SECT, X \'I. OfSatam aJ!.a!dtJttpon obcdiciJce to Cbrifl. THe Jail act of th'c- Spirit , a.s to converGon, is to work in the Soul an obedien.:e to ChriH: True faith cannot be without worlts; the Soul that truly takes Chriil as , ~ a SlViour to free hnn frum the mi[cry of fiu, is wiJiing alfo eo take himasaLord, Husband: and King, tQ 'lerw, love, 'honour, and obey him <And to this purpofe the fpirlt npw .works in fu<;h a one, a willingnefs to fpend the r.emainder of hislife in, endeavouring, after morttficattcn of fin, conqutHs ?vcr corruption~, fanGhfica~JO.n, pu· rity, new obedience, abilay to do. or to flllfer anythmg for Jefus Chnil; and this ts that which we ordinarily intend, by faying, Sa:·ingfairb to be opcrati, e: That faith 'which brings forth uothiug ofholine!s, what rs it bm adead faidr ? AI the body withot tbejpirit Jam.• 2 5; ;. dead,fq faith witb"ut worl(s iJ dead aifo. • Satan that obferv,s this , begecs fcruples in tl,e foul , as to tl1at point of work– ing faith , aud either '.ills the hear~ ":ith an. opinion, tl1at works ~re unneceffa~y, or makes the foul concert, that the fwh It hath IS not a workwg, but an Idle, lazy, fruit– Jefs, and .barren faith. I ll1all fpeak to both thefe.- J. In fomc Satan works Hrongly, tlut works are not needful, and therefore to what purpofe !hould they work> naked Chriil, and a naked faith, is enough for them: Chrifl as a Priell aod Saviour is Gofpel·news; let· them l1ear fuch, and only fuch Se;• mons as hold forth free love, free juflification, free g'lace, withom any mixtnre of the works of the Law, to what purfpofe ('.ay they) isthis living fairh, or working faith, 01 power of l:!ith, evidenced in. Hrictne[s of walking>. Chriil have redeemed us, and Chnfi requires no other condJtrun ·but only this, Belzevc, aHd be faved; and why then {hould we vex and totnient our fdvcs by imbracing mortification, newnefs of lrfe, &c. . 2 • In other (whom l rather min1) Satan flrggcHs, that their faith is not a work· ing faith, aud therefore no true faith: Convinc't thLy are, that faith and grace, where ev~r it is, c1nnot be idle; faith hath its work, and therefore it is called, 7'heworl(. 2 thef.r.n. of Faitb JTirb P'""': But alas, they canrtot find any thing in their fouls that looks like the powerful wor!-: of faith : Satan tells them, that if they do any good, it is but from ua,tural or moral principks, and not from thi; quickniug power of tilith; it is not the 1\ IG 26 obedience of faitb, as the Ap~Hiecalls it. onto ' · SECT. X V I I. Of our rvrcjlling rvith Satan at to tbcfe a§aY/tJ. I N repelling thtfe aJT.ulcs, krusavoidbothcxtreams. And firlt,tothatof decrying works, ConliderI· That o naked faith is no faith, that ouly is true faith whichwork!thbylove. Gal.s.o. This was the flying of John Htt§e, Tf/hereg"d rvork.f appear Hl!t witbOHt, faith it not l7ith· · i11. There is a natural connexion of faith and works, and therefore ofneceflity bo:h mufl: be in th< fame fiibjec1, though both appear not in the fame Court: Faith .that imbraceth Chriftisobediential,and fruit fill in aligood works; and hence we fay, that faith hatll two notaWc ach, firil, to apprehend and hy hold 011 Ch,ifi; and fecondly, topurifie and deanfe the heart : 0, let no man feparate thofe things which God hath joyued toge• . thcr; as Cbri/1iJ made to u ; •·ighteoufoej$ and fimaification. fothcy that by faith receives 1 Cor. 1, ~o. 1 the righteoufnefs of Chrir., mull alfo be faP.ctified by Chriil ; wbofo"''r iJin Chrifl, it a • Cor, 5·17 • newcreature. 2. That good works are nccdfary by comma~d of ~od, for tbiJ inhe wiUof Ged, 1 Thef. 4 , 11. eten Y''" jjn{u,ficatton. HnKe the Lawof God llrll lCillarneth as a mle and Directory ; and l'aul rrokffcth, that he dclightctb iil tbe L,w of God i11 hit innprdman. And Rom. 7 . 22 , howoften do we read of this Comm,and of God in his Word? Charge them that are t Tim.,o. r1r rzch m tbe !Yorld,-that they do good, that they be rich i< good worl(s, ready to dif/ribme, 18, I9. laJ•i-~tg up i~z .flotc j~r thcmfc!veJ a good Jo~nd.aim agai;ljf tbc timetJ come,tb.Jt they m.1y J.rytold 011 Etcrn,t Lzfe.-Fonre are •11 worle,manjhip,creztcd i!t Chrifl Jejiu unto good Eph. '· ro. H work_r,