Chap.3. SeCl: 4· Book 11. f'or the tirll; lometimes he allays thefe fears with worldly comfort~, or fome coun• tcrfeit calm. Of this I lhlll fpeak when I come to that other fiep of fcekmg for comfort Slton hJth his comforters , tho~gh the Lord knows they are m.Cerable comforters ' all· h 11 l'orthe fecond; fometimes he aggravates fears, and to that purpofe 7 te s mens n of Gods Eternal Wrath, a11d of God< Eternal RcjeCl:ion, and that God w1ll ne_ver be merciful and fo he !ayes them lower, and calls them into a further fear and bonda!\e than rh; Holy Ghofi iscaufe of; yea devils now combine, and fay as Davidt enem1es faid in his diflrefs, What? would thefefmit efoape our clutchet? Come, let ut no~ tak$ them, for God batb for[.k,!ll th<m ; lct ut now devour them, andfwallow them up wtth fe,4r . and tk[pair : As God fayes, of tlmfe enem1cs of h1s Churc~,. I wat but a httledi{pleaf Zach.I.I $· ed a11 d they helpld jimvard the a!Jiiflion: .so w~en the fpmt works fear, Jll order · to.converlion , Satan watcheth his opportuntty, and puts on that fear to utter defpair. . . . . It is a ql\tfiion , how Satan can work this fear on the Confctence, whteh 1S ufually attributed to Gods Spirit > But the anfwer IS jl;lvcn m thus. -- 1. rliat Satan camtot immediately w"rmJ the cm{cimce ; for aJ no creature can jhul a• D~ !- G~ttl-; l-road GodJ love and caufo a poor foul totajle of the{weetmfs of it,fo lW creatwe ca11 maf<! ~i,"t; h;~. h iJizprtfJio111 of Godt wratb upon the confoience, liut o;tly God bimfelf, or the Spirit ofGod 1 0 1 & 1 immediately. But2 , Sat4>t c.n do it upon the confoiwct mediately, and tbat in thefo {everal re- [pellt. 1 • lf'hen tbe Holy Ghofl bath lajht and whipt tlu con[cience, a11dmade it tender, and (etcht offthe 1 /t,i>t, then Sata.t c.w fret it more and more, and (o be f/ill ru~bing t~pon thefore by buborridfuggefliom, and falfefear!Caftin. 2 • From rr~tewing the rcmenbranct of thofc tfrrurJ impreffed by the.JFirit, hecan amaze thefoul afrefh withfear ofworfe. . 3 . He can bring home all the tbreatningt that are thundre~ forth in :he 1Yord atainft hypocrite!, •na men unreJ?,enerate, and difoharge tbem aU wttb """" vzolence and myfo upon the poor doubting foul. . . . . . . 4 • He con jltr Hp t!Jepaf!iont offear, and gmf, and tremblm~ of[pmt; huube Prmce of the airy part of the little world i>t man , at well at of tha~ elementary Region in the great wor id , and fo ca11 raife •mnaturaljlormer and vapour 1 fh•ll dark,!n >'eafoJt, and c•ufe foch Jf.undert and lighmingt, aJ JhaU hum aU into a black.,coufufion, /itch at ifhell and thejoul wo1<ld preftntly come together, A11d thithedothmortthaufimply morally, (i)by bare propoundi>t[, foch objeUt at ]hall move them (which men enly ca11 do) but furtbtr . alfo phyjically: by jlirring fi~eb humourt in tbe body whi<b focb P•ffionJ do a[J aJtd ftir in j and when he bath thut dijlempered and difordered all in a matJ, andput a man tofuch dif– pofiriont offeart, then he comet with hiJ fi<ggejliont, amL[peak,!J nothint, but ofwrath and terrort ; ltJtd then look.! at wben am~ntcholer it ~tp, every fmaU thing provok.,et him, fo no"' rtbenfear it excited, every fi<,gejlion, every furmifo, doth flrik$ thefottl through a~tdthrough "'ith hmid fearJ : .dnd tht<J tlfo~tgh not immediately , yet through the mean1 •f thefe mijlt, and vapourt, and fogt raifed, wbichinviron anddark$n tbiJ S~tn, he wori<J upon the con~ {citr.ct. , · . But what means Satan thus to fill the confcience with fears? I anfwer, his end i5 efpecially double. t, To bring the Soul to defpair ofEternal Life. 2· To bring the bo– dy to fomeviolen~ temporary death, in both which ifhe can prevail, then hemakes fure to hurry the whole man into the torments ofhell. We IJjay imagine him to befpeak the Soul in his horrid helli!h language: 1Youldjl thou now, vile wretcb, t.umumo God, hop– ing to-i>e rewved to gract •nd mercy? why a§ure thy {elf it it too latt; are not thy fin< ;Jt >tumber nttmbcrlrji, and i>ttbeir qualtty and nature mojl heinouJ a11d outragiout .< andhaft thOJt not contimted i11 tbiJ thy-rebellion aloJtg, a very long time ?,I-latb not Gbrijl ofte" called, aud yet thou wouldjl not.come.< Hath 1,. notgracioufly offered and tenderedhim[elf to tbu, b11ttho1< faid/1, bcjhoHid JtOt reign over tlm? And hajl thou not{erved me, 4nd obeyed me aU the dayeJ oftby life l Now therefore the day ofSalvatim iJgone, the acceptable time it pajl, and ntvcr, never can be recalled;·thou mayj!_witbEfaufeek,_repemanee with ttart, but thou jhalt neverfind it JtO more than Ji'Jaudid. M oreover, adtl to the co~fideration of thy fint the re• membrancc ofGodt ]uflice, the terrible curfe oftf" Law, thtfe.~rful tormenu ofbell prrpared for jinJttrJ, among{! 11?hicb m1mber thou art om of t~e cbiif: Come do notf!atter thy[elf n>itb F - T11tt