Book 11 . Chap.). Sect 4· [o every mercy of God isas inti~ire as himfelf: his amibutes and his Effet1ce are but one and the fJmc: and ~hereforc no wonder if it be all one with inlinite me:cy tn forgive finsof rhegreatefl flzc, as well as the leall; thy fin IS but the fin of a linite creature but Gods mercy is the mercy of an infinite Creator; thy greatctl fins are but the fin; of a man, but ti>C!tail of Gods mercies is the mercy of God. 3• The Lord cJ!Icth all, even thofe finners who are heavy laden with fin to come Mat. II 2B. unto hm>, Come mtto n" aU that are weary, and heavy ladw. Is not this enough to rouzc and rai!c up thy heart frmi1 fin king' Remember what was faid, to Bsrtimeu!the blind Mark 10,49• man, fitting by ,the way-fide at Jaicho ; Be of food comfort, arife, he C3Ucth tbee; So chcar up thy h~avy heart with this{\veer Bllfom;lifr up thy hauds whtch J.angdowri,and thy knecs whtch are weJk, •~d make tirait tieps with thy feet, even untorhe Throne of Grace, bcbo!dbecJlleth : q. d. Poor Soul ! thou thlt co;nplainefi thy fin is great, Come hnhcr, and I wtll cafe thee of it: Let •ne bear thy cares, and thou fhalt bear my com– fort: Give me thy C.ns, and I will give thee my righteoufnefs. Heavy hearts whom this call of Chrifi cannot revive. ' 4• ·Thy fins indeed are great, and very great: and if ever the Holy GhoHdobut open thy tyes, he will make. thee fee it: !>ut yet they are nodo great, a>that therefore they cannot be f,>rgiven; that is not the voice of the Holy ~pirit, But ofhim w~o is the F~ther of Lyes: Ir thy fin, were a tboufand-rhoufand times gr<ater than tnepre, and il thcu !houldfl add to thorn the fins of Cain and Judat, aud ait the reprobates in the world , doubtlds they would be agreat heap, yet lay this huge heap before infinite pudoning grace, and there will be no comparifon; wh1t fayell thou > chat God either cannot, or will not p1rdon thee> or that Gcver fuch a finner as thy G:lf was par– doned? oh do11ot limit the Holy One of Ifrael! have no low thoughts of Gods love, h which ( {lirh the ApoH!e) p4feth all underftanding. Suppolc the like !inner to thy lelf ff.i.~~3~;;;d, was never pa.'don~d: Bchuid /•ith G,d, I w}ll do a r.ew tlm% "''wit.(IMII[pringfortb,{hall 21 • ye not (Qzow zt? I wtlln:•k,t a n·ay m the JY,/dcr•efi, aJtdrwcu z t the Defim,.---to give dri1th, to my people, my eh fcn: 1bit people lnve I form,d for my [elf, tbey }hall /hew f.•rtb nt)•praife. lt is the fame with that promif<, he wiU ab:mdantly pard,, ;. or, Irai.~5. 7• bewill m~<ltiply'" pardoil, q. d. l'le dropmercy with your ftn, aud lpe11d all I have, rather than it (houldbelaid, my ~ood is overcomeof your evtl: Bur how may I know the !alfe accufatl0ns of 'atan, from t!lc convictions of Gods own Spint? for both vi n.e,my fins are great, and very great : I anfwer; When they afperfe God, and !o charge tnc ~~ .,.J that withal they reflect on ,,ods~;;oodnef•,and mercy, and love, and t're riclxs ot :ts Grace, th.:~. arc they nor of the Holy ~pirit, but of the evil Spirit 0.1 mam thb lign! if thy fins are f<> repn;\cntcd to thee, as exceeding the grcatn{[; of Gods m:rcy ,:·nd thou .crydl wid1C•i1z, 1\{y iniq~<ity it greater tha_n ~:.11 be for· Mr. Girnall in givw; here the devtt 'Jp~ns <.tm:Ctf. One fwecrly obfcr_ves, 1he bol; Spmt uCbrtllt his Chrif\ian Spol:fs-malt lo com,ne,zd bz,.•; toS ·u/ tc_wooc fimtt>'J tozmbracc tf7e grace of tbe Gojpel, Armour. and can fuch wHrds drop f.'om hz (acrcd lzpt, asjhould brcak,tf>e matcb, a;td [tnk,_ Chrijlt cjleem in the tbozeghtJ nftheaeatlfrcilou may ea[t!yb,non> where this it midted ;whenyou hear one commend .znotbsr f:r ,., wife, and a good nun, an.·i At lajt comCJ iit rvitb a B1t~ --. - that dajhetb aU;yszt will tbin<._ hei; no friend t> theman, Lut fom eflJ• enemy, that bJ.ficming 19 com• m"nd defires todtfj:,race the mnre· 'ilmt wheil,Y'" ji~td God rcprefented to )'"' , as mercif.•l, g;aci~ze , but not tofitch greJt [wtert , to have pawer and]lrengtb, §mmt a)/e tofave fuch"' you a 1 ·e,you maj fayAvaut iatan, thyjpecch bewrayet!J thee. Ro.n,8 .r s. SEC f. IV. Of Satant a§aultt "pmj:nfe of mifery. 1 . He Holy Spirit that convinceth offtn, in the next place,worksfear: or fcnfe oN!li!C– ry. Thus Paul rrcmbled, and the Gaoler trembled. ~·when amau fees dJnger necr and-imminent, henat11rally fears: fo when the fpn·tt prcknts a ml ns danger, death and wrath even at the door, he begins then to fear, Ye bJvC nut received ( faith the Apollle) the jpirit uf bmdagc ag~in to fi"r: This plainly intin1ates, that qnce they ha1. received · 1 : The Spirit purfues {ouls whom he purpofcrh for Heaven wrrh flroQg tears , uq proud :Uan falls down before God, crying, and laying, Ob, I am undone ! Ob , th.Jt. I !JJd nwer bem born! &c. Now in this cafe Sttan fieps in, arnd wherallays thef~ felfs Wtth woddly comforts, fome counterfi:it' c1lm, or elk he worJ...s lurrhcr and .'deeper tears than the Holy Gholl himfelf alone intended. tor