I Bo_ok If. wiuircd at their hands ; no~ it b!:ingdifc?v~red to the!)'J, that both thefe are bey.qnd the ~omp>lS.ofi t)leir- own endeav.oun, ther,e ~~no other way,b).lt to look (a Jefus.Chnfr as. rheiL ril.htcouf~cfs, the Sp-irit therefore>cQnvjnccth t-hem of Chrifr his righteoufnef>: And indeed it i> <Chrill,and oajy ·Chrill, who firll expiates fqrmer iniquities, he liltisfie• (or. fin, anp. procures,tl;e remifl,ion,of fins, l(lthis kloodw(QII,VJrtdemplion, tbeforgivenefs Ephcf.q. of fi•lf: 1\,np fe.condl¥ , he fulfjjs all, rig~~fOufnefs, he perfarms all the obedience 'l!hich jul\ly 1 tllight l)ave been r,cquired· Gif us, I!' or if when we w.ere,enqnjrs., we Rol\l,s 1 ro. rpere reconci(ed •~ Gp4 b,y tbe 1 Jfqt/1, of hi1 .l;d~~;, mt~cb mort being rrcondled, we fhall he Jfved b)lhil life,., Bis,. de~th,~CJOOJ'lci)!:s u_s, ap<;l his life fave•,us; his patlivci obedience, a.od. tb,e actual opedic11>e w,l)j,;q b«. v;!'Jdecl to tl)~ w)!OI~ La.w ofGod,is rim righteouGJelS w,hereily. we :11e reco~c.il<Xi and ·fjl-ved. Qh, rha,ry,eu w,ould laboun to know Chri& rhus, as he i~ God.yqu,rjig·hteo~(iJt!i,, "'n<! !0 o,Cl; ycq~ f:ijth Ql'\ him,. .• , S;lii ~_'J; •. XII. Of, q41.ms a§ai!JJ~'fP<~~<.J.iftru ~ftnC.hrift. Tide lo{ol)\ G.h.~ t\1at h_~th q~qugh.t li>n, thO:Soul thus fa.r, io tho ne~t place, be~ins tO' - br1;~cl· ii\ ~h<t h.ea!~ fo1,11' dtji-res aftcrC~.r.i.ll,. an.d. ini!~cd., bpw. !hould it be other· wife? thefreqlle"t difcourfes of Chrill, aodof the mercies of GD<I.io Chrifr topoorfin- . MOfS, are fo liJit-al/la ~nd.Cave4ry, tba~th~ foul ~gins. to ra.fie fome fw.:etne{S inheaFin~of tflel,ll.. amhl!i~f"[~t\n.els lllf>.Y.Pfo~no r;•lfiPll'l.t<l defixes ; U.h,t1~t Cl~rift. wmmine t Ob that I had my jhare m the paf!ion.and ti<f'Jty of t;/JC La.dJefos Chnjt !, Oh I thirjl;, I faint,[- 4~~uj{!1; .f long fiar OIJI! d'iop of·mer.c~, &~the. Iii~rt p.an,teth fo• t.berrate"!brookJ,ft 'myfoul pa11~ed~ afm ;}JeQ, "'I<J Lord., ayc/,wy, Cio.d, '· OP t.h.qJ m.ytfioor tumblmg. fo,J wer.e•nv"' received iif~O t.he b./(_{fed b.ltW>J,.~ 4r.11lf o{. ]cJI/i C.h~ifi f ' Sa,tal) 1i;>,a~ \Jrt•J.S.this, t\ll!.l~r-ltao<ls, w.eHeiiOI,l§hthat now the foul is oot:f~r f~omthe· .S,i)Jj>;dOll)c cl' G_<lA, :io i~ ~~e:" llpun tl\e q?.i~\\o.ing • and oherefor<: he pl~es rbis fc:>fbn, rh,e<e.f~»:~ he l:>!:ft1U lmnfe)f W.l.lh all oh~ pD)JC): ~nd power of hell to cauC.11 ro 1,11ik:arry q· <I· Come my A11ge~s, come.devit;, ._d bejliryour }elves, it ma.'! bethefe defim are onlyf/ajhy: v, !P'9 ~ (b>:fo pa~~~~gJ· 41'11 n~t.h!!!.!J h.¥1.4 ~~11g ~ h4vC ~'' the "Jfires. of many btcu.li~ light– >tiug,fwt ilf>AII4fion otlt,tpo villhJ!t 11! bait/? or lzl:..~ t.he u>And,wbzcb,J,..,., f/r.ongly.fower itfteni to btofPOJf.( "'1\)14>1 pt{i~l, yt;. [oon ajie!' iJ fORN~ix th£ q«itecon,tr'!'~P'in~: Anun m•y be tfr~n.lt;. ,.,j;J,. }1-.J!i~lf.- 9~4 ifc~·w;, 4HI4li)l as ~t~Vh wme ; a11d IU 11 u ord(~tary fa. 11 man 10 >rtAI:§ ak4rg~il!!l'~(!li h i.-1 it~ b~ (~/U, mh.icb iu "PCII.If If fo foon 4!. he~fober agaiJ<, fo it ir ordi!'.flfYfor fomeu, w,/19 t!IJ~ ql></i<.e. •f Chr·ifo4Jf.dil.i~ IP'l)" i11 a Sermo,n (lfl'hil,e tbeiuffelfion$ · L~vl· !>~11 .t•~•ttl/ ~~e1b.1b> ef.:iini>!J.pit.~b b.y. fo_~11)!7v)xg difc,~<r,fe.) ,. r~p£nt. of II!Jthey_ b4~~ i/o,noa. W1ile4[te~; ih!ll ~fJI)Ib.cwe c,J11Jt[r8JJI.I! Serrmnwithaf•lfg•feo.( tkjirt<,b,.t ffh£!!. the i~npr(/lla» of tile 1f~r<J. ( rp~iqb be~wi their ~~<ff<Q/ions) uw: ~.t. onw!IP.om,'!ff, then· th'y came tothemfclve! •.~am, and were as far fr.m a.y[u,b defirer after Chrift, as ever. they wf" aofore? SHMe¥ 4ffiruJiM•~ .rie<!! iv.~~ 4 t/e.liberg1.e .ehRir;e ; ra./b. ~tn4 hafty·mi}1u do J,t! [clda~z [<11/e i>{tq 4/W!I'~~~Iff ~'!foiuJ.l'I11P fWI'tl~<i.filt 4#fdJi/f, ~nd to ~'lfl.tbefoulwiRol• 9 pn Jc[~•CI~~Jt; <;o11ze th.q~, qpli.e!QI" o~?;_thifl!t!ir4s, klilfl t/>.e>P ;,. tl>r Jwd,_tb.atthey no. "f' bear fr~«t 1 npr <9m4 14 m;qiJ!'!I.Y of f~IY• T!ws Sgtan oalls OQ hiS Let;ions ~nd f~Y ~n;n ·t11'!llf,lv<!~ ~gaivll IIW. l\l\1\ , IWVI p~p(ipil ~11q ~rc.athiPg afte~; Jefu; Chrifi, . . ; . . ' $1\GT· xiu, .0.[ lh{ Sp!'l.J;,reftli~g_ withS~'~'" 4st4tbi~ ;§.Jilt· T.. ac d~iies lherefore tbar now <;Qncer., y~u, ~retnefo,,.,._,.,. ·. . ' . 1; Contetlt not your !elves. wtrlj fcmw !~>d4~!! p~~g; of ~fli:c.Iion,~tJabou~. to prcfervc thofe impretlions, which the Spi~ir at any time m•kes on your fouls. This is' the_ Caveat of the Apoitle , Tkerefqr<. 'we OJI~h119 J:i~e the more earnejl heed to the things whtcb m have heard,Jcjl at any 11me we fhould ltt themfltp, or "'" o"!• as leak,jng veffi/s. It may be at prcfent your.l'l~lirc;s arc 1\rong,~•m~fi, ~@!l;r, Y~Pql)lent, extreme thirlling, as the parched earth, forrdrefning !bowers, or as the Hunted Hart for the waters-brooks ; (11rdy tlji! is w~ll, ,a!jd h,er,cin yqu slilftren~> YP!lf ,<k!irt'i I'Joqr l•ity-,..c~l~. lJt~rtjtfs, tn<hlfer:ent 4Fi"f!i : ~ut oh ~~k he~ fi9W I~Jl t~l;'pnm p~t ilrj{l~garl~ ~~w,:no~of . wb~ch t$ tobe teen at N·oorl~ ~ J:l'uf