Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

6& Book H am!lar lbitll Webtlt. Chap+Sect.q· Ephcf4.26. Y'ro.4.1 7. .Ecclef.7·9• Pro. I4·~9· L•m.r.•9· M<tt. S· '4·. t Tim,z.-8. · Ephef +•'· anger, is in the Ap0llles language, a giving pl>ee to tbe devil, Epbef.-!. 2 6. 27 • In· deed .rhe Heathen,. wh~ undcrlto0d _not the op: utiou of the devil, thought all our con~1<~.l:s were agamfi_ mter~al palhons , but my T~xt IS clear, TfTe wrej/le nnt only agamjl them, _but aga•~Jt Prtncz~Jiwer, m~d Power, and RttlerJ of the d.~rk.nefi oftbir wurld, a;ui fpmt~tal wzckfdnejfeJ m beavmt.u.l ihall not deny, but fometimes we be– gi!l the temptation, and fometirnes S1ta~s Z•nard, fpeaking of the outward power of the devil over tempelts, Sometimu, fald he, he may >'aife tbe matter, at otherJimu the matter being, Sat.t.n may ad;ryn himfelf, and m•k$ the tempcfl more im· petzmu. And yet for all elm, 1t mull be granted, there Js a jull, and hannkfs and holy anger, Be yt an;,ry', and fin not, faith die Apofile. Thus Jacob was angry, Gru. 30. 2. and Moftr was angry, N,.m, 16. 15. and Nehemiah Wa$ angry Neh. 5 .6. and Jctemi•b wa> angry, ]er. 6: I_r. and Chrifi hirnfelt'wa5 angry, M>rk..3• 5• But th1s pafl10n of anger I lpeak of, 1t IS that wh1ch IS un1ufl and finf•l, it is anger which gives place to the devil, it i1 an anger which miffes in object, time, meafurc end and other mcumflances. Give me leave but a while to in!ill 011 thefe, and th;n yo~ will know what anger is finful, and what anger I mean. ----"- !. It is fuch a~ anger a~ miffes in rtlpect ofthe object; holy anger hath a right ob– ject, a5 matters ot Rea!on, Religion, the honor and glory of God,and of}efi1s Chrill; but !infHI anger, iseither cxerciftd about nothing: Thus many are angry , and they know not whcrdore; there'! agreat rleal of cry ( as they fay) a11d bm little ~JOU ; or it is xerc&d aoout every thing. fhusevery trirlc, and every toy, any thing in the world, rhat fllls 011t in the Jeafl m11111er againfi their mi11ds, ptltS many into anger; or it is e,xercifcd againll lomc excdlcncy that God 1uth beflowed upo11 others more than theinfelves : So Sat~l was angry with DaviJ, and Cain was angry with Abet: when Tygers fmell the fragrancy of fp1ces, they are put imoa rage or fury (a~ fometimeS' you hwc heard) !o many were an5ry at the grace5 of Gods Spirit which they obferve in others: Thefe, and fuch like, are the object; about which finful anger is converfant. 2, It is luch an anger as miffe; in refpect of time : holy anger is deliberate, feafonable, and ihort; but the anger whic!J the devil fets on, it is t, Sudden and indeliberate: Thus many men and women have tinder·fpirits, or gun-powder fpirics, as fo0n as ever the tire comes to them, they are all in a fume : Againfl this, fa.ith Solorn011, he that if foalt ""flY dealcth foolifUy ; and be >tot hJjly in thy fpirit to be angry, for •ngtr rcjluli i;z tbe bofume of fo•ls. From this hafly anger, LWe call the patlion of anger bJjline{I ; fiecb a r~mt if a;z h.zjly m,n, ot jiecb a wom.m if an b!ly worn"t• Now th~ is folly , f<ith the wile man ; He ti1.1t i1 fh• to wrath i1 of grw wrderftand– in~, bit be that i1 bajly of Jpirir , exalwb foUy : Wherefore my bdoved bretbmt, let cvC'ry nun be fwift tu bear, flow to {pes~, and flow to wr.1tb. Holy anger is tlow , wherein it imitates God, but finful anger is fudden. z. It is unfeaforuble; thus many arc angry in the pre!ence of others, who fhould not fe~ it, or they are angry, wh~n they fee others angry before them. This minds rne of the counlel that one gave to a young married couple, who were both of p•lhonace cholerick fpirits, that they fhould bdurenot t.obe angry together, rt cannot be good to add heat to tire; or 'th<y ar.e angry when they are about eo perform a duty, this is the devils leafon; ma• ny <ire angry, either before Sermon, or after Sermon, or, it may be, immediately before or after prlyer, eo thefe, faith Chrilt, firfl be reconciled to thy Brother, a11dthm c;mc and offer thy. gift. And of thde, faith the Apoll le_, I ,viUtherefore tbat m;n pral every wTure; lifting "P boly l~anrl1 witlmtt _wrath. Tl11s '."rath , at fuch ~ ume, I5 an impojfoning heavy hrnderan:e, whrch clogs and clips rh~ wmgs ~f a prayer, that it can newr be able !0 afcend up tnfo heaven; and therefore tll!S anger IS very uu· feafonable. 3• S nful anger is conllanc; it abides too long, theSungoesdown up·· on it; when the Apollle faid Be angry, and jilt net; he adds, let"'! tbe Sun godow11 upon Y'"' """tb? r.eirhcr give place to the devil. Any man thJt retai·oes his ange.r longer then even1ng, grves place to the devrl: Many ea~ f,y, !hall I grve way to my enemy ? Onl l I yield eo him who hath done me !uch and fitch wrong :' uut !hey little confider, that in retaining their anger, they give way to the devd they yield to the devil: What ? is it not bwer to yield to your brother, though· yoor intCriour, ch~n to yield to the ~~vil > !hall men liv" .os. if they drank no o– thC'f' waters but ot M>JJ"hand Meribah, ofthe waters ot Hnfe>asthe Churchfa1d concernill~ God, Will be rcferve hi1 anger /01· e-""' > fo may 1 f•y offltch, will they referve. th~ir aJ1gcr for ever; Snrdy this anger is fi!J!,d;, in refpc·ct of rime. 3· It