Book H. Chrifl 01culd be lo'-"ly asChrill; and therefore f1itb Chrill, Learn ofme, look on me, write artu me,, let tht: mind be in you., '~hich wa~ in me; Every Chrifiiah ~s uuit• ~· 6 -, cd to Jefus Chriff, and fhould be acted by the Lme Spirit that Chriil is : Let thii miizd f ' 1·•·5, ,,,e. be inyH, which was a/fo in Chri]f Je{:tl, whobeing i11 the form of God, tbought it nn r• 1 bbrryto be cq:ulwithGod, but mac!' himfi/f of 110 reptttatiun, and t6>Jk_ ttpon him tb< form of a firv<nt, a11d was made i11 the lik,fnefs •if men, and beingfUJtnd in fafhion AI' a "'""'he lmmblrd himfi.lf. Now let;this min4 be in you. As pride is the rcfcmblanceofthe d< vi I, which i>r.ought him to ruiue, fo is humility the rdcml>lance of]efus Chrifl. which broneht him to honour. 0 then let this mind be in you, which wa~ in Corifl! look at him, · in all-the pJrticuilracts of his humility, and by fJithdraw virtu · .out of all chafe acts. 'i. Let every act of pride be accompankd witha fubfcquent act of humiliation : If thou canltnot prevent this fin ofptide, yet check it fofoon as ever it arifeth. This wa$ Hezek.iaiJJ courfc, after he was fie!<, and reflored to health, he forgot himfelf; a•td rtJtdrtd not again according to the bene~t done unto him, for hit he.<rt wat lifted 2Chro p.24, 11p, thmfm there wat n·rath upon him, and up•n Judah and Jcrufalem, ltotn·i!hjlandint. 2 ! >6, Hczchi>h ht<mblerl himfilf, for the pride .of hit heart (both he, and the inha·bitantl of Jcrufalem )fo tlut the wrath of the Lord came not t<pon them in the d"ies of Heukiah. J t is hi~jh rime t,a be humbled , and lye low, when thou haft committed f~ch a fin 1 as to provoke God to .wrath : flcar je, and give ear, be not pm<d, for tbe L·wd bath ler.'3·'f.l1· Jpok[>t.-- But if Y' will ·not he,r, my {o11!jhaU weep infecrct plHU for your pride. If pdde ea before, h.p.mi!iation mutt follow after; Be aj]lilled, and m""rit, and n-·eep, let Lam.tJ..?,to. )n'lfr l.JuJ.,hter be tUr1fed to m1urni-:g, .:nd y ntr jny lrJ heavim{nh~mPk yrur !fives in the fi!!.ht of tlu Lord, a1td be jhalllijiy'H up. . . 6; Trealitre up fome holy principles, and keep rhem frefh and ready in thy thoughts . to qnell this fin :when we wouit.t fupprefs weeds, vye ufually fow the contrary feed; [9 llave thou at hand, and in mind, fame contruy [,ed, fame holy principies. I {hall inflance in theft two; , t • Pride is the fore·runner of ruine; it is a Proverb as tme, as commonty fpoken, that pride goer beforeaf•ll· Indeed, So/,m•n in his Proverbs give;; that for one,. pride i'to.t6. I8. J'_OCtb brf;re dejlru8ion, and a11 baugl11y fpjrit bef;re afall; and therefore he pvurtrayed the proud man to the life, that pictured him fi1atching at a Crown, aod falling, wit!. this Mo!to, Sic meafdla fcq~< r. . . , . , .. Humility is the way to £,1ory; this is often in0lcated by our faviour, He thRt Luke r.p t; hHmf>lob ~imfil{jhll be cxalrcd : We are all by nature proud (as we have heard) 18.14. we fhould all be exalted ; how is it then that we forget this principle, '[be way to rife, i1 to f•ll;God 15an us a pattern ofit in Jcfus Chrifl : Firfi, h~ emptied himjelf, Phib, s, 6 , 1 : •nd I>Hmolerlhtmfrlj tn tbe deotb •if the Craft, wherefore God b.Jtb bzghly ex.Titcd btm, 8,9, and givm bim a Name above ail NanieJ. I know JlOt any good, but humility is a meatlS to obtain it; am 1 in t.rouble ? and would I have deliverance? '[be Lord h~>rctl; the d.jiru oj the bumble: Am I in a place of honor? , and· do I fear a fall·?A Pfal 10 "7; m•ns pride Jhall bring him low, but bqnour (IJall upb>ldthe humble i11 fpirit. Thougil Pro,a9. 2 3' places of •dvanccment be llippery, yet the humble fhall bo upheld : Am I difcon!Olate1 and would I [ee more of God, and r?f his ~avour. and love 1he that is in 1he l9weft pits, fees flars in the day time,. the Lord rviU revive the fpirits of the humble: Would ·, 1bo advanced not only on earth, .but in heaven.? wh,[otver }hall hmdble himfelf as lfai.sPS;. a /iule. c1 ild, the fume jha/1 he gre•tljl i;zthe Kingrk.nie•f htavfit. Matt.t8 •4•' 0 thinkofrhefe principles! pride. he~, but humi'lity .to heaven: I.t was. an ;uifwer that a Phylolopher .gave to one that asked him, what God did in heFenl Why,' f i\! he, He i1 be,:i;zz, dowtt the proud, •~tdliftiJtg ttp the hnmblr." , I Of SJtRnstemptatjmstop~ffion, or ange·r: O-Thers are ofch9lerick difpofitions, and fo . p~one to paffion or anger~ cl;ey oreake all Rules, bqth .ot Reafqn and Reltgtoo ; nvw Satal) tha.t 'cbf.;rves their temper, puts on, to make them more raging, Jicrce., and furiqus; Satan frill hath a' gre•t hand and llroak in every .fin, he can cafily make .ufe of our bodies, by com. m~t ion ofthe humours, he can fl>r u~ up to uncleannc(s, pailion, revenge, and all other. liAfual lulls: Henceclmal defircs are called hi; lujlt, Job. 8. H• and ~?,iving place . t?. K z anger