Oilllar lllttl) m>ebtlS. Book H. of his fuggellions, he can make a great bubble: and whkh is moll to be admired, he can in this charge prcfent himfelfas an AngeLof Light; he 1\nows how to imitate thofe con~ vi&ions of the Holy Spirit, whofe of!ice it is to c;onvince of fin, ~nd therefore many a time in his aggravations of fin, he comes in Gods Name : he obferves well enough how the fquares 'go between God and the Soul, and that the Spirit of God laysfinhome,and clofe, q.d. Oh thou wretch, what b.jl tbou time> wbat jint are thefe tbat cry up to Heaven a.– gain/! thee? Sq faith Satan, Oh tb011 damned wretch, what a life ha{l tfmt lived upon tbe Earth> What grofs, and grievout , and bloody , and crying jin1 jlaltdcth tf,.u gtiil– ty of? SECT, II I. Of the dl!ties tbatconcerit 115 ;,. thitre[peu. T . He duties in wrellling with Sat>n, mull be fuitablc to his temptati~ns: and there~ fore--- '. To thlt temptation that fin, W<K but little, Confider---- Jl '• That no fin is fo little, but it is againll a great God. Agai.j! tlm, thee onely have I Pfal.sr·4• finned, and done this evil in thyji~ht. As all inditemmts in criminal pleas are lliled zgai nil the King, his Crown, and Dignity: So are fins ogain!'c God,a great God, be they in our elleem never fo little. 2. No fin is fo li\tlc, but it deferves death and damnation• 7he wages of fin is deatb: Rom.6.r 3 • the wall"s of every fin, whether little or great fin: indeed great Iins may bave greater puniihments, but the lliptnd or defcrt of every fin is formally death, be it never fo httle. i· Every fin, whether littlo or great, is a llrong and Soul-killing poyfon. We may know this by that fir!'c fin that ever the Sun faw : no fooncr was it committed, but pre– fcntly it polluted mankind : All the Sons and Daughters ot Ad•m that wne over fince, or ever llnll be to the Worlds end, have bten, and will be intecl:ed by that very fin. And we find to thi• day, that any little fin doted on impenitently, like a lump of leaven, it (owres all the Soul, d<filcs the whole m~n, and every thing tblt proceeds tram him : It cloth not onely unhallow his meat, drink,buying, fcllmg, giving, lending, and other deal– ings in the world, but alfo turn> all his fpiricual krviccs •nd duties, Ius praying, hearing, reading, meditatin_g, 6 .... c. into abomination. · . 4• The lcfs the fin, the greater our folly to commit it: for what i; it to fin, but to lay, as it were, in one fcale of the baiLmce the Glory of God, the blood of Chritt, the joys of Heaven, the lofS ·of an immortal Soul; and in the other fame rotten plealure, earthly pelf, worldly preferment, fldhly lull, C.nfual vanity, and to fuffer tlus to outweigh all thofe , if Chrill could C1y, 14That is a man profitedifhe!(ainsthnvbolt n>orld a11d lofe hisSoul? How much mor~ may Jfa ,, what profit in this exchange, to lofe a Soul for a pin, a point, a 1rifle,a vanity; or confdfcdly for a (mall pu11Uilio peccadillo, a ve1 y little fin> 5pelk no more of lin as little, if we will peter it before the grcut thing• of God, and Chrii't, and Heaven,, and Souls of men. 0 prodigious madnefst 2. To that temptation, that fin IS gr.:at, or as C.:iil cryed, My iniquity iJgteatcr th~ncan Gtn 4 • 13 • be forg)ven. Conlider-- l• The dew of grace hath ordina.rily fallen upon moll gracdefs Sonls. What ifthy fins be great 1 was it not the cafe ot many a Saint, whofe tins were forgiven > hall 'hou been an Idolater> So was Abr;ham; hafl thou bw.l an adulterer ? So was David ; hall thou becu a Bbfpht..mer? So was PmtJ; What needs more infi:Jnces > poor Soul, if thou couldll b"t peep into Heaven , thou lhould!'c find , there is JC,bab the Harlot, there is Man-§eh rhc Murthcrer, th>t made the £lreet3 of J•mf,/em fwirn with blood ;. there is MJ>Y Magdzlw that had fcvcn devils in her : AMan or Woman that hath many De· viis may come where there is not dne; the mofi devlllifh, hdlill1 creature may through the mercy of God be p2rtaker ofheaven ; l~me and h3lt and blind may come in there, and yet I! ill there is room. ' ' 2· It is as ~a lie with God to forgive the greatcfl fin upon repentance, as the leallfin. 1hu is af,•itbfuif•ying, a11d worthyofall •cccptJtim, that 'Jejies Cbri<l c:m1e i11to the TYorld r Tim, r r 5• to fave finnw, 1{ whom .I am cbief: though Pat~l was the greatcll finncr in the World, yet God cou!d, and did forgive him. What, do thy lins cry up to Heaven> yet is Gods mercy above the Heavens: indeed Gods mercy is in6nitc, tor al Gd i; an intinite God, fo