry to God, Como Lord Je[u, come quick,Jy; 0 re{cue th) Creatztre oHt of Sutani flavery: See, he bold, S~e thefe Me . me Jajl in hU Ntt 7 and Gins, and Snares, and he will n~t let me g(}) he teUr me, I am ditarrons one •f his Subje[is, a G•at of hiJ Fold~ but Lord, dojl tbolt n•t tbat I haH had thy enlar~ d by Sheetmark_ upon me from « Lamb'? was not I born i11 thy Family? anddid I not in ~;·,~~:~.~n 'Baptifo• put 011 Chrzjt S<eJamentally? 0 that nor:> I may pnt him 011 favingly: It is llapcifm. true, the Sru:ramrntal wajhing in water is not en•ugb; and is it ,.., high time for me no::Y