in tlut other world of fouls ) ifa mm were going to be crowned, and fome as he goes alongcontemns him, and viiifie5 him, what cares he for due) He knows within a few daies he 010ll b~ honoure_J by thole that now reprolch him, it we be. Jieve th~re are fnch things to com:,that \-.e n,al!lir with Chrifl,and judge the Angels,and judge the reproach•:rs,why fhouldwe be troubled at what they fay) itwill not be long but rhcy {hall be forced to call us, 1be blcffed of the Lord, a11d the blef!i11gt. of tbc rvhole world: It will not be long but Chrilr will bring forth our righteouli1ef3 a> the light, and feral! flreight, which !landerous tongues have no>v madtcrooked. 5. Make our moan unto God, and lay our cafe before him. Thns when Rab• .fhelzah reviled God, and the people of God, Hezekjah fpread the letter before God, and made his moan there·: This wos the practifc ~fJob, a11d David: My. [rie11dt Job.r 6 ,, 0 • Jcorn me ( faah Job) bt<t mme cyet powe>' nut teart,tmto Got/.--- And hold not t/,y peace, 0 God of my pr•ife ( faith V avid) for the mouth 'f the tl'ick,sd, a1td the mouth of p( 3 ., 09 • 1 , , tbe dectitful, are opmed again]! me, they ha~e fpok,sn againft me with alying tongue, they 3.4- · have c•mp•f[ei me abottt with wordt of hatred, they are ,my adverfaries, --bt11 I give mJ felfunto prayer, q.d. For my p>rt, I go for help to my. God; others have evil tongues to help them, and Tun to this and that witnefs to feek h~lp fbr thcmfelvcs, but I give my felfunto prayer, I cry unto the Lord, and he .fhaUfendfrom heaven, ami Jave me from the reprocah of bim thAt would[wallow me up. Selah. 6. Return good for evil, as occalion a11d providence olfets it felf: Being reviled, "'' bl<fs ( faith Paul) being pcrfecuted, we fi.•ffer it, being defamed, we enmat. Thos 1cor; 4 12, 1 ~, of we can pray for our reprochcrs, and dd1re good for them, and be willing to take notice ofany good in them, . and be rea<!y ro O!ter any offices of love, and rcfped:, and llindnds m1to them, a1id fo heap coales of lire upon them, there is a grear iign ofgrace, and we h1ve made a good progrefs in Gcds way : It was Chrifls ow1.1 Command to hi< Apol\les, Blefi them tlw curfeym ; prJy jor them that dcfpit eful!y ufr you, that ye M · may be the children of ya~<r Father : Why, were they nor children before) Yes, but at. $·44•4S· this declares it; now God owns tilem fer his children: And ccrtai 1ly if we behave our G:lves thus, we may have the comfon of this, that ou1 lt proaches come eo us as to Gods people, we are the children of God. 2 • Ifour perfecutions be in deed, as to imprifonment, lofs of good•, exile, or death, then praCl:ife tho(j: rules I have elfewhere laid dowp, viz. i.n fi/(.denial, and S;intt filfferiHgs. SECT, IV. Of Satans temfrtationt by the fiefh· S. !\tans nci<t affaults we call temptations,_which are b~ the Belli, our uwn lufls, oi concupifcenfc ; not our that Satan can tempt us by himft:lfe, and fo can we ; he cau' tempt us, and we not joyn with him'; and we an tempt our felves, and Satan not joyn with 1\l; but !"ofl·times ou~ te~ptations are !"ixt, he and we concur, and make one .•Cl: oftemptmg; and here1~ wilerSaranbegms to,us, and we pledge him, or we begm to him, and he )Oyns with us; when we bydlfcontent or other tnwar<f motion, expole our felves ·to temptation, the11 we begin to him ·, but when ~a.tan doth inake th~ olfer, by moving the fancy with thoughts within, or by propofing !o'!'e object w1thout, the_n d_oth he•.begm to us : Thefe wayes are ordiuary, and it ts.butrare that the devtl wtfi pot mtcrpofe, llencc Paul fpeaking to the inauied, ~e btd_s them not to be long afimder, b11t to come togctbcr ag•in,fe/1 Satan themfortheir . """"tznency: Why? was there uot fltfb and blood m them, corrupt affections and t Cor.7.6. natural concupifcencc, enough to difpofe them to luils, and to make them in~onri. nent? Yts, but they wrejlled not lag•inf/ jl~h mrd blood, but ag•inft Priftcipalities and Poweu :The devil puts in, tven iu thole very things wherein flefh and blood doth aifail us. alfo i as v:e have temptations within, fa the devil without fharpens thofe temptations, and giv<S them pomts, and makes \hem taking, and mingles and joyns !liilildte with t11e temptation·. '