Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Bookll, SECT. XIJ. Of rnt 1vrcjl ling rvirb Sat:.m inge:.c~·JI, toovcrconu tbiifin. BUt as thus I lu ve dealt '~ith fome ['arti~ulars, fo I wollld propollud fome genenl rules, wh:ch may mdriferen:ly ferve for every latttude, mendtan, or elevation ut pri k A;-- 1• ~rcE int? God; prefence; confider of Gods greatncfs, purity, holincfs, perfcCl:ioA, MaJd,y: A hc;llt ot lm glory were enollgh to humble thee, and call thee down into Lam4. ro. adcpth of Dro bons. To this pmpofe we are called on, to bumble our {elves i11 tbe J 6 o( God : A fight of God is it that makes the cre.rme !brink ·meo nothing: Nor. 1°~.;~~ ·, ;. , 3 . mim C)'C fcab tbce( fJith JQb ) r:ohcrcfore I abbor myfeif,andr'.J'ent in ,;,,rr and ajhu. Thrs maJ c E/ijl"' to ,vr,rp /m f• ce m a m>ntle : thrs rmde the Angels cover rheir faRcvcl.4. 10 • Ccs and feet; thrs nude the trventy fu"r Eldcn t >ea(/ thei>· Cr""'" before the 7'hrnne of tbe L .unb. Nothm;; wt!l more plllck thy plumes of pride, then a ferious view of the glory of God, as the llars vauitb whm the Slln appeareth, fo will om poor candle, wh,n the glory of ,, o1 arrfech m our thought;: Lame then, look on him, and be humbled, clue acreature fo vik ( asrl;ou wilt then appear ) fhould ever be proud; 1.'ben [.Azd I, woe l! me, fur I am una!JitC, bccaufe Iam .fl man of u;:clcan lips, and I dwell iH tbemid;! of a reo pie of u;:clean lip!' fo r mineeyer bavt[erHtheKir.g,tbe Lordnf Hojl!. lfal,6. ). z. Note that fin elpecia\ly, which all thy lifelo,.,ghathbeenof moll infamy, and dwell upon it; David once fell fouly into adultery, and·rhtrcfure he cryed, Myfw Pral.sq. iuver befdl'e me; it kept him very low, Lord, my bearti!lrothaughry, 1rormineeyes Pfaf.t 31. 1, 2, lofty, ueither do 1 ex(rcifc my[elf in great mattcl'J, or in tl:rings toohigh for me: I am even aJ " cbi/d that is wtamd of his motber, my foul is even as a weaned child. Paul was once a perfccutor, and injurio11s, and therefore he crycs, 0 I am tbe leaf! of Saints, and the greattjt of finners: This is a faithful [ aying, a11d wortby of all 'Cceptation, tbat Chri{i 1 Tim.t.I S· .Jt[u! came imo the 'R>orld to [ave jinners of' whom I am chi.ef. Men are proud, becau[c Pro 3o.>. they know not themfelves; when Ag.z<r had but lludred htmfelf, he cryes,Sttrely I am more bruitijh then any man, I ba~e >rottheu•derft.,tdinf!. ofamau. If we would but examine 0ur fcl vcs, and cal\ to mind our foulcll fins, and moll irregular praCl:ifes, chefc would be as the Pcicocks feet to pull down our plumes. 0 ! who could be proud, whilll he were ral<ing in thefilth ofhis moll noyfome lulls> 3 • Obferw Gods Judgments oo P' ide, eith. r on thylll t.or ochcro. Nebt~chadnezz>rs DJn.s. 21, 22. pride m>1de his heart like tbz beajls, fo th '' bis dew/ling tVAI with thewild.jfcs, tbey fed •3,•5· him with grafs lik$ O;<Cit, and his bod;: W.<J wet >vitb tbe d~w of IJtaveu, And as on him, {o GodsJudgements tell on hts ~on, for fo 1t tol tows, And thouhis Son 0 Be!– fha~zar, hajl not bHmbled tbine beart tbor<gh time k}rowcjl all this, br<t hail lifted Vf' thy folfe agai>>}l the Lord of heavw, aild tbcrtjbre GJd frnt tbe writin~, MENE, ME– NE, 1EKEL, VPHARSIN ; Are not thcfe cernbk examples> Wzth God" temblt Tob.37,22. [l{,jefiJ•, faith J ob: fie Jh•fl wt off the {pi>·it ."f PrinCl'r, faith D.avid; be is terrible I'fo1l.; 0 · 12· to the Kings of tbe eartb; ne cttts offtheJI I p1rm that are proud, lil Hebrew be flzpr them off, as one would tlip oJf a flower bctvnen his hngers : And thlls he dealt with Pharaob, Auuochus, Herod, and other proud Tyrants. AttiiJsKrng of the Hmmr, proudly gave ouc, that the llars tdl him, and the cHth trembled at. his prc– ltnce and be would bethe lcourge of all N. tt ons, but fhorrly aher he dted by • Flux' of blood, breaking out at his mouth, which choak;d han on his wedding day. 4 • LaokJng untojtjiu,. and conform to him, yea, by tlith draw out the lpirtual virtue of an humble Chnfl : Chnfls exanple, ts not only drrtCl:Ive, but full ot vJitue; M<tth. the very hem of his garment, bdieving\y couched, would cure this blood ilfue: WJs 1 ' · ' 9 • not this Chritls own tdfon? Learn of me, for I am mrelz aud lowly ia heart, and Y' jhall find rejl ~<nto your f uHif, q. d.. Learn ot m~, tor 1am lowly, _Jam fent by God 'the father into the wOild, and thti rs one fpect•l end that I am lent mto the world for, even to hold out unto the world a pattern of humility, I amappointed as a great Ordinance ot God che Father to hold torch this, and theref.Jre look on me, and be ye lowly, as 1am lowly : Surely good reaf011 we llwulcl be as he was, lowly, as he was lowly, and 4umbk, as he was humb!e; When ltebecca came t? lfottc, and . fht faw him walking in the field, and asked the fervaot who rt was, and he fatd, tt was'"" MJ!itrs [on, prekntly Rel·ecca lighted down, and goes on her feet? fhe woJld ,be as he was; he walked, and Rebccca would walk too : lt is good rea{tim that the Spoufe ?f Chn 11