. 5:6 Book H illM~r rr,>Hl ~:r~i1if::'. Chap.;.s~a-;_ :~-----------------------------------. ---------------- ------- Sur{itru cord.J, litt np your heuts, mount on rhe win~'\ oft3.itb and Jovt hJ.\'e vour conv.rf~ti'!'" iu heaven, b; much i;' meditation of thofe furpJITin5 jv)s,' lowill· you twftra1e Sva ns hopes, and cf.::apc tll~ werlds InrJ.nglem::-nt~ or fil:trcs. 5· Confidu- the words of rl1t: Preacher, V.m!!_y vf v 1z;;itirs t~U i; vanity: How? a!l is ~~-mity: yes, _Jll, an~ fOmc ~ l ~now not_ any thing in the world, but th;)u mJyfi Dr. Arrow· wmc v•dtt)• on lt: Bctlnnk thy felt, 0 dd"dcd w0r!J ( fJith one) and write over all fmi b; Cluin thy School d9_ors, L~l n<Jt tbe w,ifo m4;z· y;ll':r:i.1z hi.s wifdame; and over all thy Court– ?,liCS, Let m·t tbe tM,f,blym•>Zglny in hit migbt; aAd over all tlay Excbonges and b 1 nhs Let not the ~-i~b m~u gto:y i;z /;i.; tichu; yeay write upou thy lookmg. g~affcs thJ.t of~ Eatbp,ba, f:v·"'~ u d:wtfu~: q,rd beauty is 1 :uin; llpon thy Mews and Artillery-yards, ~nat of the I,talmtf!, Gud deltghmh 1101 zn t,JC jlrenztb of an bor{t, be t.1~eth no plcajim ~~~ tb~ :cg,J of a mail; uppn_ ~hy ~"'verns that ?f s~·/tmum_, TYmeii a m ckcr, .Jhwrg driuk.. u rap,m,;, and r.:bo(i!c;JCr H dcccwcd tbcre!~y 11 not wife ; upon thy' tvbgnines and \VJrdrobcs, that of our S1viour, L~y nnt :tpfor ymr jllvu tri.zfitrct o1z eartb, where r;notb ail~ ntjl rhtb c~rmpt,_ and.pJI· ne tbiever brc,,fl..olmtt4b .>ndj!cJI; upau thy Count– ing houks, that of Hafa~k,_->f~, TV. e tobim tb>t encre4c1h in tbat r.•bich is not his, buwlont,? aJtd tJ him .that lJd<tb bimfcif >>iiiJ rbick,_clay; upon thy Blnquetin~-houks, Ecclc:f J.2. ]erem.9 '>· Pr030.jl. l,f'a .147·1o. Pro. ~o.I . Mac. 6 19. Hcb.r.6. 1 Cor.6. IJ· rhar _at the Apotlle, lt'lc.zts fO~ tbe bdly an¥ the belly far meats, ""' 0od wi:/ dejlr.>y botb zt and tbem. 0 the VJu>ty of tile world, and of all thmc.s in it! Will a mm l:~rkcn to Satan, ond g_ivf ~is foul to the devil tor VJuiry, e>nptiJJe[;, nothing at Heb.q S· all? God fo<bid. _. 6. Confider the counfel ~n,d promife of God himfclf, let your converfatim be. witb– out covttcuji:efs, and be coment witb fuch tbings as you bave, for be lutb Jaid, I wit! 111~er, mver, never, muer, never leave tbee nor forfak! tbee : ,The word in the original ...,.. is fo often repeated; ana jfone promife be enough tO flay thine heart, !hall not tive Revei. 3 .z1o promifes in one; But harK again, 'l'o him that overcmreth rrilt I f!.rant to fit >Pith me in my Throne, evw as I ovtrcome, and fit n>itb my Fathe>• in hi1 1/mnr. One ferious thought of fitting in the Throne with Jefus Cluill, were enough (through grace) Revel,z '·7· to wean a foul from worldly·mindednefs: He tb~t uvcrcmzcs fh•il inbcrit all thing I, and .I wil{. be his God, and be fbaUbe my Son. Let the world be as nothing, and thou !halt .hav.e . all ,tbiugi'; fit lcofe to thy Relations here, anrl Chrifl will be in(lead ofall Re– lations ; Jf/bu{o forfak.ftb boufos, or brethrw, or Jijferi) erf:zrbcr, er matl;er, or r:>ife, m· Mat.19.29. 'children, or laudi,fur ;ny Names Jakf, ]hall recei~c a11 bmzdred fold, and jl.a/1 inherit ewr– la]lill$1ifi. · -. Act thy faith upon thof" promifcs, Heb. r;. 5· Revel. 3· ZI· Revel. >r. 7· M:t. I9· Y) ()the fulnets and freenefs of thefe precious promifes ! How Owuldll thou wont, that by the promife hall a command (as l may fay )of Gods own pude? Let llim that is without God in the world, lhift and fi1~rk by his wits, bm do thou live ' 'hy thy faith,_in reference to thefe promifes. 1 ' ··· · S. Co111mend thy fi:lf to Go,d in prayer, that he tmy J.sep tbee fmltle}J before the pre– Jud<.24· 'fence bj bis !(lo':j; that he may_i>Jc/ine thine heart ul/lo his tcjlimonics, and not '" covetot<f ~fa!. 8 ''9-3 6 • 1 ' 11 Cfs; that hemay prepare thy foul, and fpted his work, and lufieo his coming, Mali$ an. ·' 4 · ba]l my beloved, and be "thou lifi..e to aRoe, or to ayo111rg Hart tepon the mormtains ofJPiRevcl. 21. zo: ~CJ: We thatte{!ijietb tf~eji tbings.,_faith,fimly I come q1<ick,ly, Arne11, even fa come Lord Jefo. 9• Look up to heaven, and -g•ciw more and more weary of the world : A man that would alwaies live here, is like a ~cullion that Joveth to lye among the pots; in thofe bieffed manfions above thou O>alt have pure company, and be out of the reach and danger oftemptations; there is no devil in heaven, they were cat! out long ' tlucc, and we ar'e ro fill up their vacant rooms and places: The devil when he was not tit {o~ heaven, he was can into the world, a fit place for tnlf"y, liu' and torment; and now this is the devils walk, he compaf[cth the earth to and fro: Oh who would be in love with a place of bondage with 'SJtmsdi"cfs! Oh ~ho iu this pilgri!flage, would not often look upwards, and heaven-wards, and mmd h1shome. 1c. Go before hand into tha_t world to come, mind thy Eternity , into whici thou mu(\ enter, the Lord )1nows how foon : lt is a wonderful thing, that meno\ reafon, that are here to day, and in endlef> jdy or mif~ry to morrow, ~10uld ever forger , or fhould not ever remember fuch unexprellible c~uc~rnments: C?me, fha•e off thy worldly·miBdednefs, and infi'"d thereof ~Sot th>s _mto thy m111d, and dwell upon it, within a few ·daies and nights thy foul Will whtr be 1n heaven or hell, and if in heaven, tholl'lt fiule care for the world 1hen , and why lhould thy ca~f