Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

(12. Pfal,r 38,6, Gen.;.,. iJVdldt: l'i.IT~i) £;ct:t::5.. Chap+::,cct.w,u. ------~----~~ bo~y. be in uk ot holy Ordinonccs, bri:1g the 11nckon devil to Chrill himfdf to b: oli. out, ond ·,t the Wdrd, nr 1 P~oy~ will not do it, ad,J fJfiio;; to all , and CJthcr lll ~n.Jmary or extraodw ary (!l:t;es uo\.l wd l b:! rec:n. Au:l if CVt.f thcud1;;:fi: to lull iu thy atLC:tio:~s, and in thy co;.wtrlal!on , if ever thou gct'ti the vidory and Go l e:cf:.thee of thy vexotton ond g;ve theca dJJfl mind, to thy contmt andcomforr. Oh! rcm.:mhcr to be thankful, lcH_the tcmputJOJJ come again, and br'n·•[even temptatio::s wi:l1 it worfc then himfeH. a Book.ll, SECT. X. OfS:1t 1111 tempta!im s to Pride. SOrr.e men arc naturally, and by difpofit ion profain to pride; not dut any one • IS free, but fome ar: more prone then others. Indeed there is a great dilflllte, whrch IS the ~afier-fm m every man) No quefium (as weha..c laid) ioeveryone 1s fomc one 1111, wh1ch carnes one one way, another at:cd~cr wa1·; ar;d this: fin" whatfoever it is,arifcth fr om complexiou, education, conditi<Ar,artdcodJ<r <Ju!{s,and occaiions, which often varies, as th~ temper ofour bodi,>, alld rheordcr ofoutefute cloth change: Hence this year 1t is one fi n, ;md !even years hcntt (as every feventh year there is a feniible change in the humor of the body) it is ancther lio. But that fin of all fins, which runs th rough all ages, and tbrougha\1 thcr>clcf tn•llki,,d, irisPride; and i11 this rclpect, this is the C1ptain fin, the mufr general. .utd univcrb! fm in ail the w~rld :. Unbelicf may have that name? and b~ wel lc,tled ourM•fiu-lin, inrefp«t of Julhficauon; but the ch1cf fin, wluch IS our g:catefr moral112ee, and anies con– tinually the greatefi power with it, in r~lpect ot SlnCI:ific-,lion, lt i>lhis Go of pride. All other fins do a kind of homa11e to pride, as to their Kinr; and Lord ; orlter lins that WC ( [peaking from feeling ) do call our Maficr fins, ;m. n:Qle we of by God to humble his Saints; and to eat out this !in, and therelor.: rbs tin of pride is in that r<fpetl: alfo the chiefefi fin. As we lay in trees, there~> anufitr root, fain ori– ginal fin the mafier-root is pride; and therefore GGc tha.t atifu all odiCJ fm>, is [aid efpecially to refift tbif ji11 afar off, he can ot abidt !.e fight of it. Now S.t:>n that knows this full well, lobours with might and m' ''• eo p<ovoke all men to this fin; it was hisown fin , the very fin thu made rim of abldlid Angtl" cutfcl devil, and therefore he chiefly labours tu denvo thi; I in to all the foo;; et mm ; and i~deed, he fo far prevailed on our firll parems, by tell;ng them, TtJ.!ullh a1Gadt, Gm. 3· 1• that ever tince this fin hath claimed a kind of R'gency iu dl'l! h~'lii!S ot a!!' as we are all finful, to we are all proud, all would be fbttered iuto an e um cf theoikfvc_"> yejhall be a1 god!, is a temptation to all tort. ot men: HcRCCwe hy, pride is awetd that grows in every ground, yea, 011 humility it felC Do we nctfecmtnpretm:f to humility for their greater rife in the world ' what fri_f .lcllid and h<ndll11p will men and women endure for this very tin) witnels, naked brdl:;, and nal!ed arms, and naked fhoulders, wc all hold ofAdam in Capite: Pndt WOIS rbelidl anJ great fin in Adam, and fo it is in all his feed ; we had this lllli from l!im. arullu: h•d this lull from the Angels: 0 the pride of Angels ! it ~ivG tlran £00r ftll, and 0 the pride of .Adam ! it gave him his fall; and 0 the pride dm is iu us/ and tlratfote without repentance we alfo rr.ay perifh by this EpidemicalJin. SECT. X J. Of o~trwreflling :.Vitb Satail to overcmze tbii jilt infr:aap.HIUul:m. THat by Gods grace' we may be able to wrcllle with 5.ltao, and t~i> ~'.: We may do well to obferve fome things in particular, aud tbmclal wllh lt tngc:- general. • I• In particular: Pride is either converfaot about carnal objt&. ~~l"!"eofbeau· ty, Hrcngth, riches, apparel, &c. or about fpiritual obJcCl:s, as puckot gllts, graas, priviled~es. I !hall fpeak to both thefe. 1 • For the former, as the objeCts are feveral, fo in refpec1: ofdl;tm&verally, conlidtr thus.-· I: For beauty, confider thy beauty i~ bm skin· deep; andneva:w.znliJW ln:<luriiuf. bur