.·,,Cor. 2. 7• Luke 6. 25 ; Matt. 22~13 ]cr. •3· •9• \ Book Il . Chap ).Sect;: up with ovc!•much forrow : Wa~ not .this the ~a,Ce of ~he incefluous Corinthian ) No qucfiron the le~tence of Excommu>u_catwn, and .h" ?chvering up to Satan, wrought dteply u~on hrm, fo that Paul ~as fa~n '? wrrte m hrs fecond E.pillle, that they lhould rtkafc hrm of hrsccnfure, recerve hrm rntothe Church, and miniOera word ofwm– fort to him, lefl b~ wmfwalla~ed HP with ove~-much furrow. This is another of Satans depths; when go9ly farrow rs once on foot m an afllrcted foul, very prone it is to fted fiill on tears: When the flood-gates ofthe heart are but once opened, it is Setam de– fire that they lhould run for ever; and in this cafe what ado is there, and what an hard m~tt.cr 15 rt to be.perlwa~ed of God~ mercy, and to apply the promifes; Oh how the devrlrntcrpofcs wrth all hrs _crue~pohcr, ~nd curfed contradiction! He then objeCl:s, and urges to the utmoft, the hamoulnefs of our fin<, the littlenefs ofour forrow to– gether with the great difproportion betwixt our heinous fins and little farrow, thc;um– ber ofour fins , and fewneIS of ourrears. SECT, VII, Of the dntin tbatconcem I« in thit refpeCI. THe duties ofwr·efrling mu(l fiill be fuitable to Satans alfaults. So then-- r. Tothatalfaultof keeping the heart from mouruingfor fin. Confider---'-– !. Thy heart hath been the fountain whence all thy filthy thoughts, ragino- pallions, wicked purpofes, rotten fpeeches, rebellious actions have fprung and iffired 0 out, then great reafon hall thou to make that heart of thine a fountain ofgodly farrow, o! pe– nitent tears, of mourning and lamenting, of bleeding and bewailing over all thy iins. 2· If Chrift Jefus open a fountain of his own dear warm hearts-blood for fin' •nd for unclea>mefs ; ,Surely thou art a curfeol wret<h, and cruel enemy to thy fouls comfort, if thou dofi not er1devour to keep open in thy heart a counter-well (as it were) of weeping over him whom thou hafi pierced, and for thofc: fins which have put the Son of God to death? What? lhlll the precious heart of Gods own Son fall a fun– der in his brefi like drops of wat~r for thy fins? and !ball not thy Gnful heart groan and !igh at all? lhall it not mourn and melt for the infinite abominations of thine own heart and life? 3 . It that heart ofthine be not wounde,d by the minitlryofthe Word, while it is call– ed to day, it will and mull hereafter be filled with that horror which would burfi a thou• farnd hearts to think upon it. This was Chrillsthreat, Wot bet• yoHtlwl•ug,IJ now, for yt fh~ll ..,.;J and weep: There is a. weeping of difpair in hell; there fh•ll be weeping and gnajhing ef teeth. Enher therefore now make thy heart the fubject of godly farrow, or a; fure as thy heart is in thy body, it will hereafter become the objeer upon which the fierce wrath ofGod, and fiercefi torment in hell !ball be exercifed and executed with extremity and everlafiingnefs. ,-. +· In cafe ofoutward troubles, as loffcs, crolfes, difgraces, <;leath offriends, ·or the like, thou canit take on extreemely; and is not fin more grievous then any of thefe? If all outward miferies require one tear, the Ieafi fin ofthe foul may jufily challenge a whole torrent; if the death of thy friend, or ofthy Son deferve a figh, well may the death ofthy foul challenge the lafi drop ofthy deareft heart·blood. 5 • Atruly broken ~cart gets a title, right,· and inr:rcfl to all the pur_chafes of Chrifis paffion, all the prorrufes of lrfe, and all the plealures ~n heaven; yea, m thrs w,ay thm1 lhalt hringdown thq;reat MaJefiy ofheaven to dwell rn thy heart, as rn aRoyal Throne, Chair of Efiate, and Seat of Eternity : 'fht<I[aith the bigh andloftyont, tbat inhabitetb :Eternity, whoft 11ame it Holy,, I Jwell ~~~the higb. and boly place, with him ~lfo that if of an bumble a11d contrite Jj>mt, torevwe the Jj>mtt oftbe bumble, And to revwe tl1e beartt ofthe contrite ouu. , . . . 6. God !;arh appointed efpecral Soverargn meaus for the foftnrng ofhearts,rfthou faydl, what Soveraign means? 1anfwer: I. The Word: li >ZOt my Word liks a fir·e (farth God) and liks an b•mmtr that breakp the roe"-. i>l pieces? An barnmer it is that breake~, and thus cloth the Law break our heart>, by !hewrng us the tcrroiS thereof; a fire rt is that melts, and rhus doth the Gofpcl melt our hearts, by revealing to us the mercy of God in Chriil: Oh, will a foul fay, bath t~egreat G"cl of heavm and e.rtb fent Clmjt into the worldfor me ?bath he left Ant,elf ( '""' Devilf ) and ma>IJ thou{a>tdf of men to cloufe me? whofc heart will not melt that is warmed with this love of God> 2. Pr:y- <r