Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

thy ,,d unclean, but bec>uk having the moll truitlul 2nd abundant Country in th~ world, rhcy f,r•'" nch, and gave themk!vcs tO nothingcHe but to cafe and de– lig\tt:'',d their nlturc was no worfc then others, bu t their idlene!s did fo corrupt tbc:r heart<, as the devil haJ lil>cr;y tocall in,anJ they lnd lcafiae to put onall moullrou,; and unclean defire•. _ S· Keep ""'''" tby b;dy, and bring it inn J~tbje/Ji,m; !ubdue thy fldh to the obedi- ' Cor P7. cncc a,nd difciplinc o~ the Spirit of God : My. mcani?g is~.' not to ltl!cn any thing of Wt1i·wodlvp 011 tnec, f~ch as fconrgcs, ~ h?tr·cloatn.,, pt!gnmagcs, vows of wil· ling ber;gcry, and, perpcillaf continency: The keeping under of thy body, is a bufiuels of anothe•· nature, and centills in the mornfying of luft;, and in thccxcrcifesof pi– ety, and yet this I grant that intemperance and delicacy it! meat and driolf, is hertin forbidden ; the llJOrC the ft~el, the greater is the fhmc; the body, mull: be !0 ditted, os that rhe nimbltnds and reodrnds rcquihre to • fp!ritual combat; may frill be mrrintained : This wo, P,m/J care, lcjl whw be had preaclxd to others, he bimf'ife lhould luVI! bew acdjl-·31vay: A Ca£\-away; what's that? not tdi.Lprcb.:" asifhe were unccr.tain of hi, EkCl:ion, bur rcp.-oveabic or unappTJved : It is a metaphor taken tram 1hofe who proved Ma£\crics, and ha!h regard to tho{e rimes, wben rhcr~ were certain Colkdgcs, or Acadunies (like our Artillery gardens) for exercifc of A;ms, "·here the !>lov!ces tint {nbmittcd not the;nfclves to the rigour of dwir difcipline, or wc,·e focmd tardy in their tryals, or oc' pudic or unwieldy bodies, wcrec.alnier'd or reproved· by their Mafl:ers : Jn this rcfp"Cl: Paul kept his body under, Id!: be /hould have b~·.:n reproveable, or unapproved, as rhofi: were that poorly and faind)4fll.rettlcd, or ran for the prize. · 6. Be in.the uf, of holy Ordinances. what Ordiuances ?·- r. The Word, whether read, or heard, or meditated on. Paul calls it, theSwtrnl Ephef6. 11· of tlu Spirit: w hen Chri£\ had his combar with Sltan , he made no ufeoi his Aut!>ority to command him away, but ofrhc Word , thtt.r it it writtCII· Mt::er rC<~fon was ne– ver appointed by God IV drive a way Satan. but run we ro the Word, and that will do it : I b"ve fujfered ( faicl Luther ) ma;ty great pa!J!Ont, but fo foon a1 I lay bold 011 any piece ofScripture, a11d ]laid my ]elf upon it, aJ upv11 my c'itf rb:cbar•bold: jlroishtway my tcmptation.r v~nifhed. Hence we are commanded to!iarcl11be Scriptures., as men fearch in Mines for gold, and the rather, bccauf~ here is all gold, andnodrotS. The particulars that herein thou art to follow, are thd~. -- '. Thou rnufi have ready the precept, forbiddin5 that fin to which thou art prone; what is ir, uncleannefs urge then thefe rexts , Avoid Satau, (Jr it i1 aritt£n, tbsr~ jhalt nQt commit ad:tlury:, and, Avoid Satan, f9r it is writtc,J, 11.J<':rtifie Jlllr membcu Colof. 3· 5· rvbicb are upon t:artb, jorni.catian, uncleannefs , inflrdinate affcUivJt, evil~c:mutpifoenu. Again, .AVJid Sat.:m, for it is 1-rritte11, thif i-f tf.Je rri!l td G d, eve;: _y K~ fa;rliijic:~tirt11, ~ Thef. 4·3 4• that Y' jbould abjlai1t from fornicatimz, that every one nfyote {hould k•"•w iJJw td poffoft 5• 7 • his ve§el in•jimftijicatiOil and honour, 1101 in tbelttft of concttpifwfe; --jer~od. bath not called tU u.nto U1Jcleannt[s, but unto holinefi. 2· Thou mull have ready the tbreatning, that if tL1ou yielddf, thou indangcrcfr all. Eve was flriCl: enough to mrnd the Commandment, G c! b"tbj'.zid, Ji.fhall 11ote..t Gen.3-3of it, neitbcr{hall yctJuch it; but when lhe came to the comminaticn, where God !aid ye foall Jure!y die,•!he faultcrs, and bath it t.hus, lcaft ye die: T~ke -~e ~erefore ofthis, ro add tbecommmanon, to theprohrbmon, noroulyrouy, Jt ISWnltcn tlm< fhalt net commit at!ztltcry, but withal fomicators and ad~eltcrcri Gad ui!! jrdg: 1he Heh. 1 3-4· rvori(s of the jlefh arc manifejl, n:hich are thefe, ad!lltcty,f;r!ticatio1l, u;r.lesr.l!fj.r, J .. [:i– Gal. S· 19· 2 L vioZtfnefi, of wbicb I tell yor< before, ai I bavc aljj tJid tmzes P•J<, tb.zt tbrywfmb 1 Cor.~.,.,IO. do Juch tbi 11 g 1 fhJll not inbc,.it t~e Ki-»gdome ofGod: .Be :-z_'t dcce!~ed, ntithcrfornic~t>rf, nor idolaters, nor ad 11 lto·crs, uar effe~tzi.;tate,--fh::/J wherzt the Kmgdmr ofGatL Lufr, a' it is inkind!ed of hell, fo it fhJ!I be there perpetually punifhed; the ho1J Aoge~will at at the lafl day be moll aCl:ive againH fuch, to bring them to c.ond•goe punilhmcnr, 2 Pa. 2· to. · 3· Thou mu£\ have r eady the promife, both fiJr avoiding, and rewarding. •· For avoiding the temptation thou hal1 thefe prmmks, J:Y/;o fo plcafctb Gtd, _(hA •fopz from her, bttt tbe finncr j!JaU be itJf<.?i; by ber. --And tbe Gvd of pt.u:z (~nfl4ie Y"' Ecdef.j. 2 6:~ d r: 1 1b 1. p J:. ' bl 1 Thef. 5 ,, 3 . wbel!y, , ,d Ipray Grdyu11r rr:bolejpirit, an 1 uu,.an< '")' nz..y •C T<JI?f";J<a. ~~~';- 2.\· lcjj ztnto t l coming ofour Lord Jcfu.r Chrifl; faithfit! u Jwbat callctbJ '"• ."'.bJ.zl[' wt!i &.> · 1 • :..,r rowardingthce it thou OV;Tcomcfl, thou hofi tlltii: protru!es, llfzjfrd.are ,zt. the.