Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

'omtar \bttl) '®Cbtl~. Book H. Chap.~. Sect. ~. this, we mull know that within map are fevcral Rooms or Chambers ; the fancy, the affection~ the Heart or Soul, which confills ofthe undertlanding and will; the un· derllandi~g is jovned to the fan~y , as thenext room toil '.and the pill is joyt:ed to the affections as the next room to It ; hence the brmgs 111 to the under!landmg, and theaffections bring in tO the will : and on the other {\de, the Hndertlanding imprints much upon the. fancy what it conceives, and the will imprints much upon the alfeQ!:ions what it commands : Now for theouter rooms, as Satan can difcern them intuitively, [o he can·work upon them at hi• pkafure ; in the fancy he can make fuch compofitions, as the underfianding may prefcntly take off, and read what is written there; and in the fen!itiw pafliCin> . {uch as love, hatred, anger, concupifcence, !1e can .f~ move the humour• and fpirits in which they float, that the will is apt tochoofe and comma11ol accordu 1 gly as the pliTioas are moved there ; but for the moll inner room .or privy chambtr, wherein we place the under!\anding and will, as Satan cannot intuitively or immediately difcern it', fo neither can .he imperiou!ly qr eHicacioufly w<Jrk upon it. Indctd ( faith *a modern ) toJPeak._ exa~ly, the Devil h~th 110 efficient power over ,the~ ratio· * Mr. Burge1 n>l p.rt of a m~n, he coil/lOt cba11g< the wzll, heC3nilot altertheheart of a malt, mitber doth oforigind fin. be ftnorr> the rhouglmof a man, J" that the utmojl hec>n.duill tempting ofa mJn to fin, is by[wajiolt and Ji•gge/liOit onely ·, but tlmzbolt d,tfJ the D evilaot/Jis? even by wor/;!11g up011 the imagination; LeJTned men mall$ tbis his method, tl"t he obferveth the temper, a11d bo• dily conflitution of a man, a11d tbm·upo n[uggej!s to bis fancy, and in]clrs his fiery da'" thmi•t·'' by whicb tbe mi>td •nd rvill cometo bewrought upon :for it is Arillotles rule, that Phantafmata movent intellectum, Jicut fen!ibilia fcn{wn, the phanto)i~~<s anti imagi· nationJ move the underftanding, as tiJC obj!Cii of fenfebeiug prefe1it do prefently move the fenfe ; the Dcv~l tbw tiJOugh he l1ave no imptriotu cfficaoy over the rmdcrjlanding and will, ye< bccoitfe he call J!ir and move theimaginati•n , it follows that any fill in tbe imagin~· tioit, though but in the outward work! of the Soul, yet doth it quickfy lay hold on •U. well then, if Satan be Lord of the outer works, and if th<ough thofe doors and chambers every good thought mufr ufually enter, before it comes into the privy cham· bet; if(as the Schoolmen tay) the underfianding receives thiul,sby the mediation fir!I: oftheexternal fenfes, then of the fancy, of which the memory is the trealure, fo that all comes to us in mdinary; no way but that; bow cafily may we conclude, that Satan will bar, ani! lock , and fhut thofe doms in men unregenerate, that no good thou>ht !hall c~ter in that way:Nor doth this at alltrenchon thatprcrog;ative of God: who is [aid alone to bethe Heart·fearcher, the underHandint;s light, and wills de· terminer; for h< knows either immediatly how to fpeak to tloe foul, or hecah coun· termand>the Devtlspower, and fpeak by the fw fts and faucy; maugre the malice of SItan, and all his power. . , • 3 . Whether S:ttan can at pleafure in ject finful thoughts, and fet on tlae Soul to embrace them, or to tamper with them) I aufwer. Ashe.hath a power to hinder good thoughts, fo he hath a power to fuggellev tl thoughts. lt IS clearly and <xpre!ly faicl of Judas,that the De.vil put it intJ hjJ heart to ~etfay Chrijl:: TheDevil being a Spiri~ had ac- Jo h; 1 -·,;) eels to h 15 Spmt,!"nd fo mfltlled·hisfuggefhons1010 lum. As the Lord Chnll d1d breath 3 • up on h's Difciples,and,fo they received the Holy Ghofl, and were filled with the Spirit; fo SJtau breaths filthy fuggefi:c;ms into the Spirit• of wicked men, and fills them with all manner ofwickedne!s, malice, unrighteoufnefs, he fills them with the Spirit . of Hell; Whf batiJ Satan filled thine he.rt, la~d Peter to Ananias ? Satan had filled ~ · his heart to lye to the H"ly Ghoft• I know the Devil tempts feveral waycs: as fometimeSc 'S· 3 " he prefents, and holds up an object, ai)d fo he dealu w[th Jcfus Chrifi, r.eprcfenting the Worlds glory tohim in a Map, or Land skip :"and ufually ob)efrs are firfi pref<nted,which he caufcth to dwell upon t\JC fancy, till the heart be infnared: But fometimes, yea'oft· times the D'viJ tempts thrOLigh the imnoifUOn ?fthough_tS, which he dGth alfo by the bdp qf the fan<y ,for otherwife how {hould the Devil tempt todefpair,or to blafphemy,or to lpiritual fins ? or how fhould he blind the!mind by carnal imagi'nations,and conceits, and obllinate prejudices again!\ the Truth? And thefethou~hts once immitted, m'ay be cmrtmued 111 a 0 1fcourfe, t1II at !aft the-Soul both tampeH with them, and yields ~nto them. I have done with thefe qU(;!lions-; and now we fee how Satan alfaults by himfelf. SECT.