Pfal.42.1,2. Pfal.63·'•'• Book I[ Bot wh1t fhollld I do to prefcrve'thcfe imprefliom I I anfwef': ,; If the>u haft gotchis heat in a Scr~11on, or any other publickOrdinances, betake ·thy felt to thy Clokt, and there libour to take the adva~tage of thy preC·nt trame., for th~ more effeCtual pouring out of thy Soul to God. Oh beg of God 1 that now he will not leave thte fhort of faith,which begins in defires, bm that he will cherifh t!1efc ?e"'inniil!\' , and remember his promife, ~or he h1th faid, that he will 11 ot qnench the Jm!a"'ng ~·x, nor brea~ the bntifetl reed, •mtd he brin!( forth J.. Jgement 1111to ViCiory. 2• If thou hoft got thl< ·he'atii< prayer, or any other private or fecret duty, hold out in tlut ~uty , begun, and Joiq therewithal a w1iting on God in the ufc of p1blick means: The Spoufc that fought Jefus Ghril\ by night on her bed, would not reil there., but now her de lire was up,_ fi1~ wduld up too, _and go to the publick Affemblies, I will rift now, and go abur<t the C11y zn the (treetf, and zn·tbt brood wayt I will feel<. birro whom myfold 10"' vet.h. T '1e Soul that w ·uld prcfervehcrde.fires, will gof~omduty tu duty, from pub• ltc~ to pnvate, and from pnvate to pubhck, and never famt: fYhJt (faith the Soul) is Cbrift whom! b,·wh after tobefo~<nd in publiciz? why then to thofe pt<biici<. Affimbliu let mt go: As the Hart p•ntctb. after water' broo~, Jo my foul tanteth afttr thu, 0 God, m1 fo~l thtrjleth f"' GJd, f ur the lzvmg God ; Oh when (hall I come ud appear before God ! --0 God, ll1;u art my God, early wW I feel<. thee, my foullhirflrth fur thee, mylfle{h longet/Jfor tbce, in a doy and tbirjly Land where no'w!tter is, 10 fie thy Pawer, and thy Glory, as I have fctlt tfm in tile S•n[iuary. 2· 'try your dcfires by the Touch !lone of G0ds Word, th>t you may riot be bafHed out ofth~m, as ifth<y were fpurious:But what are thofe figns, or marks, by whiCh Iroay try; and be affured that my de!ires arc right? I an[wer.-- ·· · r •. Every tru~ delire is ever JOyned with an hearty willingncfl, and unfeigned refoll 1tion to fdl all forChrifl, to put .with all fin, tobid adieu fo'r ever to thy darlingdel>ghts: It is not an ordinary wifh ot a natuul appetite, like BJlJamz; we have many that detire tobe happy, but areqnwilling to be holy; they would gladly befav<d, but are loath to b~fauCl:.ilied: Now if thoudefirel\ truly, thou wilt live according, and willingly part with a 11 y <fin for Cluifi: wlut l ir ''"' C/?rijl better tb•;• fin, wilt thou fay I Ob tha~ I mayfhtitomorel ' ··. ". . . 2 • True delire is eYer·qlrickned and enlivened wltb a continued and confcionableufe of the means, and it draws fro:-Athetrl', by little and little, fpirituall\re·ngthand vi–; it is. not an idle, ignorant, unexercifed defiu; it were very vain and abfurd, to bear a man talk of his defire to live, and yet would eat, nor ddnk, norllcep, nor exe-roifc; himfelf: It is as fruitlefs'<lnd foolifi1 for any one to prettnd to a delire of Grace and Salvation, and y(t he will t>Ot prize and ply the Word, Prayer, Meditation, Confe– rences, and all the means and OrdiaarJces appointed and fanCI:ilied byGud, defires them• felvcs w 1 11 quickly vanifh, if they be not nourifhed in the .ufe of means. Take heed then of li~iug above Ordinances, if thou !overt thy foul; or WO<ildft have any part in Jefus Chrill. · . , ., . 3 • True defire is ever conl\ant, and importunately greedy after fupp!yand fatisfaCli– on, it is not begot by the tempd\ of. fo!"~ prefent·emity, and 'then ·quite vanifhing a· way.when the 1\orrtl of terrour and temptation i> over; this is it that the devil looks at,he obferves how many in a fit could be<:olltent to leap out of their skin to ~;;et heaven, and to keep out of hell,but after this is over,,hey cannot away with crof!iAg their nature, tight– ing againt\ ]uCl!, wrel\ling againfi Satan, labouring for the right(oufiJefs of God,-and of Jefus Chrift, above all things,. and therefore their wifi•ings and wouldings come to nothing. Come then, and try thy defire by this mark,which ~tterly confoun:ls Satan, if thy delire takes root il'l atruly humbled heart, and never decerm1o~s,por txpaes, trll thou haft what thou defireft after: If thou cryetl, Oh give me Chrij!, 1r '! -will never be[.ctirfied! my foul is rejllefr, ~nd it jhall bt rejllefs, tiU I havt Chrift iu my mm, an.d hand.of faitb : Surely tl•is is a good fign, and thou mayft bu1ld ~poo 1t; and at lall:.thou fhalt fee, he Will tulftl the <lefire of them that breach thus a.fter htm. ·1 ' • SECT. XIV. b. r! ' . Of Satani affaultsupon teiying dn Ch;ift· iT··.rf~• holy Spirit that leads on th,eSoul by ·fieps, .begins n?w, to .•vOrk in the Sou! · .· · a 'ielyivg e11·€hrii\•: A11d this is'that aCl: ofFaJth wwhtdr Julltficanor\" ufually prortiifcd ;·