Chap.1. SeCl:.6. - --tlmlm: l1Jttl) Webtl~. Book If. 19 2. To his aifoults by the fk01, Confi:lcr --- 1· ll is the Lords cotl'\_nand that we fAould dcpofc the flcfh ;.Let ~ot fin reign in your Rom.6.u. mortal bodiu, that ye !IJOteldobey it i11tbe I1Jjls t:•ereof. And put of the man, which is cor- EpheT.4.•.•· r••pt, according to the deceitfullujls. And mortijie,your membm which are t<pon Eartb, M Colof.3-5• fomic~tirm, UJzcleaan~fi, i,;ordi.rt.:Jte affeCtion, evil.:onc~pi(ceuqe. . 2• The ~-kfh is a worf.: enerny thatl the D<vtl ht\Tifdf; for never could the Dcvtl h•1rt t!S, if this imbred enemy n9t betray us: This is the root, the fountain, the origine of all other fin,'''""' lttjl conceived, it bringetb forth fin· Hence we fay, that fuggdlion co-uld do nothing withouJlull: if tl1er~ .were no fire in O'\" wood, neve~ <<t~ld Devils breath kindle any·flalf!~ in our Souls. 3• We are to waken the !lcfn,byabacin!!thcfewel"of whatfoFer may_nourifh or , : flr~gthen it: M•k! 110t provijion [91' tbe fitjh ro fnlfiH the ltt{ls thereof. As 10 a llegeall ROIJI,IP4• ll)e:jfl& are ufed to fiop the poffagcs of fin, by wl<icn-the Enemy may be viCl:ualled, fo mufi we fiop thofe p:Ufages of fin, by which th~ fl~fh is fi,engthened. Now ~ the flefh is refident in all plfts and powers of the Body and Soul Co muft .we in fV"Y refped: keep b.tck provifion ti:om every part: h orn the body delicacy, dnmkenncfs., wantonnefs ; from the fantafic, vain imaginatiGns) pcrnicioui erours : frqm the mind and willlioful cogitations 'vie ked deliberations; from the memory the remembrance of finful pleafures, unlefs it be to repent of thofe that are pall, and to flee horn thofethat arc pr&nt: from the heart unlawfullufts, wicked d;fircs, unruly p•llions. I might thus inllance in every part. -4 . As we mull weaken, fa we mull watch over the flefh : and the rather, becaufe though we fhould get the better in ma,w conflitl:;, yet ()ill it is plotting and praCl:ifing;· new and frefh Treafons. Bt\t what 'are thofe parts of the flefh we mull efpee~ally watch? I anfwer, '· The Senfes; thefe are the gate• of our Souls, and therefore ' they bad need to be ilrongly guarded : I made aCovenant witb my ey,es, whj then {honltl I think._ upon m•id And wrn away mine eyesfrom behJidingv•nity, and quick.!n thou me ~~~ 3•·;• . j• thy "''1'· And put a f,_nife to thy mouth, ifthou be amangivel'toqppetite· And I Pr~:~;,;_37' [aid, I wiUtak! heed to my waJ•es. tb>t Iji;:not witb my tong~te. And lft no corrzeptcom"!iu- Pfal.39.1• • Jlication proceed out of your n:ontb, but tbat which is good to thert[eof edifying, tbar may Epllcf,4••9i tniniller grace flntothe hearers,---2. TheHeart ; this of all parts is tb.: mofl Wb.- til and crafty, the Heart is dcccitful,anddefperately wick.!d above aU thill_gJ, whoe>n "-now Jcr.•7·9• i ? The couufel of the Wife is therefore .good, kgep thy Heart wit/1 all diligmce, Pro•4••3; fpr '"' 'of it are tbe !ff~tes of life· Indeed r)le Heart is th.:chief Monarch in tkis little World of tmn, which nues and coroJ113Jlds all other parts; It is the guid and Captain, which leads and direCts them in all their comfes, it is as the primJtm mo,bile, wbU:h moves all inferionr Sphear;; or as thechief wheel in the clock, which fets all therefl of , the wheels ~going; it isth<Spring and Fountain of all our thoughts, words, and aCl:\· ons, wb·ch betn-g defiled ddileth them, or beiAlg purified, c\)mmunicates it's purity unto them : as the heart dired:eth, the tongue fpeaketh, the hand worketh, the eye feeth, 1he foot w.alketh : A good man out of the good 'frea{ztr.eof his H ea~t, br~ngtth forth that ,.hjcb tuliPa. 45 · is good; and an evil man out of the evil1rtafure of bis be.rt, lringethfmh that which it ' evjl; of the•bzmdance of the heart tbe mouth jpeakph· Ah, poor Soul! cloth the fle!h interpofe to hinder thy confidcrat!on or th"l!ghts of <:hange? doth it tell thee of it's nearnefs and dearnefs to thee, of !t'sajlcient acquain– tance with thee even from the womb, of thofe many pleafures.>nd i"comes of delight it bath provided' tell it agai" of it's ill neighbour,hood, of it"s ~ntient feud, by fo much the wo& becaufe mor.: antient; and for the pleafures and delights it fpeaks .of, tell it that fuch baits have books under then>, the Hadots lips dropt honey in the g~cetmg, and worm-wood in the parting: what is the end of fuch delights but , . . death and damnauon' For if ye live after the fiejh, Y' {hall dye : and therefore by •!lain, Rom.8.13; : Oh, why jhould I fatisfie my jlc{h, to imiaJtg,er my Soul 1 Or if thcfe reafonings will not fattsfie , confider ferioul1y, and dwell upon thefe confid.:rations, that God bath corn·· manded thee to depofe it; and that no enerr:y is fo bad as that in thy bofome: that either thou mull weaken it, and watch over it, or it will prevail;and lead thee to the Chambers of death, For, when luft hatb conceived, it briugetbforth fin,andfinbeingfinijhed hringetb firth death· Only one obja1ion rem_ains. A~as! faith the So_ul,_l am unregenerat~, and though I . be.r a voyee bebmd me, [aymg, :hu mbe way_, wAll!.._ m <t, yetdo I want.fect, andllren~th lfai.3o.•i; lO walk theretn ; theft }re good rules ot wrei\hng agam([ the Devil\ World and ' Fleih,